Three Little Pigs

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"
"Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!"
"Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"
"The Three Little Pigs" is a Talking Animals story that was written in the 1840s. The young pigs of the story's title move out of their mother's house to seek their fortune, but it is hindered by the fact that there is a The Big Bad Wolf out there with intentions of eating them. The first little pig builds his house out of straw, but the wolf blows it down and eat him. The second little pig builds his house out of sticks and meets the same fate. The third pig, however, being the brains of the outfit, builds his house out of bricks, which the wolf cannot blow down. The wolf makes several attempts to trick the pig into coming out of the house, but fails each time. Finally, he tries going down the pig's chimney, but is cooked in a pot that the pig puts there.
Among the many retellings that have been made of the story, perhaps the best known is Walt Disney's 1933 cartoon version.
- An Aesop
- The Big Bad Wolf: The original story is the Trope Namer.
- Big Badass Wolf: Specifically The Big Bad Wolf.
- Big Brother Mentor: The third pig is usually depicted as this.
- Blow You Away
- Bowdlerize:
- In the original cut of the original short, the wolf attempts to gain access to Practical Pig's house by disguising himself as a Jewish peddler. After World War II, however, the shots of his Jewish peddler disguise were reanimated to depict him as a Fuller Brush Man (sans the Jew-mask), albeit still with the original version's audio (thus he still speaks with the Yiddish accent).
- Some TV airings of the short further excise this, by not only omitting his Jew-mask, but also dubbing the audio, so that he no longer has the aforementioned accent.
- Everything's Worse with Wolves: Possible Trope Codifier of this belief.
- Perspective Flip:
- The popular children's book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, narrated by the wolf.
- There also was a Looney Tunes cartoon told from the wolf's perspective.
- And an earlier one set to Johannes Bhrams' Hungarian Dances
- Predators Are Mean
- Rule of Three (Duh!)
- Spared by the Adaptation: Many versions omit the deaths of the first two pigs and the wolf at the end of the story.