Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Nightmare Fuel

  • Cameron's stoic emotionlessness while doing horrible things just goes to show how terrifying Terminators really are.
    • Not to mention when she suddenly starts emoting, like this scene in the Season 2 premiere. "John! Please, please don't! I love you! Please-"
    • And a certain liquid-metal terminator with a penchant for killing men with their pants unzipped.
    • And the terrifying birth scene of a certain newly-repaired terminator emerging, skinless but not fleshless, from a literal bloodbath, and cutting open his eyelids to reveal his glowing cybernetic eyes.
  • You're never safe.
  • "Hello, Mister Ellison. My name is John Henry."
  • "Your hair... it's so pretty...." And you never thought it was possible to make Les Yay terrifying.
  • "What... is...all this... about?"
  • One little puddle of pee when Savannah's "mother" simply speaks calmly to her.
  • Cameron abandoning the Russian siblings to be killed by gangsters in "The Demon Hand".
  • Weaver killing all those people in the "air-conditioning factory".
  • Allison slowly reverting back to Cameron in "Allison from Palmdale".
    • * After Allision's second escape attempt the camera pans up to show Cameron's face. The look of shocked horror Allison is sporting must definitely have been mirrored on more than one viewer's face.
  • Cameron has this really, really creepy line late in the first season after she kills the assassin that Sarkissian sent to kidnap herself and John.

"He said very little. Then he said nothing at all."

  • Cromartie, early in the first series, regrows his flesh in a literal bloodbathand emerges from the blood, flesh regrown, as a lumpy, distorted nightmare. Worse still, the poor scientist watching all this has to use a scalpel to cut his eyelids apart, revealing the machine's glowing red eyes underneath. And then there's a disturbing mention in the next episode of where Cromartie got his new human eyes from...
  • The bit where the Cromartie Terminator kills the guy whose face he has stolen by appearing behind him in his bathroom and smashing his face in the mirror. Then he mimics the poor bastard's horrified expression as he died....
  • The Season 2 premiere, where we learn that damage from the car bomb is causing Cameron to try to kill John.
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