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What an Idiot!/Web Comics

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  • In Girl Genius, Othar Tryggvassen (GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER!) has been "kidnapped" by Ferretina, the Weasel Queen, who has made it extremely clear that she will offer sexual favors in return for companionship and understanding to help her get over her self-esteem issues. You'd Expect: He stays, at least long enough to help her out, convince her to stop attacking the villagers, and maybe pick up some "treats". Instead: He figures that she's lured him into a deathtrap., but then it is well established that Othar is an idiot. Also, everything in the radio plays in exaggerated to hell and back in order to be played for extra comedy and drama, including Othar's usual tendencies.
  • Misfile. Rumisiel finds the corpse of a missing angel. You'd Expect: Him to contact heaven since not only is a dead angel a really big no-no and he's needing all the brownie points he can get to get back into heaven and have a proper investigation done. Instead: He jumps to the conclusion his brother must be the murderer, disintegrates the body obliterating all the evidence and Wangsts about it before confronting his brother in a handy out of the way place with no witnesses. Thankfully it appears Vashiel is innocent, of that murder at least.
  • Drowtales. Syphile sneaks into the Sarghress compound to try and assassinate Quain'tana and actually manages to get close enough for a clear shot with her crossbow. You'd Expect: Her to just fire at her head, get it done with and flee. Instead: She jumps out loudly declaring a challenge, completely blowing her cover. When she does actually fire she misses several times and throws down her crossbow, allowing for a one-on-one match that she naturally loses in a Curb Stomp Battle that results in her death.
  • Las Lindas: Mora has just discovered that there is indeed a Love Triangle between her, Rachael and Minos. You'd Expect: Mora to get the whole story from Minos (and maybe Rachael) before acting. Instead: Mora goes completely berserk and savagely attacks Rachael, loudly declaring her intention to beat her to within an inch of her life and then dump her broken, bloody body in the nearest alley. Things go downhill from there.
  • Juathuur: Rowasu swears to Sojueilo that he will kill her squad-mates, and then her, after he is done mourning the death of a friend. You'd Expect: Sojueilo to warn her squadmates that an Ax Crazy psychopath is on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, and they are the target. Instead: she doesn't. It ends in her squadmate's blood.
  • In Strawberry Death Cake, the cast members are part of an organisation waging a Secret War against demons. They have received metamorph weapon (Swiss Army Weapon that can morph into any conceivable weapon and, when not active, these turn into rings). You'd Expect: That the cast would carry these weapons on their hands at all times, especially on a mission to investigate a case of demon bugs in an high school. Instead: Jessica forgot them in another set of clothes.

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