The Shocker: Legit
"The "normal" life. So that's what I was living; subsisting on Doritos, self-hatred and a keg-can of Heineken. That's the normal life. Blasting cops with level threes while they're just trying to help people is the normal life. Knowing I'll never really get anywhere, be anybody, do anything - That's the normal life."
The Shocker: Legit is a Spider-Man fanfic by Max Landis (son of director John Landis), and is about the Shocker (Herman Schultz) trying to go legit. Big surprise, huh? There's also a lot of Marvel references, appearances by a handful of other superheroes and supervillains, an expansive conspiracy theory, the Shocker's interactions with his best friend, The Rhino, who is a bit of a ditz, and the superb narration told in the voice of The Shocker. It also fleshes out both The Shocker and the Rhino as friends (in some pretty heartwarming scenes). The fanfic itself is highly quotable. The Shocker kind of turns into a Marty Stu by the end, but overall it's definitely worth a look.
Can be found here
- Abusive Parents: The Shocker's dad put him in a box inside a box inside a box (ad nauseam for about 20 times), and was in general a dick to him. Which is a great way to make the reader hate him before he's revealed as the Big Bad
- Armor-Piercing Question: (takes off mask) "I'm Felicia Hardy. Who the hell are YOU?"
- Bad Guy Bar: The Bar With No Name.
- Berserk Button: Spider-Man
- Brains and Brawn: The Shocker is a Gadgeteer Genius safecracking expert, Rhino is huge, superhumanly strong, and somewhere between The Brute and the Gentle Giant.
- Combat Pragmatist: The Shocker, in most of his fights.
"This guy is one of the most dangerous mercs out there. But he made a mistake I've found to be my greatest strength in my limited time as a superhero - these idiots are used to fighting heroes. I don't fight like a hero."
- Continuity Nod: A lot of them. Borders on Continuity Porn.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Shocker summing up for the reader why he hates fighting Spider-Man more than any other superhero.
Think of metahuman combat as a debate:
ME: “I want this money.”
SUPERHERO: “You cannot have this money. It is against the law to take this money.”
ME: “I shall take this money regardless of the law, because I want it.”
SUPERHERO: “That is aberrant behavior. We shall fight.”
ME: “Have at thee!”
Granted, I always lose. But with Spider-Man it works something like this:
ME: “I want this money.”
ME: “What?”
ME: “What?”
ME: “Wha–?”
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Almost any non-combat scene with the Rhino and Shocker. Some other villains are also made pretty dang sympathetic, as well.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Literally, at one point.
Shocker: Here’s a quick one for you: A woman is giving birth. The doctor picks up the baby and slaps its ass to start it crying, but it stays quiet. The doctor lets out this crazy scream, and starts punching the baby in the face, and then picking it up and smashing it against the wall, and then just throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. The mother is screaming and screaming, but in her condition, she can’t really do anything. The doctor lets out this great last war-cry, and then hurls the bloody lump of baby through the window, sending it tumbling four stories to the ground below. He laughs, calming down, and turns to the mother. “Just kidding, miss; it was dead when it came out.” ... The moral is this: Things are never as bad as they seem. Usually, they’re worse.
- Deadpan Snarker: The Shocker, full-stop. Though some supporting characters occasionally fill this role, as well.
- Did Not Do the Research: Reed Richards did not invent the Ultimate Nullifier.
- The Ditz: The Rhino.
- Deal with the Devil: In the epilogue, it's mentioned that after Felicia died she made a deal with Mephisto.
- Which is kind of Hilarious in Hindsight when one considers the debacle of the most recent deal with Mephisto...
- Erection Rejection: Herman gets one of these when he sees that Black Cat has a Spider-Man navel piercing.
- Faux Action Girl: Black Cat seems to do nothing but get some leg work done and be the love interest.
- Friendly Target: Rhino
- Genre Savvy: The Shocker, so very much.
The Hebrew Hellion. The sad thing is, in this world, I’m sure there’s someone out there who calls himself that and thinks it’s the baddest shit on the planet.
- Good Feels Good: Played with. It feels like crime only better.
- Gorn: Several scenes like this, such as the Grizzly being electrocuted inside his suit and when the Shocker gibs the Griffin by firing a vibration down his throat.
- Groin Attack: The Shocker explodes Bullseye's testicles via vibration.
- Heel Face Turn: Pretty much the whole point of the fanfic.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Martin Blank, the Gibbon at the end.
- Hero Worshipper: Herman has this mentality towards Reed Richards.
- And, to a lesser degree, Tony Stark. But only because of their intellect.
- Husky Russkie: The Rhino, real name Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich.
- It's Personal: Herman is very fond of his best friend, The Rhino, and, apparently, of his windows.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: The Punisher does this to Herman.
- Man Child: The Rhino.
- Man in the Machine: Johnny Ohnn, aka Spot.
- Moral Event Horizon: Just found out one of the people who's been helping you is actually Spiderman and he used to date your girlfriend? Jump him without warning and beat him near to death.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Several fights, especially Shocker's fight fight with Spider-Man towards the end.
- Police Are Useless: Lampshaded. Herman suggest they get better weaponry (that is, some Doc Ock tentacles or some Shocker Gloves).
- He then changes his mind when offered the opportunity by Tony Stark because he's afraid that low-level punks will start getting ahold of it and spread mayhem.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Herman goes into this when he learns that Peter Parker, the friendly nerd that's accompanied him is actually non other than Spider-Man.
- Rule of Cool: Acknowledged.
This gets another cheer, and again, I understand; seeing a six-foot-tall guy knocking back an nine-foot-tall guy with an uppercut is just goddamn cool.
- Song Fic: There's a radio playing "Saturday Night's Alright" by Elton John in one chapter, and the lyrics are interspersed throughout the chapter.
- You Bastard: At multiple points, Shocker takes shots at the audience for their (he assumes) dismissive attitudes towards various super-villains
Shocker: You’d be surprised how many of my friends, at one time or another, have worked in a freak show. ...Actually, you probably wouldn’t be surprised. You’d probably smile smugly and say something droll. You fucking prick.