Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Will Grayson, Will Grayson is a young adult novel written by John Green and David Levithan.

The chapters alternate narrators between two people named Will Grayson. The first Will Grayson (narration by John Green) is introverted, straight, and tries to avoid unhappiness and disappointment by abiding by two rules: "don't care too much, and shut up" -- in contrast to his lifelong best friend Tiny Cooper, who is extroverted, and both "really really gay" and "really really large". The second Will Grayson (narration by David Levithan) is a loner, cynical and clinically depressed, who is in love with his AIM buddy Isaac and puts up with his sort-of friend Maura.

The two Will Graysons meet up about a third of the way through the novel, when the second Will Grayson goes to meet Isaac in person for the first time. Then the rest of the novel happens. Sorry, but any more details after that are too spoileriffic.

Tropes used in Will Grayson, Will Grayson include:

"anyway, i really need this job, which means i can't do things like yell or pin my stupid name tag upside down or wear jeans that have rips in them or sacrifice puppies in the toy aisle." [sic]

Will Grayson #1: [Jane's] whole face changes when she smiles--this eyebrow-lifting, perfect-teeth-showing, eye-crinkling smile I've either never seen or never noticed.

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