< The Queen's Thief

The Queen's Thief/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - It's pretty much agreed on by most all of the fans that everything Gen does qualifies for this. He eats Awesome Flakes for breakfast... in your rafters. He's not the only one. "Diplomacy, in my own name."
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - The King of Attolia is full of these.
  • Ear Worm - "The King's Wedding Night," apparently.
  • Fan Nickname - Nahuserfish.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Helen (the Queen of Eddis) and the Magus of Sounis, for some fans. Some of us are still happily shipping Helen/Sophos encouraged by the latter's mysterious disappearance. The latter one. Engagement's on the books.
  • Fanon Discontinuity - It hasn't gone so far as to become a Broken Base, but there's a clear split between the fans who think The Queen of Attolia is one of, if not, the best books in the series, and fans who like to pretend it doesn't exist because of the...unusual nature of the romance between Eugenides and Attolia.
  • Genius Bonus: In The Thief, when Gen and the Magus talk about the old gods, Gen makes a disparaging remark about the "new" gods; which is a pretty accurate description of the gods of Greek mythology. Specifically Zeus and Hera.
  • Harsher in Hindsight - The early scenes in The Queen of Attolia where Gen is tortured and maimed are much more horrifying to read after the revelations at the end of the book.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Eugenidess. In spades.
    • Nahuseresh, who suavely convinces the Queen of Attolia to cut off the Thief of Eddis's (Eugenides's) hand in order to instigate a war between Attolia and Eddis, which would give the Medean Empire an excuse to intervene and get a foothold on the Continent. And he does this all while taking care of his delicate skin and fine, sexy oiled hair.

Attolia uncharacteristically said the first thing that came to mind. "He sharpens his beard into points like a fork," she said of her ambassador, "and uses cheap hair oil."

    • Also, Attolia who managed to take over a kingdom with no help and no training while using only her jewelry and some poisoned berries. And then managed to hold on to it.
  • The Masochism Tango: Gen loves the somewhat sadistic Queen of Attolia even after she has his hand chopped off
  • Memetic Badass - Eugenides. He's already plenty badass in canon, but the fans take his awesomeness to the nth degree.
  • So Cool Its Awesome - Words like "cool" and "awesome" don't even begin do it justice.
  • The Woobie: Sophos. Gen after the second book.
    • Gen in the first two books can hardly go five pages without falling over from something or other.

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