< Vampire's Kiss
Vampire's Kiss/YMMV
- Alas, Poor Villain: Peter's an asshole, sure, but by the end, it's hard not to feel for him a little.
- Considering he's a rapist, no.
- But when you consider that the gentleman is daffy as fuck, yes.
- Equal Opportunity Evil: In a sense -- all the women Peter is with sexually (consensual or not) are either black or hispanic.
- Ham and Cheese: Most of the movie's most memorable moments come from Nicolas Cage Chewing the Scenery, a compilation of which can be seen here.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Given the overall theme of this movie, it seems oddly appropriate when considering the appearance of a Civil War era photograph that looks eerily like Nicolas Cage.
- Except vampires don't show up in photographs. He is clearly an Immortal.
- Jerkass Woobie: Arguably, Peter.
- Narm Charm: Peter's screaming rants and psychotic behavior might seem pretty narmy... until you've met someone in that state. Then, it's creepy and/or heartbreaking.
- Memetic Mutation: The You Don't Say Rage Face.
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