Super Mario Bros./Characters/Wario and Company
A list of characters associated with Wario, mostly from the Wario Land and Wario Ware series. See also Mario's and Donkey Kong's casts, who both share a loosely defined universe with Wario and company.
Wario and Waluigi
"Obey Wario, DESTROY MARIO!"
Debut: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
A fat, ill-tempered, greedy treasure hunter and microgame maker who is often described as Mario's rival. Debuted in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins as the Big Bad, but branched off with Wario Ware and his own platformers; his nemesis is Captain Syrup (see below). He sticks around for the spin-offs, though.
Tropes associated with Wario:
- Accidental Hero: Wario never intends to perform acts of heroism, he just wants treasure.
- Acrofatic: Still capable of feats of agility/acrobatics despite being fatter than Mario.
- Anti-Hero: Type V.
- Badass
- Badass Biker: in Wario Ware
- Badass Mustache
- Genius Bruiser: Don't let his appearance fool you, he's insanely smart.
- But he falls short of this since he thinks that the fewer wrinkles you have on your brain, the smarter you are.
- Big Eater: Especially in Wario World, where he has a Kirby-like ability to suck in coins.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": The W on his cap and gloves.
- The Bully
- Chrome Champion: While Mario was this in Super Mario 64, Wario took over this capacity entirely in Super Mario 64 DS.
- Characterization Marches On / Villain Decay: He was an outright villain in his first appearance, but later games made it clear he's more greedy than evil.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: In the Wario Ware series.
- Divergent Character Evolution: Design-wise—in newer games, he wears a T-shirt under his overalls (unlike Mario, Luigi and Waluigi, who wear long-sleeved shirts).
- Also, Wario in his debut was able to use the same powerups Mario could, except more powerful. The Wario Land series gave him his own set of skills; generally used for puzzle-solving than getting from point A to point B.
- Eternally Pearly-White Teeth: The Wario World manual says that all the garlic he eats scares off any germs that would cause tooth decay. Any plaque that's brave enough to stay there, he himself eats.
- Averted in Wario Ware Touched, where Wario gets a terrible toothache from eating sweets. Twice.
- Evil Counterpart: Wario was set apart from Bowser in his first appearance by his ability to use the same items as Mario.
- Evil Versus Evil: Pretty much the only way he can come off as being remotely heroic.
- Depending on its place in canon, he does go out of his way to rescue Princess Peach in Super Mario 64 DS for no real profit (unless he really likes cake anyway).
- Evil Twin: Evil Twin wannabe, anyway.
- Extra Ore Dinary: His hat power up in Super Mario 64 DS is the Metal Cap.
- Fartillery: An exclusive move in Super Smash Bros..
- Fat Bastard
- Fiction 500: In Wario Land more than Wario Ware.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: His primary method of defeating enemies.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He manages to build a teleporter into television on a whim.
- Gag Nose: A pink one.
- Gasshole
- Gonk: One of the few examples of a gonk protagonist.
- Greed: A poster child.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He'll gladly liberate the citizens of a music box from an evil clown...if you let him keep any treasure he finds.
- Iron Butt Monkey: Most of the Wario Land series have him with absolutely no health bar, with intentionally having himself hit to actually progress through the level.
- Large Ham: More so in Wario World.
- Lightning Bruiser: He is massively strong, can take a lot of damage, and can jump high and dash quickly (with his signature dash attack).
- Mighty Glacier: Always this in the Mario spinoffs, though in Super Smash Bros. he retains his Lightning Bruiser status instead.
- Made of Iron: The dude can take almost anything thrown at him. Heck, a some of the Amusing Injuries inflicted on him in Wario Land II & 3 actually serve as powerups!
- The Man Behind the Man: Fanon says Tatanga was just a patsy for Wario.
- Mind Control Eyes: In the commercial for Super Mario Land 2.
- Mirror Boss: In Super Mario Land 2.
- Odd Friendship: With Toadette apparently.
- The Other Darrin: In Mario Party 1 and 2 and the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64 he's voiced by German localizer Thomas Spindler, so he's got a slight accent. It even caused the infamous "D'oh I missed!"/"So ein mist!" Mondegreen.
- Phantom Thief: In Master of Disguise.
- Punny Name: In Japanese, warui means "bad". The letters R and L are interchangeable in Katakana, and thus Waluigi below.
- Purple Is Powerful: Wears purple pants in most of his apperances.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Wears pink pants in the Wario Ware series.
- The Rival: To Mario.
- Signature Move: His "Shoulder Charge" attack.
- Stout Strength: Wario has always been portrayed as fatter and stronger than Mario, and he's got the biceps to show it.
- Super Strength: He can punch the ground to cause earthquakes and regularly pulverizes stone blocks.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Garlic.
- Token Evil Teammate: In Super Mario 64 DS.
- Villain Protagonist: Initially. After Wario Land he becomes more of an Anti-Hero.
- Villainous Glutton
- Would Hit a Girl: Wario has pummeled Captain Syrup in Wario Land 2 (in the endings to be specific), the Golden Diva from Wario Land 4, DinoMighty from Wario World, and Terrormisu from Master of Disguise. He's got no problem with smacking chicks.
Waluigi debuted in Mario Tennis as Wario's partner (we don't know for sure if they're brothers) and Luigi's rival. He has so far only appeared in Mario spin-off games, and his only appearance in a Wario game was in several minigames in Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. His odd confrontational and slightly crazed manner have seemed disturbing to some, and inspired this comic.
Tropes associated with Waluigi:
- A Day in the Limelight: Waluigi gets a fair bit more screentime in the Mario Tennis games. He stars in Power Tennis' opening movie alongside Wario. Also, WALUIGI PINBALL!
- Anti-Villain: He's not really much of a villain - In fact, the only indication that he is one is at all is that his goal is to Take Over the World.
- Ascended Fanon: Stalking Luigi.
- Assist Character: In Super Smash Bros Brawl, he is one of the many Assist Trophy characters. His function is to chase down opponents and try to stomp them into the ground and finish up by launching opponents with a mighty kick or a swing from his tennis racket.
- Badass Moustache: It is rather impressive.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": An L, flipped upside-down and mirrored, on his cap and gloves.
- It could also be the Greek letter gamma (Γ). Coincidentally, if you write Waluigi's name phonetically in Modern Greek, it becomes Γουαλουίτζι (Goualouítzi).
- Butt Monkey: In some of the sports titles.
- Canon Foreigner: Has yet to appear in a mainline Super Mario game (nor has he ever appeared in a Wario game).
- Dastardly Whiplash: He bears an uncanny resemblance to Dick Dastardly.
- Flight: Something like it. In Mario Power Tennis and Mario Hoops 3-on-3 he can "swim" through the air. He can't rise, though.
- Gag Nose
- Gonk
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Had them in his debut.
- Gravity Master: He can swim in mid-air.
- Green Thumb: His special attacks in Mario Strikers Charged involve summoning purple bramble.
- Harmless Villain: So much that you wouldn't even know he was a villain, if he hadn't tried to Take Over the World.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: They can't seem to decide if he and Wario are brothers or not.
- Hijacked by Ganon: It at first looks like he's going to be the main villain of Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, but he's just the first boss, with Bowser being the final one.
- He has done this to Bowser as well in Mario Party 3. After getting the Beauty Star Stamp, Bowser shows up. Expecting a fight with Bowser for the Mischief Star Stamp, Waluigi steals it instead, CURBSTOMPS Bowser when he tries to object, and forces the player to fight for the Stamp on a board of his own creation. While Waluigi only ends up being the penultimate boss-of-sorts, that scene was Bowser's last appearance in 3's Story Mode.
- In a Single Bound: He's the only character who has ever come close to Luigi's jump height without flying.
- Jerkass
- Lean and Mean
- Mad Bomber: He often throws Bob-ombs in his sports appearances.
- Remember the New Guy?
- Satellite Character: He's characterized by his motivation to make Luigi's life miserable. Later games have pushed this into the background a little and made him into more of a cheat and a prankster, with a mischievous personality to match.
- Spin Attack: One of his special moves in Mario Power Tennis.
- Stalker Without a Crush: Revealed to be this to Luigi in the 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, but people definitely thought he was this already.
- Stone Wall: Due to his long limbs, Waluigi is one of only 2 characters classed as "defensive" in the Mario Tennis series.
- Take Over the World: His goal. You can probably guess how good he is at it.
- Third Person Person: Waluigi will spy on Luigi using his new Waluigiscopes!
- Trademark Favorite Food: Eggplants, to go with his purple theme.
- Weak but Skilled: This is his usual role in the Mario spinoffs in contrast to Wario as well as in his debut game. However, he has trounced Bowser in a fight, and in the Mario Kart games he is usually another variation on the Jack of All Stats, except in the Wii version where he is a Mighty Glacier-type racer instead. He is also a Stone Wall Speedster in Mario Strikers Charged, a Stone Wall in the sequel Tennis game, and Unskilled but Strong (falling a couple yards short of Wario) in the Mario Golf series. He may just be another Lightning Bruiser overall.
Characters from Wario Land
Captain Syrup
Leader of the Black Sugar Pirates, Captain Syrup is the main rival of Wario in the first two Wario Lands, in the first game possessing a base on Kitchen Island which is raided by Wario, and in the second game takes revenge by seizing Wario's new castle. Much to the glee of fans, she returned in Shake It! as an ally to free the Shake Dimension, with the same ulterior motive as Wario: money.
Tropes assoicated with Syrup:
- Badass
- Big Bad: In the "Wario Land" series
- Evil Versus Evil: Although its somewhat subverted since both Wario and Captain Syrup aren't truly "evil" per say, just really greedy.
- Evil Plan
- Femme Fatale
- Identical Stranger: No, that's not Elaine Marley from Monkey Island.
- Lovable Rogue
- Not So Different: While she's portrayed as a villain usually, she's really not that different in motivation or morality from Wario.
- Pirate Girl
- Samus Is a Girl: In the original Wario Land.
Rudy the Clown
"Ahh..Ah-hah-HAH! Finally I am myself again ! Now I can rule this world and the outer one as well !! I need you no longer, Wario! I shall crush you like a bug!"
Debut: Wario Land 3
An evil clown/demon thing sealed away in the music box world, he returned in Dr. Mario 64 for some reason not quite explained.
Tropes associated with Rudy:
- Background Boss and Giant Hands of Doom: In Wario Land 3.
- Bat Family Crossover: Him in Dr. Mario 64. Or more precisely, the entire Wario Land 3 enemy cast in said game.
- Big Bad: Of Wario Land 3.
- Evil Laugh
- It's All About Me: Stealing Megavitamins for himself from Dr. Mario, although Wario is after the same thing.
- Monster Clown: As you should have guessed was the name and appearance.
- One-Hit Kill: The only thing that can hurt Wario.
- Raymanian Limbs: Ends up being his downfall. To damage him, you ground-pound his hands, temporarily detaching them. After that, you pick them up and throw them at his face, in a weird case of "stop hitting yourself."
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Sealed away, but turned the people into monsters.
- Spikes of Villainy: On his gloves.
- Treacherous Quest-Giver: He exploits Wario's greed to free him from his prison.
- Using You All Along
- Villain Ball / Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: His plan would have succeeded if he just lived up to his word and sent Wario back to the outside world rather than try to kill him for outliving his usefulness.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The reason he's the Final Boss.
- Your Size May Vary: He's bigger in Wario Land 3 by a whole lot.
Mad Scienstein
Debut: Wario Land 3
Tropes associated with Mad Scienstein:
- The Dragon: To Rudy in Doctor Mario 64.
- Helpful Mook: in Wario Land 3. His potions are helpful (except you can't open chests while invisible) and he's completely harmless.
- Invisibility: His potions in Wario Land 3 have this effect on Wario.
- Mad Scientist
Characters from Wario: Master of Disguise
These characters are all from the Show Within a Show The Silver Zephyr.
Count Cannoli
Wario's rival thief. He was originally the infamous Phantom Thief known as the Silver Zephyr, but Wario stole his magic wand from him and used it to do some master thievery of his own. Cannoli has two goals: 1) get his wand back, and 2) obtain the five Wishstone pieces before Wario does.
Tropes associated with Count Cannoli:
- Affably Evil
- Alliterative Name
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Badass Mustache
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Owns a company called International Evil Concerns Inc.
- Edible Theme Naming: Cannoli is the name of a Sicilian pastry dessert.
- Hat of Power: His hat doubles as a hot-air balloon.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: No matter how hard or often he tries, he just can't beat Wario. This results in him having a tendency to grieve over how Wario constantly outplays him.
- Leitmotif
- Phantom Thief: At least until his wand gets stolen.
- Recurring Boss: Fights Wario 3 times throughout the game.
- Vehicular Assault
- Villain Teleportation
The CEO of Sigil Securities and Wario's other rival thief. He manages to plunder the Smithsnorian Museum before Wario does. When Wario first confronts him in Sneezemore Cave, he dismisses Wario as a pathetic loser and shuts 4 stone doors to block the path to him. However, when Wario eventually gets past the stone doors and defeats Carpaccio in battle, he realizes that Wario is a much greater threat than he originally thought. Like Wario and Cannoli, he also wants the Wishstone pieces.
Tropes associated with Carpaccio:
- Bishonen
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's the head of Sigil Securities, whose slogan is "We're hard at work watching your back... That way it's easier to pick your pocket!"
- Edible Theme Naming: Carpaccio is an appetizer that consists of thinly sliced raw meat.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: One of his standard gestures.
- Hair Flip: Another one of his standard gestures.
- Leitmotif
- One-Winged Angel: He transforms himself into a giant spherical monstrosity at the end of the fourth episode in order to fight Wario.
Tiaramisu (actually Terrormisu)
A mysterious woman that Wario first meets at Sweatmore Peak. She helps him out at Blowhole Castle. She is actually Terrormisu, a demon that had been sealed away within the Wishtone since ancient times, and was only able to communicate with Wario by creating an illusion of herself. When Wario reassembles the Wishstone, she breaks free.
Tropes associated with Tiaramisu:
Wario Ware, Inc. Employees
Jimmy T.
"Yo-yo! Everyone got the fever? I've always got it! That's because the dance floor's hot!"
Debut: WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania
Full name Jimmy Thang. Jimmy is one of Wario's oldest employees at WarioWare, Inc. He's a cool cat with a passion for disco dancing and a massive afro, just like the rest of his family.
Tropes associated with Jimmy (and his family):
- Badass Mustache: Shaped like a musical note!
- Disco Dan
- Everythings Funkier With Disco
- Funny Afro
- Strong Family Resemblance
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's actually a wig!
An energetic high school student from Diamond City, Mona works a variety of part-time jobs around town, including for WarioWare, Inc. She's also a cheerleader and the bassist in an amateur rock band, and owns a cool red scooter.
Tropes associated with Mona:
- All There On The Japanese Website: According to the website for the original Wario Ware, her mom is a world traveling fashion model who rarely sees her and her dad is a Reclusive Artist. It's even referenced again in the Japanese Smooth Moves website where she relates with how lonely Ashley is.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: The headset-wearing monkey that flings banana peels cops to keep them from arresting her in the first Wario Ware game.
- Fiery Redhead
- Genki Girl
- Nice Hat: She owns a variety of distinctive headgear, most notably her bike helmet.
- No Accounting for Taste: Mona, for reasons unknown to man or beast, thinks Wario is "way cool".
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?
Dribble and Spitz
A bulldog and cat, respectively, who work as cab drivers in Diamond City when not designing microgames for Wario. Dribble is a hot-heated speed freak, but Spitz's cool head keeps him out of trouble. They have a souped-up taxi cab that can even fly in outer space.
Tropes associated with Dribble and Spitz:
- American Accents: They both talk like they're from the Bronx.
- Cool Car
- Dumb Muscle: Dribble.
- Funny Animal
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- The Quiet One: Spitz.
- Theme Naming: They're named after various drool-based terms.
"Hey! My name is 9-Volt! I'm the grade-schooler gone old school!"
Debut: WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania
9-Volt is a little boy with a major love of all things Nintendo. He works at WarioWare, Inc. (Diamond City apparently having very lax child labor laws) designing microgames inspired by classic Nintendo products. When not fanning over Nintendo, he enjoys skateboarding.
Tropes associated with 9-Volt:
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With 18-Volt.
- Nerd
- Nice Hat: A hardhat with flashing lights and a visor.
- Otaku of all things Nintendo.
- Theme Naming: 9-Volt's mother is named 5-Volt, and his best friend is 18-Volt.
Debut: WarioWare: Twisted
9-Volt's best friend and fellow hardcore gamer, 18-Volt is a comically huge elementary school student who looks like a grown adult. He's never seen without his green jumpsuit and 3D glasses.
Tropes associated with 18-Volt:
- Catch Phrase: "Word!"
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With 9-Volt.
- Huge Schoolboy
- Younger Than They Look
Dr. Crygor
A Mad Scientist, Dr. Crygor busies himself with bizarre but mostly benign experiments on his private island base outside Diamond City. He's replaced most of his body with cybernetic prostheses for some reason and dresses like a superhero. Dr. Crygor is assisted in his lab by his energetic robot, Mike, and his cute granddaughter, Penny.
He's notable for going through two character design changes In-Universe. Once, by being fused with an apple, and another by being powered up by his Kelorometer.
Tropes associated with Dr. Crygor:
- Artificial Limbs
- Badass Cape
- Badass Mustache
- Cloudcuckoolander: To be fair, nearly everyone in Diamond City is one, but Crygor stands out. He built Mike, specifically made as a karaoke robot, to clean his laboratory.
- Cyber Cyclops
- Cyborg
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Crygor is a terrible singer, much to his robot Mike's chagrin.
- Mad Scientist
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He's 103 years old, but looks middle-aged.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: He loves his spandex, and dances in almost every game.
- Superhero: Parodied.
After trying and failing to take over the world, Orbulon settled down in Diamond City, befriended Wario, and joined his minigame company. Orbulon travels through space in a pig-shaped starship called the Oinker, which he's not very good at driving, accompanied by his Alien Bunny minions. He has shapeshifting powers that he sometimes uses to pass as a human.
Tropes associated with Orbulon:
- Badass Cape
- Cool Shades
- Galactic Conqueror: But pretty bad at it.
- The Grays
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He's 2,003 years of age.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- The Smart Guy: Orbulon has an IQ of 300.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Kat and Ana
A pair of twin ninjas-in-training who attend Diamond City Kindergarten, Kat and Ana are Wario's youngest employees. Kat, the older, can be bossy and overbearing, but she still loves her gentle younger sister. Both are very polite and love nature.
Tropes associated with the twins:
- Action Girls
- Assist Characters: In Super Smash Bros Brawl, where they repeatedly slash across the stage in a crisscrossing pattern upon emerging from an Assist Trophy.
- BFS: Kat uses one in the first game. Plus, their katanas seem to be as large as they are. Granted, they're only six.
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: Played straight, especially in the first game, where Ana + a pack of Red Shirt Highly-Visible Ninja get a Total Party Kill for their efforts while Kat defeats the demon that beat them singlehandedly. (Granted, with her dog that turned into a sword)
- Cute Bruiser: Kat, who is able to effectively wield a giant sword.
- Fiery Redhead: Ana inverts this with Shy Blue-Haired Girl. Interesting, her outfit is primarily blue.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Several phrases they said in the earlier games were in Japanese. Since Smooth Moves, they shout things like "Katana" and "Ninjitsu".
- Good luck knowing what microgame you're on in their section the first game if you can't read Japanese numbers.
- Katanas Are Just Better: It forms the basis of their names.
- Little Miss Badass: Kat single-handedly defeated a demonic skeleton samurai in the first game. That's pretty badass.
- Ninja
- Punny Name: Put their names together and you get "katana"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kat's a bossy, impulsive go-getter. Ana's passive, thoughtful, and a little timid.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Kat.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Thematically. Just look at them.
- Theme Twin Naming: Punny Names
- Tsundere: Kat.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Ana especially. Kat, not so much.
- Worf Effect: Happens to Ana in the first game.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Kat's hair is pink, and Ana's is a bright shade of Orange-Red.
Debut: WarioWare: Touched
A high-spirited cleaning robot built by Dr. Crygor using parts from a karaoke machine. Mike loves one thing and one thing only: music. He often rebels against his programming to have fun with karaoke.
Tropes associated with Mike:
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Once, while cleaning the lab, Mike went nuts, traveled to an alien planet, and held a karaoke tournament.
- Meaningful Name: In WarioWare: Touched, all of Mike's games use the DS's built-in microphone.
- The Power of Karaoke
- Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence: Mike falls under "Average Joe Android".
- Super-Powered Robot Meter Maids
Who's the girl next door, living in the haunted mansion?
"You better learn my name 'cause I am Ash~ley!"
Debut: WarioWare: Touched
A teenage witch from Diamond City and one of Wario's employees. When not creating new microgames, Ashley spends her time brewing potions with her imp-like familiar, Red.
Tropes associated with Ashley:
- Bragging Theme Tune: She can rule the world and still finish all her homework/Everyone knows that I'm the greatest/A-Ashley!
- Canis Latinicus: Pantalones giganticus!
- Cute Witch
- Dark Magical Girl
- Emotionless Girl
- Gets played with later, where she's mostly emotionless, but occasionally smiles a little.
- And don't get on her bad side, or she'll become very emotional.
- The Imp: Red.
- Insufferable Genius
- Older Than They Look: Does she look like a teenager to you? (Though this could be a Dub-Induced Plot Hole)
- Yandere: But I think you're nice and we really could be friends!...And if you say no you're toast.
Penny Crygor
Debut: WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Dr. Crygor's cute-as-a-button granddaughter, Penny loves her grandfather and wants to be a great scientist just like him. She's just as skilled—and eccentric—an inventor as her grandfather.
Tropes associated with Penny:
- Apologises a Lot: As seen in the tutorial in DIY. To Wario of all people.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genki Girl
- Idol Singer: Not actually one, but singing is a hobby of hers and she does tend to break out a microphone in celebration, though she says it's a secret.
- Mad Scientist: She's got the scientist part down to the point where she's on par with her grandfather. As for the mad part... "All experiments are guaranteed to be 100% Not-Entirely Lethal". Granted she'd probably apologize profusely if anything did go wrong.
- Mad Scientist's Adorable Granddaughter
- Meganekko
- Miss Exposition: In D.I.Y., she explains the basics of game, music, and comic creation to you and Wario.
Young Cricket and Master Mantis
Debut: WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Two travelers from faraway lands, Master Mantis and his protege, Young Cricket, roam the world in search of cool new martial arts poses to perform.
Tropes associated with Cricket and Mantis:
- Bishonen: Young Cricket
- Goomba Stomp: Cricket does this to get to the front of the line in their story before being reprimanded by Master Mantis.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: Master Mantis
- Old Master: Master Mantis
- Perpetual Poverty
- The Stoic: Until they get to know you.