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What an Idiot!/Anime and Manga/Ookamikakushi

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In Ookamikakushi, Hiroshi isn't exactly known to make intelligent decisions. To list a few examples:

  • He has befriended Sakaki, who confides to him that he lost his fiancee to the mysterious group murdering people around town, and is seeking the truth. Hiroshi knows who the leader of this group is: Someone from his own school.
    • You'd Expect: Hiroshi would realize Sakaki is probably murderously furious towards the person who killed his fiancee and keep his mouth shut until he knows more about the group, or the person's reasons for doing it.
    • Instead: He tells Sakaki the name of the leader in the group. Not surprisingly, Sakaki uses this little bit of information to set a trap.
  • Said trap involves kidnapping the girl ( Nemuru), calling up Hiroshi, and taking him out in the middle of the night to an abandoned barn with the claim that he will show him "the truth".
    • You'd Expect: Hiroshi would see something suspicious in being called up at night, realize he might potentially be in danger if he were to go inside, and not go into the barn.
    • Instead: He walks into the barn, runs into Nemuru, and realizes the danger he might be in...just in time for Sakaki to leave him a knife as a parting gift and lock him up inside.
  • During the night, Nemuru finally tells Hiroshi everything, including that he is in danger of being attacked if she loses control of her impulses, and must be left tied up.
    • You'd Expect: He would take into account what almost happened with Issei and follow her advice and leave her tied up until morning.
    • Instead: He unties her, and she nearly attacks him. Nothing bad happens, but still...
  • And then there's Sakaki in episodes ten and eleven. We will start with the end of episode ten, which is when he begins to latch on to the Villain Ball: He stabs his accomplice and lets him know of his real plan to destroy the city.
    • You'd Expect: He would stab him one last time to kill him, thus unable to tell anyone of his plans.
    • Instead: He leaves him to die alone. When someone else comes across the wounded man, he uses his last breath to warn the village of Sakaki's plan.
  • And speaking of Sakaki's plan...his plan is to basically open the dam and destroy the village. After managing to open the dam itself...
    • You'd Expect: He would stay at the station to guard it, or otherwise break the dam controls before leaving.
    • Instead: He not only leaves the station, but he also leaves the controls perfectly intact for the heroes to come along and undo the damage.
  • While heading back through the forest, Isuzu notices Sakaki, someone who holds a grudge against the entire village and hates everyone in it, walking by, not to mention someone whom she knew was a genuine threat.
    • You'd Expect: She would get out of there and alert the attention of the police, or the extermination group.
    • Instead: She follows him into the forest alone, loses sight of him, and gets shot.
  • Last but not least, Sakaki is just about ready to take his revenge and is presented several oppurtunities to shoot Nemuru and/or Hiroshi.
    • You'd Expect: He wouldn't wait for them to finish monologing and just shoot them.
    • Instead: He stands around waiting for them to finish talking before ranting about his revenge, and how they're all monsters...but never actually shoots anyone. By the time he does try to get a shot, Kaori shows up, takes the bullet instead, and drags him down to his demise.

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