Yeah Yeah Yeahs
An Art Punk band from New York, Yeah Yeah Yeahs formed back in 2000, consisting of singer Karen O, guitarist Nick Zinner, and drummer Brian Chase. While remaining fairly unknown for a long time, they have recently started gaining popularity (Like other bands, having a song in Rock Band tends to send a few sales your way).
The band itself has an odd Power Trio setup, with each member's stage persona fitting a different stereotype.[context?] This has been commented on by the band themselves a few times. In particular Karen O is said to be much more subdued than her stage persona, to the surprise of many fans.
- Fever to Tell (2003)
- Show Your Bones (2006)
- It's Blitz! (2009)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs provides examples of the following tropes:
- Album Title Drop: Fever to Tell takes its title from a line in "Man."
- Black Sheep Hit: "Maps" especially after Rock Band included it.
- Bob Haircut: Karen O.
- Careful with That Axe: "Art Star" and "Mysteries."
- Costume Tropes: Karen O alone covers a fair few:
- Flanderization: The three band members often get reduced to their respective personae. This also happens to Karen O's decidedly non-Limited Wardrobe.
- Fun with Acronyms: "MAPS" supposedly stands for "My Angus Please Stay", Angus being the Liars' frontman, Karen's boyfriend at the time.
- New Sound Album: It's Blitz!, which saw them moving away from their punk origins to a more electronic sound.
- Performance Video: Most of them.
- Power Trio:
- Spell My Name with a "The": oddly Inverted- the band name has no "The" in it, but you will almost always hear it added. Maybe The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is just easier to say.
- Subdued Section: "Runaway," "Skeleton," and "Little Shadow," among several others.
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