Ultimate Teacher

First disciplinary action: Charley Horse Attack!

Based on a manga by Atsuji Yamamoto, this 1988 nonsense-comedy OVA tells us about Ganpachi Chabane, the "Ultimate Teacher" (who also happens to be a human-cockroach hybrid) who's hellbent on turning the worst high school in Kanto back to being a respectable school, even if it means breaking every student and wall by force, and Hinako Shiratori, the school's super strong gang leader who wants to keep the school just the way it is. This escalates into a dirty battle for the school's leadership in which Ganpachi is ready to do anything to get rid of Hinako. Things go even more overboard when a scientist from Ganpachi's past comes to fix the mistake he did long ago.

Thin on plot and heavy on ridiculous battles and weird jokes, this anime has to be seen to believe. At the moment of writing, you can find both the UK and US dubs (both quite different, the US dub being much closer to the Japanese dialog and the UK dub being more of a Gag Dub) from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/UltimateTeacherOVA/videos

Not to be confused with Ultimate Otaku Teacher.

Tropes used in Ultimate Teacher include:
  • Action Girl: Hinako
  • Animal Jingoism
  • Animal Motifs: Ganpachi's cape and suit colour gives him a slightly roach-like look.
  • Anti-Villain: Ganpachi just wanted to straighten the school up, and overall was shown to be a fairly nice guy, keeping the violence to a minimum at the start (his first attack was just giving leg cramps to all his opponents).
    • However his character was changed in the UK dub, changing his backstory so that instead of being a bit of a goofball loser, he got rejected by schoolgirls and generated a grudge against all students, and especially female ones.
  • Badass Cape
  • Between My Legs: This shot was used at least eight times, almost all of Hinako.
  • Biological Mashup: Both Ganpachi and Karima had their genes mixed together with invertebrate genes.
  • Cute Bruiser: Hinako
  • Fake-Out Fade-Out
  • The Gloves Come Off: Literally in this case, along with his shoes and socks.
  • Groin Attack
  • Improvised Weapon: Bananas, coins, kid's toy ride...
  • Japanese Delinquents
  • Literal Junk Food: Ganpachi has a roaches appetite.
  • Made of Iron: Hinako and to an extent, Ryuichi.
  • Modesty Shorts: Hinako has worn gym bloomers since childhood, since it enabled her to kick ass without getting teased for showing her panties. However this has the effect that if she wears normal panties she'll eventually start feeling sick and weak.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Both Ganpachi and Karima can grow extra arms to fit their genes.
  • No One Could Survive That: "This is the fifth floor! He's history!"
  • Nothing but Skulls: inside the school's walls is a large stash of skulls (and couple full skeletons).
  • Not Quite Dead: Done at least twice, since Staying Alive is what Ganpachi was programmed for.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Hinako and Karima are basically considered to be the good guys for fighting against Ganpachi, despite the fact that Karima is the one who mixed Ganpachi with cockroach genes against his will in the start, but failed to brainwash him and Hinako fights to keep the school a gang-infested ruin.
  • Save Our Students: A parody of this trope.
  • Shout-Out: Karima the Spiderman sports a rather familiarly coloured suit... Also there's several shouts to multiple different series hidden through the movie.
  • Wretched Hive: Emperor High, which is decrepit, has a cemetary for the teachers that got killed by students and the walls are full of corpses.
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