< The Lorax (film)

The Lorax (film)/Funny

  • It is customary to hold on the last syllable at the end of a song. At the end of the "Thneedville" song, what word do they wind up on? The town's name, causing the chorus to make a raspberry in unison!
  • "You wouldn't hit a woman!" *beat* " That's a woman?!"
  • The Lorax saying to Past!Once-ler "You have been warned!"...and then having trouble reaching the door handle. Past!Once-ler proceeds to open the door for him with a deadpan expression on his face.
  • When Present!Once-ler first begins his story:

Once-ler: It all started a long time ago...
Ted: Can we start with not so long ago, maybe?
(An extended megaphone speaker comes down out from Once-ler's house.)
Once-ler (through the speaker): It all started a long....LONG time ago!
(dust and bugs blow out of the speaker at the second "LONG"!)

Once-ler: Why are you here again? It's a girl isn't it.
Ted: What?!
Once-ler: Well when a guy does something stupid once, that's because he's a guy. When he does it again, it's usually to impress someone...a girl.
Ted: She's not a girl! She's a woman! In high school! And she likes trees! ...and I'm gonna get her one.
Once-ler: Aww. So nice to see someone so undeterred by the concept of... reality.
Ted: Thank you.

    • Some Fridge Brilliance: The Once-ler also did something stupid (cutting down the trees) for the second time to impress a girl: his mother.
  • The entirety of the Cut Song The Once-ler's Traveling Madness.
  • Although a bit of a tearjerker as well, when the animals are building a circle around the cut down tree, at one point the largest barb-a-loot is holding a tiny little stone, while a humming fish is rolling along a stone bigger than it and clearly expresses his preference that they switch!
  • The river scene and the dialogue between young!Once-ler and the Lorax after that scene.

Once-ler: I was heading into the light and you pulled me right back, and here I am! (hugs Lorax) You saved my life!
Lorax: Yeah, well, you know, not that big a deal.
Once-ler: It is a big deal! Look, I almost went over that waterfall! (realizes something) Wait...my-my bed. How did my bed get in the river?
Lorax: Uh, about that, uh...actually, um...Iputyourbedinthewater. (Once-ler drops him)

    • "Ok time to go to bed. Got a big day tomorrow" (walks off screen)*beat* (walks back on screen slumped over) "right after I find my bed."
  • Onceler: Oh yes, right after the musical number about the kid who kept interrupting the story and was never heard from again.
  • The air-delivery guy. He's a big guy with a high voice and gets a featured solo in both the opening and closing song. And he ONLY sings!
  • O'Hare joins in the final musical number, seemingly about to change his ways....then says "Naaaah!" and starts singing "Let it die, let it die!" A Flat Character he may be, but at least a good joke can be made of that fact.
  • The Once-ler trying to sell his first Thneed. It gets to the point that the price of the tomatoes being thrown at him is as much as he's charging for the Thneed.
  • The Uncomfortable Elevator Moment during the big chase.
    • Ted's unwavering smile makes it even better.
  • When Ted's grandma tells him about the Once-ler. The fact that she can appear anywhere is funny itself.
  • This line from the Cut Song, "Nobody needs a Thneed":

"The thneed is dumb./ The thneed is lame./ Who's the idiot who came up with that name?!/ *Beat* /Alright, it was me."

  • "Nice mustache."

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