Trix Rabbit
"Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids."—The kids in every single commercial.
General Mills' cereal Trix is known for its fruity taste. It is also known for its commercial campaigns, which involve the cereal's Mascot, the Trix Rabbit, in his myriad schemes to get his hands on the titular Trix cereal from a couple of kids. He always fails, because "Trix are for kids!" It's become sort of a Running Gag.
One of the most notable of the cereal commercials and one that usually comes to people's minds whenever the topic is being brought up.
Tropes used in Trix Rabbit include:
- Adjacent to This Complete Breakfast: Because it's a cereal commercial, of course this trope pops up in some of them.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Some of the Rabbit's disguises fall into this category.
- Catch Phrase/Phrase Catcher: "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids."
- Cereal Vice Reward
- Failure Is the Only Option: For the rabbit.
- Kids Are Cruel
- Mascot
- Paper-Thin Disguise
- Team Rocket Wins: Sometimes the rabbit actually managed to get the Trix cereal.
- Most notably, a vote was held among kids (supposedly) as to whether the rabbit should be given the Trix. He won, but it was specified that it was only for one time.
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