The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/WMG

This series takes place in the same universe as Wolverine and the X-Men.

Let's look at the evidence. Nick Fury is voiced by the same voice actor who played him in the previous series. The M.R.D. is mentioned in one of the animated shorts, and this series was in production before the organization became part of the comics. Furthermore, Banner is fully aware that SHIELD is up to no good with their dealings with gamma radiation and other experiments, which he could have become aware of in the W&TXM episode, "Wolverine vs. Hulk."

Finally, in "Breakout" parts 1 and 2, we see the Wendigo, the threat of the previously mentioned episode, inside the Raft, one of the supervillain prisons. "But," you say, "the Wendigoes were reverted back to normal in that same episode." Not necessarily - one, it can't be based off of the Wendigo from the comics, because that character can't exist outside of Canada. And two, whose to say that SHIELD didn't create another one and then imprison it in the Raft in order to cover it up? The beast clearly went out of its way to desecrate a SHIELD insignia, almost as if it were personal...

  • This show has some of the same writers Wolverine and the X-Men did, so this is possible.
    • After the raw deal the showrunners of Wolverine and the X-Men with the abrupt cancellation of the series it wouldn't suprise anyone if Avengers ended up being a Spiritual Successor.
    • And Steven Blum doing Wolverine's voice to boot.
    • Granted, a lot of the stuff so far does support that idea, but Steven Blum as the voice of Wolverine is itself not proof of it being in the same universe as he'd also voiced Wolveirne in a lot of other stuff, too. Fred Tatasciore, the voice of The Hulk was did the voice in a lot of stuff, but that said, the voice of Bruce Banner was also from Wolverine and the X-Men, so that also supports it. The different art style can be written off as Art Shift. The placement of Fury's eyepatch is correct in this version.
    • Confirmed during the colon_emhexcl_ep~dot~_9_preview_and_liveblog live blog for "Living Legend." [dead link] A screenshot of the relevant information can be seen here.
    • Considering the Fantastic Four are now semi-regular supporting characters as of Season 2, I wouldn't be surprised if everybody's favorite mutants put in an appearance in the third season. They definitely exist in this universe, but they might have to iron out some legal difficulties to get away with giving them speaking roles.

This show and Wolverine and the X-Men are an attempt to create a Marvel Animated Universe

There was a halfhearted attempt at this in the 1990s with Spider-Man: The Animated Series, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk; but there were too many showrunners and production companies involved to pull it off then. Wolverine and the X-Men and Avengers share the same production team. With The DCAU effectively ended with the conclusion of Justice League, there is now an opening.

  • We'll have to wait and see, but if Ultimate Spider-Man ends up taking place in the same universe, this could be confirmed.
  • The idea that Ultimate Spider-Man will take place in the same universe as A:EMH has most likely been skunked, as USM apparently has a demonstrably different Nick Fury.
    • Fury in Avengers is different from Fury in Wolverine and the X-Men, and yet they're confirmed to be one and the same. Maybe he got tired of the white hair and got a haircut. Also, no one said it has to take place at the same time, just in the same universe. Ultimate Spider-Man may even take place before Avengers.
    • Fury loves to use those Life Model Decoys as seen in " Breakout" so who's to say he wasn't using one in "Wolverine?"
  • Eric Loomis doesn't voice Iron Man in Ultimate Spiderman. Does this theory seem invalid now?
    • Tim Daly doesn't voice Superman in Justice League and yet it's still the same character in the same continuity.
    • Though Fury is voiced by someone different too(Chi McBride)
    • But Marvel Animation has pushed back the second season so it would coincide with the premiere of Ultimate Spider-Man even though season 2 is almost completed.
    • Also, the villain Blizzard seems to have the same look in Avengers:EMH and Ultimate Spider-Man, that could imply a connection.
      • Living Laser and Klaw, however, do not. Dr. Doom is also stated to be younger and not at his full Latverian power in USM, unlike in A:EMH. And even if USM takes place before Avengers, the fact that Klaw is in both and had his supervillain transformation in Avengers, invalidates this. Unless there's two sound-powered villains named Klaw.
  • What about Luke Cage and Iron Fist: adults in EMH and teens in USM

This literally is the Marvel equivalent of the DCAU.

And if there were ever an animated version of JLA/Avengers, it would involve this Avengers meeting the DCAU's Justice League.

  • That would be AWESOME.
  • Tony hitting on Wonder Woman. You know it would be as hilarious as Flash hitting on Wasp.

Flash: So your guy can control ants and shrink? Kinda lame.
Wasp: He can also grow larger. You?
Flash: I'm... really fast.

  • Hulk and Hawkgirl teaming up would be the best though.
    • It would be somewhat heartbreaking as Hulk would remind Shayera of Solomon Grundy.
  • Getting back to the original guess though, the idea of this show being a literal counterpoint to the DCAU seems kinda flat when you consider that they plan on shutting down the current series after 52 episodes, and the fact that DCAU lasted for 13 years (a very long time for TV shows, especially animated ones). I'd say this show is more of an equivalent to the first series of Justice League, with a little bit of Justice League Unlimited mixed in. Same number of episodes directly, built on conflicts both big and small, theoretical politics between the lines, guest heroes show up in certain episodes, villains coming together to defend themselves from the heroes, a growing universe and cosmos, well known heavy hitters being supported by other heroes that grow to be just as popular as the more obvious ones, and a sizable fanbase outside the target demographic with not as many reservations to pull intense punches. It's far from perfect in comparison, but it seems more appropriate given the situation.

Supervillain Breakout Theories

Judging from "Breakout", this is being set up as the overall arc for at least the first season, and the end of the episode makes it clear we don't know who did it. Ideas:

  • Graviton: Jossed. He didn't wake up until after everything was under way, and merely took advantage of the fact to wreak some havoc/revenge.
  • Loki: He definitely has a long-term plan going, and his "Nobody's ready for what comes next" makes it sound like he's got something big in the immediate works. He's also the Arch Enemy of one of the major Avengers. Seems very possible.
    • Loki and HYDRA are the most likely choices. Loki was also responsible for unintentionally causing the Avengers to form in the comics.
    • Having Enchantress recruit Baron Zemo for his Masters of Evil seems to help support this.
    • It does Keep Thor out of Asgard
    • Confirmed as of "The Fall of Asgard". Loki set up both the breakout and the Masters of Evil to keep Thor busy until he was ready to deal with him.
  • The Leader: While a certified Chessmaster and Arch Enemy of the Hulk, he gives the impression more of simply taking advantage of the breakout, rather than causing it. Besides, he was locked up.
    • It's probably not him, since he was pondering what caused it himself. That said, he is taking advantage of it and making the Cube his new base.
    • Not him: During the break out episode, the leader says something along the lines of It appears that whatever happened in the cube, is also happened in the big house and the vault, so he did not really know what was going on.
  • Mad Thinker: Seems unlikely- he just predicted the breakout, but didn't appear to cause it.
    • We know it wasn't Mad Thinker, but how exactly did he know it was coming? Especially considering who DID orcestrate it?
  • Kang: Possible, though from the micro-episodes it doesn't really seem like this version's style.
    • Kang isn't a saint however and if it would help his goals, he'd do it.
    • Jossed, most likely, by "The Man Who Stole Tomorrow". Kang didn't arrive in the present until long after the breakout, though with his being a time-traveller you can't be entirely sure.
  • Klaw: Admittedly I'm not at all familiar with the character from other media, but this version of him comes off as more of a (comparatively) small-time arms dealer. His pulling off something this big doesn't seem feasible.
    • He's highly intelligent, so he could pull it it off.He's not an arms dealer either. That said, it doesn't match his current goals, so it's probably not him. .
  • HYDRA: The micro-episodes built up HYDRA very clearly as one of the big threats out there, and if the Skull is still in charge behind the scenes, he's both Captain America's Arch Enemy and a certified Complete Monster. Also, Black Widow's up to something with them. Likely suspect.
    • Considering she walked by Hill and Wasp a bit before the break out, it could be Widow. Strucker did say something would go down soon.
      • First off, Strucker didn't say anything, Nick inferred it from his silence. Second, I imagine that what was going down was the Grim Reaper's breakout attempt.
      • Except it seems Grim Reaper saw the breakout coming and it seems Strucker did as well. It's possible this was the back-up plan in case Reaper's first attempt to free him failed.
        • When do they ever hint that either of them saw the breakout coming? They're sitting in their cells reacting just like everyone else.
      • Most of the villains were confused when it happened, but quickly took it as a chance to escape. Reaper and Strucker reacted calmly, Reaper didn't look surprised and even smiled. Alternatively, it could have been the Red Skull.
        • This is an extremely strong candidate. After all, Hydra has the international and technological means, the motive for causing chaos before their rise, and the opportunity with moles and soldiers everywhere in Shield. The one problem with this theory is that Baron Strucker seemed mildly surprised that Baron Zemo escaped as well. If HYDRA was behind all 4 prisons failing, why would Strucker be surprised that his old boss would have the resilience to escape the raft? Although it could have been more of a, "Ah, so you made it out just like us."
  • Doom: He's got the smarts and resources to pull it off, and Iron Man just antagonized him, but he's mostly a Fantastic Four bad guy. Seems unlikely.
    • Mad Thinker and Red Ghost are F4 villains too, so it's not unlikely at all. Doom is also an Avengers villain anyway. Either way, Doom is making an appearance on the show eventually.
    • The Breakout episode begins with Iron Man stopping a AIM weapon sell out to Doom's Latveria and warns Doom's mook that he is going to chase whomever steals his weapons, including Doom. It is certainly strange that the same day Iron Man messes with Dr. Doom, the breakout happens.
      • I'd count that as evidence against it. Doom's good. Doom's damn good. But Doom isn't good enough to covertly arrange the break out of three of the most secure prisons in the world within a matter of hours. If it had happened the next day, maybe. But the same day? And besides, Doom would go for retribution on a much more personal level, and he'd want Stark to know it was him.
  • Wasp. She wanted to be a superhero so badly she wasn't afraid to cross a few lines to do it.
    • This troper thinks its the most possible answer, and an interesting twist. She may have also done it so Henry Pym would be a superhero with her, and show the futility in rehabilitating villains. She was in S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ when the breakout occurred. In "Some Assembly Required", she was bored with the Avengers just sitting around talking. And noticed that she interrupted them when one of them wonders what caused the breakout. Though she may not have done it all on her own...
    • But how would she have done it? All she could do is shrink and shoot wires with Bio-energy. She's not supersmart, not a super planner. She doesn't have godlike superpowers. How would the tiny wasp have stung Shield so bad that they lost all 4 of their major prisons? Wouldn't one of them been enough?
      • Obfuscating Stupidity, Wasp is much smarter than she acts. She has a solid grasp on the basics of Hank's work (at least) and is savvy enough to be his financial handler and keep his research going (and do you really think Hank would fall for a woman that can't keep up with him intellectually anyway?). Hank helped build at least one of the prisons S.H.I.E.L.D. was using and was probably consulted for the others. It really wouldn't be that hard for her to find out how to take them out, especially if the prisons are networked in some way.
  • M.O.D.O.K.: ...For what reason, not sure.
    • Maybe to get rid of or distract his rivals?
  • Odin:
    • To teach Thor a lesson?
  • New theory: The Skrulls are behind it like in the comics.
  • Ultron
    • Seems unlikely, as Ultron (or his predecessors) was only used at the Big House and, unless they hacked the SHIELD network, wouldn't have been able to affect the other prisons. Also, given that Pym is still seen upgrading Ultron later, it's very possible those early synthezoids weren't smart enough to go evil- now, on the other hand...
  • Yellow Jacket: Hank fell under the influence a year ago and programmed the prisons to open after exactly one year.
  • Maria Hill: Her actions as of late have her trying to snatch up as much power as possible, to the point of trying to forcibly conscript the Avengers into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own personal superhuman army. This is in direct contrast to Fury's tendency to work with the Avengers. Fury wanted full disclosure, but Hill wants absolute control. She is the mole attempting to play Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D against each other in an effort to seize power for herself.

Hulk will, at some point, be forced to allow himself to turn back into Banner

When Banner asked Hulk to help Thor, Hulk's price was that he would never turn back into Banner and stay Hulk forever. Ignoring the question of how that's supposed to work, eventually the Hulk will encounter a situation that only Banner can fix...

  • Yes,it will probably be something Gamma related. As for how letting Hulk be in control works, remember that Banner left him in control during the Planet Hulk story in the comics too.
    • Hulk can't maintain his form forever anyway according to the comics. Once sufficiently fatigued, he will revert to Banner, until the next time Banner Hulks out.
      • Of course , he has such a high stamina, getting fatigued probably won't be a problem. For most situations anyway.
        • The triggers for Banner's transformations both to and from the Hulk fall squarely under Depending on the Writer. That being said, post Gammaworld it's possible he transforms back offscreen every so often to help with the science stuff.
  • Yup, it happened in "Gammaworld".
    • Sort of a no brainer, Hulk demanded full control, so lets assume he does get fatigued, due to Banner's Deal with the Jerkass he has to re Hulk out off screen. Course now his willpower and focus is at a all time low as we saw in Gamma World.

Wasp is a mutant

Her profile on the Disney XD site says that, while people assume Hank gave her her powers, she's actually keeping a lid on just where they came from. In the Ultimate Marvel universe, Wasp is a mutant, so there's precedent, and we know the show is willing to use them, as they've kept Whirlwind's origins. Being a wealthy socialite, Wasp would have plenty of reason to keep quiet about the real origin of her abilities, and would be content to let society assume that she got her abilities from Hank rather than face the stigma that comes from being a "mutie."

  • There is also when Lecturing Hank, she specifically mentions "our Abilities" and "your inventions" for Superheroics. The only way her abilities are good for Super heroics is if they are different from His inventions, giving more credence to this theory.
  • Oh wow. There's also the fact that Whirlwind, the only established mutant, seems to be her personal nemesis. She also calls him out on abusing his powers, which would be interesting if she gained her's in the same way.
    • Mind you Whirlwind was a mutant in the comics too, even though he is an Avengers villain.
  • Hank did mention, in Captain America's re-introductory episode, that Janet's energy blasts are bio-electric in nature, leaning more towards a confirmation of this guess.
    • And what about Wasp saying the origin of her abilities was "complicated"? Add that fuel to the fire too.
    • They were bio-electric in the regular universe too though. Saying the origin of her abilities were "complicated" is a good hint though.
    • To me though, having a special set of genes that allow you to size-shift seems a hell of a lot less "complicated" than being given powers via the Pym Particles... in fact, that was the whole reason Stan Lee created Mutants in the comic universe, was so he would have a far less complicated origin for a large group of characters.
    • She was saying that to get them off the topic.
    • Taking this further, Hank could have created Pym Particles from studying Wasp's powers. It would be interesting if the reason Hank and Janet are in a relationship is because Hank thought Janet's powers were cool and amazing and wanted to learn about them rather than shunning her for being a mutant. Hank in this universe seems like he would be very pro-mutant rights, so perhaps that endears him to Janet.
      • In their introductory Micro-Episode Janet mentions she's the one who makes it all possible. She then explains she manages his life, but....
      • Does it mean that one of the reasons why Hank is reluctant to use violence against mutant supervilains is because he knows thanks to her that all mutants are not evil?
  • Also, notice that whenever Hank uses his powers, he has to use the Pym Particles and he starts to glow Kirby Dots. Janet? She doesn't glow and no part of her costume hints that there are Pym Particles anywhere on her person.
  • Possibly CONFIRMED as of "Ultron-5", seeing as she grew to Giant-Man size to smash down Ultron.
    • She could go giant in the 616 universe too, just didn't do it often.
    • And noticed how the Pym Particles seemed to glow from inside her
  • Also, the Mutant Response Division is active in Avengers and their policy is to "register" mutants by detaining them in prison. This would give Jan a very good reason to claim her powers are Hank's doing. A possible story line in season two would be Jan being "outed" and having to deal with the backlash, maybe making for A Very Special Episode about tolerance.
  • Other possible factors:- while Jan can size shift, she doesn't do it to the same extent as Hank. Hank shrinks smaller than she does, and grows much larger for longer periods. When Jan grew large it hurt her. Possibly Jans abilities were useless (Well it did make her a great clothes horse) before Hank started going wow, and enhancing her abilities with technology. Jan has to rely on her internal store, whereas Hank has a much better - if artificial - battery. This also explains the Wasps varying blast strength, depending upon how charged she is,: and why Hank was so worried when she grew to normal size when she first fought whirlwind. He assumed Jan had run out of energy when in fact she was saving it, so she could release all of it, at once, in her blast.

We will see the Joe Fixit Hulk personality before this series concludes.

With Red Hulk being seen in the trailer for season two, what evidence is there against it? Plus, Joe Fixit is awesome.

There will be a Love Triangle between Thor, Sif, and Jane.

Sif is 616 Thor's canon Love Interest, while Jane was his back in the 60's. Plus, it would be kind of cool, since Jane makes Thor Adorkable and Sif and Thor would make a great Battle Couple.

  • Things could get even more complicated if we add Enchantress to the mix.
  • Noticed in the micro-episode "My Brother, My Enemy", Sif is apparently upset Thor decides to remain on Earth.
    • In "The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill", she overhears Thor missing Jane Foster. She looked heartbroken and bewildered by Thor's interest in mortals.

Black Widow will be a Reverse Mole after a Heel Face Turn.

Because in 616 canon, she ditched HYDRA for the Avengers. It could totally happen here.

  • And then she, Hawkeye, and Agent Morse/Mockingbird will enter a Love Triangle. This troper really likes those, can you tell?
  • Actually, in the comics Black Widow was with the KGB before joining the Avengers as a spy, so it's not like the show in that case. That said, a love triangle with Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Mockingbird is likely; it did seem like Hawkeye had a crush on her.
  • This being the case, she was probably shocked when Hawkeye left her near the Gamma Dome when she wanted to help.
    • No, that would fit more with her being a Reverse Mole the whole time- holy @$%#! If that becomes Canon, she could suddenly be a really interesting character. (Not that she wasn't already, but...) Question is, how would that work? How could her actions be explained into working for SHIELD? Did Fury tell her to do anything necessary to maintain her role? What will Hawkeye's reaction be?!
      • This scenario seems much more plausible given the recent episode "Widow's Sting". Her saving Hawkeye at the end and lying to Strucker about it, and ESPECIALLY Nick Fury's dialogue practically scream "Fake Defector!" Conceivably, Fury and Widow have been purposefully playing Hawkeye all along to establish her cover (remember when Strucker told the Widow just before they attempted to escape "And to think I doubted your loyalty."?)
      • Hawkeye's reaction? He'll take his anger out on Fury for setting it all up, especially when Widow framed him.
  • CONFIRMED. As of "Hail Hydra" its confirmed that Black Widow is not a traitor but really a mole working for Fury AND she and Clint kiss as the end of the episode setting up a Love Triangle between them and Mockingbird.

Nick Fury will try to lure Captain America (comics) away from the Avengers.

He wants super soldiers just like Cap, said so himself in the Breakout P2. Plus Tony and Hank are very much aware Nick is a Manipulative Bastard whose methods are ruthless and runs SHIELD like a tyrant. Chills ran down my spin which Nick gave Cap his Bike because it was unsettling similar to how Tony welcomed Cap to the Avengers. Both their fathers knew Cap, gave him WW 2 trinkets, said father and son "idolized him..." with things ending on a HAND SHAKE. Cap clearly doesn't feel at home with the Avengers and may leave because he feels SHIELD offers a more military, familiar atmosphere... And with suspected Hydra agent Black Widow spinning that web of hers...

  • Cap will be upset at Nick Fury's methods. He'll tell him he's nothing like his father and chose to rejoin the Avengers.
    • Maybe because of him is what led Captain America to unknowingly betray his team in the upcoming Skrull-Kree war on Earth.

Jack Fury isn't Nick Fury's father.

He's Nick Fury himself. The Nick Fury from the regular continuity has been kept alive since WWII thanks to the Infinity Formula. This version seems obsessed with aquiring his own army of Super Soldiers like Cap and the Avengers and the Formula may have been an attempt to re-create the Super Soldier Serum, except all it did was extend his life. He doesn't seemed to have been slowed down at all despite the life-draining effects for Strucker's hand, and the white hair itself might fade after he gets his yearly booster shot.

  • Related to the WMG above, Nick Fury tells Caps he's "grown up" and tells him he should "get it."
  • Jossed. In "The Fall of Asgard", Cap sees the ghosts of the Howling Commandos in the Realm of the Dead, including Jack Fury.
    • It's unclear if this is actually Jack Fury or just an illusion cooked up to seduce Cap. Cap even states that the Jack Fury he knew would never encourage anyone to give up and/or surrender.
      • Except if it was an illusion, why didn't Hela's illusion include Bucky? The lack of Bucky seems to imply tha those were real spirits.
        • Because Bucky was Cap's sidekick while Jack Fury was his superior. He might have more inclination to listen to the seasoned veteran than he does the kid. Also the "Spirits" included James Howlett, AKA Wolverine and you know damn well that he isn't dead.
      • Bucky is Cap's best friend though. If the point was to convince him to stay, why not complete the whole set?
      • Because Bucky isn't dead anymore. Cap subconsciously brought him back when he touched the Cosmic Cube, even though all he really wanted to do was stop Strucker.
      • The "Howling Commando's are just an illusion" theory makes more sense when you remember that Nifelheim in Marvel Universe is for the dishonored dead, not heroes like them.

Bucky will return as The Winter Soldier

The question is, who is the one who brainwashes him, since they probably won't use the russians like in the comics.

  • Theory one, The Red Skull finds his body and brainwashes him himself. What better way to stick it to his Arch Enemy, than to use his old partner as a hired gun?
  • Theory two, Kang is the one that does it. He seems to have it out for Cap, since he belives he's does something that will put the future in danger.
  • Theory three, General Ross. He's not a fan or S.H.I.E.L.D. or (presumably) the Avengers and his own Super-Soldier would help even the odds.
  • To add fuel to the fire, they named dropped Lukin in the episode "Widow's sting". Lukin was introduced early on in Brubakers Captain America and he had the Winter Soldier working for him until Bucky broke free of the brainwashing.
  • This has become even more likely since "Hail Hydra" where it is shown that Bucky did die when the rocket exploded but that thanks to Caps wish with the cosmic cube he survived though with injuries very similar to the ones he had in the comics

Jane Foster will lift Mjolnir at some point.

Thor seems to really admire her, so maybe his hammer will too. And it would be pretty awesome.

Eventually they will add another woman.

Probably Mockingbird, since she was already 'mentioned.' Any other possibilities are yours to guess...but it's probably not Black Widow.

    • We shouldn't count Widow out, though it's probably not any time soon.
      • True. The above WMG about her being a Reverse Mole could be right.
  • Scarlett Witch, thus bringing this show and Wolverine and the X-Men closer together.
  • It probably is Mockingbird, since she's seen in some of the trailers.
    • Links, please!
    • Here! Pause it at 0:12. She's next to Hawkeye.
  • Carol Danvers seems to be on the road to becoming Ms. Marvel.
    • This has been pretty much confirmed by the writers in the DVD bonus features. Carol will become Ms. Marvel and she will join the Avengers at some point.

Enchantress's Lord is Dr. Doom.

Of course it could be Loki, sitting on a throne at the end of "Masters of Evil", but I see no good reason to hide him. Also Doom was mentioned (indirectly) in Breakout part 1. Silhouette in darkness is not very fitting but this still could be Fantastic 4 nemesis. May or may not be the same person responsible for breakout. The only problem for me is Enchantress calling a mortal "Lord".

  • It's Loki. If you look carefully, you can see the outline of his horns.
  • Yea, definitely Loki, though it is possible Doom is helping him out.
    • There's no possible way it couldn't be Loki. She's got an established connection to him, she freed him from the Isle of Silence. The whole nine yards. The reason he was in shadows is probably because Viewers Are Goldfish and they think it will be a dramatic reveal when Loki makes his move.
  • Jossed. It was confirmed as Loki in "This Hostage Earth" and "The Fall of Asgard".

The Black Widow is a Reverse Mole

This became a theory up in her Heel Face Turn WMG. There is no evidence (yet) that this is true, aside from her still calling Hawkeye "Clint," but if it is, Hawkeye's reaction would be EPIC.

  • Apparently CONFIRMED in 'Hail Hydra', but then again, espionage is the game of deceit and death, so there may yet be twists in the tale.

There will be 12 Avengers.

Why? Because Iron Man goes out of his way to mention "12 bedrooms" in "Some Assembly Required." It may look like a throwaway gag about how friggin' huge the house is, but that could be excellent Foreshadowing for more characters.

    • And they will be War Machine (seeing as we've already met Rhodey), Mockingbird (in trailer), Mar-Vell, and She Hulk (because she's awesome).
    • She Hulk is unlikely, since we haven't even met Rick Jones or Betty Ross yet and Hulk obviously hasn't given her his blood yet. We probably won't see her this season.
    • Deadpool. Because Everything's better with Deadpool. And there is such thing as being a "honorary" member, isn't it?
    • Looks like they might be recruiting Ms. Marvel.
    • Mockingbird is showing up in the episode "Widow's sting".
    • Posibly Bucky if he survived WW 2 turned into Winter Soldier then pulls a Heel Face Turn to the heroes. Also hoping for Moon Knight or Spider-man.
    • Until now, we've met Mar-Vell, Ms. Marvel and Wonder Man(If he does a Heel Face Turn), posibly the 12th could be Rhodey, but we'll see who we meet.
    • The Vision has been confirmed to appear in season 2, so he'll probably be in it.
    • Spider-Man. In the original comics, Spidey wanted to join the Avengers for some quick cash. It took about four tries before Ol' Web-head became an "honorary" Avenger, so he might appear (probably as a guest, in line with the "honorary" rank, but maybe Tony could probably hook Spidey up with some room in the mansion).
    • Wolverine. Due to his secret mutant superpower.
  • Ms. Marvel and Vision are definently confirmed to join the team in season 2. Rumors say that Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Falcon will also be joining. (Oh yeah, and someone will be leaving too. My guess is Hulk.)

Mutants are going to be play a big part down the line.

Besides the fact that it takes place in the same universe as Wolverine and the X-Men, they've been dropping hints left and right. Mention of the Mutant Response Division, a newspaper article on a Secret School for mutants, and Mahr Vell's mention of an anomaly in humans that he's been studying as a Xenobiologist. Besides, they've already shown at least two actual mutants, three if the theory that The Wasp is a mutant holds true.

  • Logan's appeared already and was a friend of Cap's and has been an Avenger in the comics; come Season Two it wouldn't be a stretch to see him doing some time as part of the team. The creative team may even finish some of the storylines they wanted to do in Wolverine and the X-Men like Apocalypse taking over in the future.

Everything in this series is Loki's fault.

He's a trickster god. His power is lying. Who better to single-handedly control a Xanatos Gambit?

  • To go into more detail, he probably planned the breakout, possibly manipulating HYDRA into it. According to the Just Bugs Me page, he sent the Wrecking Crew to get the gamma emitter, which would have lead them to the Leader. He got Enchantress to form the Masters of Evil. He chose a mistress that is canonically head over heels for Thor, and thus would stop at nothing to make him hers. He may have twisted Baron Zemo's knowledge of Hawkeye and Black Panther to make them lose. Why? Perhaps because his brother is pissed off at his father and thus avoiding Asgard, and Loki wants him to stay that way so his plan can commence...
    • Which would make Jane Foster the Spanner in the Works...
      • Unless she's really the Enchantress....
    • Actually, The Wrecking Crew were already working for the Leader (They seem to be gamma villains in this show). Loki had nothing to do with that.
  • Partially confirmed in "The Fall of Asgard". He did cause the breakout and gather the Masters of Evil to keep Thor busy on Earth, while he took over Asgard.

Hank Pym will eventually become Yellowjacket.

The multiple personae are too much a part of his character for the writers to just leave out. Hank may start to feel that he's not masculine and badass enough compared to the likes of Thor or Captain America, and then something happens which creates his Yellowjacket personality like in the comics. The writers could use it as an opportunity to address the jerkass aspect of Hank that has plagued his comic counterpart. It could be interesting if it gave him something in common with the Hulk, and if Bruce Banner actually had to give him help, at least for an episode.

    • Or once Ultron inevitably runs amok he might take on the Yellowjacket name to try and distance himself from his past failure.
    • At least partially confirmed. Pym's actor has said that the Yellowjacket personae will be appearing in season two, but no official word yet on what will cause the identity change or whether a dissociative mental snap will be involved.
      • Perhaps out of the guilt he still carries for Ultron's corruption.
    • Yes, he reappears an Ax Crazy Well-Intentioned Extremist who's a far more aggressive then his former persona.

There will be a stalker plot.

With most of the characters being distilled down to their most important characterizations, what do readers most remember about Whirlwind? He hates Hank Pym's guts and has stalked Janet van Dyne since the mid Sixties. He's already been set up as a villainous foil for them in the cartoon, albeit primarily for Wasp in this version, and has expressed his desires for revenge. It's not hard to add a little extra obsession in there, and with Ultron going evil being all but a sure thing now, and the future appearance of Yellowjacket confirmed, Whirlwind could very easily be positioned as another straw on the camel's back.

    • As of Ultron-5 and The Fall of Asgard, Janet's safety has become a definite Berserk Button for Pym, as it was in the comics. Possibly more fuel for the fire?

One of the pre-Avengers caused the breakout.

It would be an interesting twist. The most likely candidate is Wasp. As explained above, she did it to become a superhero. And wants Hank to get out of his lab and shows him what they can really do. Angry at Hank's reluctance, she went to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and caused the Breakout. Throughout the series, we see her moments of Jerkass, especially the episode featuring Captain Mar-Vell. Later on, she was clearly upset that Henry chose to quit the team because of his refusal to fight. She'll set up an elaborate plan to get Hank to remain, a la Hank himself in the original comics. However, we'll all be led to believe Hank is doing this, much like he REALLY did in the comics, out of revenge for going against his beliefs. But soon they'll figure out its her, then she reveals everything and her reasons, a la Ozymandias. We learn that she grew up in a wealthy mansion, but eventually grew bored with it, and became a superhero for the excitement of it all. It turns out her powers (or mutation, if she's indeed a mutant) has a side-effect of giving her mental problems.

    • Except that any and every breakout who-dunnit WMG is jossed, because Word of God says that Loki did it.

The Breakout involved more prisons than currently shown...

Consider: We know all four SHIELD prisons were involved, but what about the M.R.D. prisons?

  • If they're anything like the ones in Wolverine and the X-Men, that may be a good thing. Or not, if they were holding Juggernaut or Magneto.

The Masters of Evil will return with new members

Klaw and Whirlwind are the most likely.

  • They did return with new members, however instead of Klaw or Whirlwind, the team added Grey Gargoyle, Living Laser and Chemistro.

It will be revealed that one of the Avengers is a Skrull, the question is who will it be?

It seems that series will combine the Kree-Skrull War and Secret Invasion stories, probably for the season final. During this it will be reveled that one of the team is a Skrull infiltrator and was replaced some time ago. If they follow the comics this means Ant Man is or will soon be replaced by a Skrull but they could make it a different character just to mess with people. If they go with a different character is say its Wasp.

  • It's possible that none of them get replaced though. The Avengers in this show are still starting out and are probably not that well known to the Skrull empire.Their main enemies are still probably the Kree or the F4(if Super-Skrull has gotten his powers).
    • And now we know who it is Cap, who's replaced at the very end of the season by a Skrull agent.

The flying ant that Hank rides on is the same one every time.

Nothing to do with the plot, but it wouldn't be too hard to believe that Hank keeps this same pet drone ant with him in his belt at all times for easy transportation, or that said ant has been genetically altered to live a lot longer than a drone ant should.

  • And he calls it Hank Junior.
  • Or "Little Hank."

The series takes place in the same continuity as the Planet Hulk animated movie

The series will eventually feature the Civil War storyline. As a result, Hulk will be sent into space. "The Man Who Stole Tomorrow" is filled with references to the Civil War plot, from prison 42 to the philosophical conflicts between Captain America and Iron-Man. As noted in several places on this site, the main reason for the Planet Hulk story was to get the Hulk out of the picture for Civil War.

    • If this the case, than the upcoming show "Hulk: Agent of SMASH" will also be part of the same universe. Hulk and Caeira's son will show up from the get go. So will Red Hulk who is debuting on the Avengers second season.

Hank will be forced to turn all his Ultrons into an army to fight Kang.

Kang's army is huge, and the Avengers will have their work cut out for them fighting off the invasion. Seeing that they have a whole bunch of tough robots, Tony manages to convince Hank to arm all the Ultrons and reprogram them to fight back Kang. This will eventually lead to Ultron gaining his sentience and turning evil.

  • Confirmed! I Knew It!!
    • Especially since Ultron-5 seems to be the only Ultron left.

Odin will banish Thor from Asgard.

Odin is furious at Thor for questioning him and for caring more about the mortals (particularly Jane Foster) than his own people. The banishment will be some sort of "test" to get Thor to return to Asgard willingly.

  • As of "The Casket of Ancient Winters" Thor is unable to return to Asgard

Maria Hill will become supportive of the Avengers.

As we've been introduced to her, she's rather distrustful of the superheroes. Despite her loyalty to Nick Fury, she was unaware of the supervillain jails. She'll make more appearances on the series and begins to question Fury's integrity.

  • Jossed as of "Hail Hydra", where she's even more hostile and seems to be setting up the superhero registration plotline.
    • It's Still possible she'll eventually mellow out, like she did in the comics.

Betrayal of Captain America, that Kang was talking about, will be Civil War

War between the heroes of the Earth would undermine our defences and make Earth vulnerable to attack from Kree and Skrulls. Cap, as Kang said, has no place in XXI century. That includes his loyalty to American Dream and strong belief in individual liberty. With him Iron Man would convince other heroes, breaking their will, if necessary to register. He will succeed without clear leader of opposition. The result will be an army, which will push back invaders. But that will be just start - people will give up more and more freedom for their safety and in very long run it will lead to totalitarian rule of Kang.

    • The betrayal is more likely due to Cap being a Skrull now
    • Another crazy idea. There will be civil war but because Cap is a Skrull for now, he and Iron Man will be at diffrent sides. Iron Man will be fighting with Shield and Goverment intervention (like he should, YMMV) and fake Cap will join registration side.

Kang is actually a future version of Tony

Related to the WMG above, Tony eventually takes total control of the earth. It's been shown that although Kang's technology is far beyond his own Tony can still interface with it. This is because it is based on the tech Tony currently owns. The reason for Kang's drastically different appearence is because living as long as he has requrired ... modification to his body in order to keep things running throughout the centuries.

    • This seems unlikely, since he would then know Cap was in the 21st century without needing to check the historical records.
      • He just needed to refresh his memory. He's been alive for so long and bounced back and forth across the timestream so many times that things can get a little muddled.

The timeline has always been the same.

Captain America gets frozen, wakes up in the 21st century, indirectly causes Earth to be weakened, life on Earth gets wiped out in the Kree/Skrull war (excluding some survivors who weren't on Earth at the time). Said survivors are the ancestors of Kang's civilization. The universe later gets destroyed somehow (in some way caused by Captain America's Human Popsicle act), and Kang & co. escape by traveling back in time. The series exists in a Stable Time Loop.

The timeline changed because of Thor

In Kang's timeline, Thor never left Asgard and the enchantress never followed him and separated Hulk from the Avengers who then, in turn, never discovered Captain America. As for how Thor changed things? He's from Asgard, who's to say that time/space doesn't work weirdly when interacting with Midgard?

  • This actually makes sense. Thor was the original one who "provoked" hulk to leave the team, and subsequently Hulk unearthed Captain America. Because the Avengers Formed without Hulk in Kang's timeline (all screwy alternate history aside), his subsequent unearthing of Captain America changed something so that somehow the Captain caused the end of the world (possibly in conjunction with him fighting his skrull half)

The timeline changed because of Ultron

Wasp may of know about it but Cap made the choice, that is what destroys the future Weaponized Ultron. Without Kang they would have been Weaponized for the Kree/Skrull War. Kang actually accelerated the destruction by intervening. Doubles as Hoist by His Own Petard when Ultron goes bad and What Have I Done when Kang realizes this, and triples as a (temporary or permanent) Token Evil Teammate when Kang joins the Avengers to stop Ultron.

The betrayal Kang was talking about was Ultron.

Similar to the above the choice Captain America made that destroyed Kang's time line was the choice to weaponize Ultron, which he did in response to the Kree-Skrull invasion. This, predictably, led to Ultron going rogue and destroying the team and the world while they were still reeling from the war. However by going back in time Kang altered the past forcing the Avengers to reprogram Ultron early, not to mention arming them with Damocles base as a result either A) Ultron will go rogue PRIOR to the invasion or B)Damocles base will be used to end the Kree-Skrull invasion sooner and with less damage to the planet than in the future Kang is trying to avoid. Either way Ultron would be left facing the Avengers at full or at least close to full strength leading to a rehashing of the Ultron Unlimited from the comics.

Odin is a Skrull.

Only logical explanation for him having two eyes.

  • But how would the Skrulls replace him, or duplicate his power? How would they even get to Asgard in the first place? Most likely, Odin with two eyes is just because of Rule of Cool, or because the animation Did Not Do the Research

Maria Hill is a Skrull

Her efforts to forcibly conscript the Avengers into S.H.I.E.L.D. are to stymie them and build animosity between the two groups so when the invasion comes in force they will be so distrustful of each other they will be unable to work constructively together.

  • I thought this at first too, but when Ultron scanned her mind, he found out the security codes for the helicarrier, plus wouldn't he have seen that she was a Skrull by doing that? Although whether or not he would have cared is a question... But still, would a skrull know the codes for SHIELD?
    • Yes, because at that time she was the director of SHIELD.
    • Very true....
    • Or she's just stupid.
      • Have in mind that in the comic book invasion, the Skrulls did not aim to the characters at the top of the command lines, but to minor ones around them. Spider-woman or Jarvis were not exactly Iron Man or Nick Fury. Neither it happened during the Chitauri invasion in the Ultimates. So, if the skrulls are going to replace anyone, I would bet on Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, or some SHIELD red shirts.
        • In the series, we've had Skrulls impersonating the Invisible Woman, Viper, and even Captain frigging America. The three of them hold some position of command or importance for their respective teams/organizations. So while the Skrulls' strategy of impersonating minor civilians and the like, it's not like they've refrained from replacing major characters or anything.

The timeline changed because of the cosmic cube.

More importantly, because Captain America used it to wish for Bucky to had lived.

  • This changed timeline may have been what caused Kang's timeline to be erased. After all, Kang said Captain America shouldn't be alive.
  • "Nightmare in Red" suggests the Cosmic Cube played a role in the disaster: Without Bucky, Ross wouldn't have gotten the Hulk blood, Red Hulk wouldn't have framed the Incredible Hulk of terrorizing SHIELD, and the Avengers wouldn't have lost the Incredible Hulk to the Hulkbusters. That loss will apparently advance the Skrulls' plans.

Hank will earn the name GiAnt-man

Probably from a typo

  • Captain America referred to Hank as Giant Man in "Come the Conqueror."
  • And again in the Asguard Arc.
  • The A wasn't capitalized in both instances
    • How do you capitalize a SPOKEN word?
      • Captions/Subtitles

The Skrull Captain America will help put an end to the Secret Invasion.

  • C'mon. If you go deep cover as Captain freaking America, you're gonna go good in time.
    • Of course they still have to deal with the Kree and Skrulls going at it.
    • There is something to this, as Skrull Cap did prevent the Avengers from completely breaking up. He could be just wanting to spy on them some more, but wouldn't it be more convenient to splinter them instead, make the heroes weaker? I think there's a possibility that there might be some Becoming the Mask moments coming up.

Cap has to talk his way out of Nifelheim again.

  • Skrull Cap had no reason to use the stun setting. Cap's dead. He has to convince Hela to let him go. "But he didn't die against Loki!", you say. Wanna bet Hela's not going to split that hair?
    • I had the same idea, besides Hela was reflected in his shield, a bad omen. But i have a feeling Thor and Uru Iron are going to "persuade" her, posibly with a REALLY BIG HAMMER and a OmniBeam, she will then proceed to Curbstomb them and Hank will difuse the situation with a diplomatic talk
      • A diplomatic talk with a giant fist to the face and lots of hungry ants. Hank's a lot less passive these days.
    • Then again, it looks like he was just KO'd. Cap was probably just captured, this does fit the Skrulls M.O.
      • It depends what kind of invasion they are basing it on. Secret Invasion Skrulls (that were perfectly undetectible, able to duplicate the powers and memories of their victims as well as fool mindreaders) needed to keep their victims alive to keep taking DNA samples from them to keep their complete disguise. Regular infiltration (where they just look like the person but don't have their powers, or knowledge and will be exposed to mind readers) wouldn't need that. But yes generally their MO is to take victims as prisoners.
    • None of this matters anyway because Exact Words matter when dealing with magical creatures, you just have to remember to invoke them. My guess is there will be a big battle against Hela before Cap remembers the precise terms of their deal and explain that it is now null and void anyway. It's not like she can even claim him if he goes down fighting the Masters of Evil again because even if they decided to still follow Enchantress (not bloody likely considering all the success they've had with her) She is no longer Loki's pawn to use. She is bound to her word by her own powers.

Loki DID NOT instigate the breakout.

  • Now, you may be thinking, "but he said that he did!". Nope. He never specifically said that he shut down the power in the prisons. He just said that he set up distractions for Thor, and they just so happened to be showing footage of Thor vs Graviton as he was saying this. He never said anything about the breakout. The distraction he was talking about was Enchantress and Executioner the first time the Avengers fought them. Now, maybe he had something to do with the breakout, but it's possible that he didn't. But then who did? I'll quote Iron Man: His name rhymes with 'Boom'.
  • If he didn't do it, then it must be the Skrulls, or the Kree (if Captain Mar'Vell wasn't the only Kree scout).
    • Maybe, but why would the Skrulls or Kree just release more super-powered earthlings for them to fight? Wouldn't they want to keep them imprisoned?
      • Maybe to distract the Avengers.
        • They release seventy some-odd super villains, some of which are both incredibly powerful and dangerously intelligent, to distract a team of less than a dozen heroes who only teamed up to deal with the seventy some-odd super villains they released to begin with? That's logic.
          • Well, they're aware of the superheroes and feared they would be the ones to stop them. But they didn't anticipate some of them forming a permanent team.
    • Jossed--according to Joshua Fine, Loki did indeed cause the breakout.

Maria Hill caused Nick Fury to 'disappear'.

  • So that she could become director of SHIELD and get rid of the Avengers.
    • In "Breakout, Part 2", she was shocked to learn there are more supervillain prisons than she's aware of. Plus, she's not pleased with Fury's methods of working alongside the Avengers and believes they should be working FOR them.
  • Jossed in "Who Do You Trust?". Nick Fury went undercover himself to dig deeper into the Skrull conspiracy.

Nick Fury is stranded in the Squadron Supreme universe.

While he finds a way back to his universe, we'll see a lot of DC Comics Shout Outs. He will even borrow Green Lantern-Expy Doctor Spectrum's Power Prism, as an homage to John Stewart.

    • Given how heavily based on Kirby-era Avengers this series is, I wouldn't be surprised if the Squadron Supreme/Sinister appear at some point. Lawyer-Friendly Cameo and all that.

Episode 52 will end with a Title Drop.

  • I would also like it to end with someone camcording the Avengers in epic poses, to Book End "Iron Man is Born" beginning with someone camcording Iron Man fighting a robot.

The Maestro will appear eventually

  • Possibly in a team up with Kang, the Maestro will appear to give a new freshness to the Hulk's angst, and to get to do a proper Hulk vs Avengers fight without having (their) Hulk actually be a bad guy.

Enchantress will return to kill Thor or make him suffer.

By endangering Jane Foster.

If Cap is dead, The Avengers will assault Nifelheim to rescue Cap's soul

And when they do, Skurge, who has become.....disenchanted with his mistress will join them. Only for someone to need to make a stand on the bridge to buy them time. Take a guess who?
  • That would be incredible beyond words.

General Ross will return to try and separate Hulk and the Avengers

Ross knows that with Hulk in the Avengers, he will be harder to attack without the public all coming to rip him to shreds. So lure them away from him and attempt to finish the job, possibly with some extra help.

  • He'll probably use his daughter and Rick Jones as baits.
    • Unless either or both are dead. Another reason why Ross is pursuing him.

Ross does try to separate the Hulk from the Avengers in "Nightmare in Red." He succeeds.

Wonderman will eventually have a Heel Face Turn

Or at the very least, become a True Neutral force. Simon always was reluctant to be evil, and even viewed his role in the Masters of Evil as a Necessary Evil more than anything. Eventually, he'll have a rethink of his role in evil, and rebel against the Enchantress. Possibly could be tied to a technological breakthrough to preserve his Wonder body. The way I see it, this is especially likely after Black Panther gave an Armor-Piercing Question, "Do you truly believe there will be a world left for you to live in if you help Zemo?" and Simom then chose to abandon the battle rather be beaten like the other masters of evil.

  • Adding to this, Tony will reveal he's been studying Simon's energy signature or some Techno Babble during their previous encounters, and he's been working on way to stabilize and even turn Simon back. Then Tony will explain the whole thing with Simon's company, thus ending Wonderman's grudge against him, since that is likely the only thing that would prevent the aforementioned Heel Face Turn.
  • My theory is Enchantress lied and Simon is keeping his body together all by himself. Naturally when he finds out the truth he won't take it very well and will come close to slaughtering all of the Masters of Evil before finally being talked down. After a bout of Anger Management therapy with Doc Samson he'll join the team full-time.
  • After all, we have years of comics as well to work with the fact that Simon was an avenger for years.
  • In "Acts of Vengeance" Enchantress goes after the Masters of Evil with the intent of taking revenge on Zemo. If her magic was what was truly keeping him alive why didn't she just undo the spell or revoke it when he started attacking her (or even at the very beginning)? Because she can't. Simon is keeping his body together all on his own and the Masters lied to him.

Season 2 will force an Enemy Mine situation between The Avengers and The Masters of Evil.

The cause: the Kree-Skrull war coming to earth. Why would Baron Zemo agree to work alongside his Arch Enemy Captain America (comics)? To quote from Pragmatic Villainy, "There's no profit to be had in the end of the world."

    • there was an enemy mine, but against the Enchantress after she turned on all of them. Zemo still turned on the avengers, and he was defeated along with her.

Season 3 will open with the debut of the Thunderbolts

  • The preview of Season 2 has mentioned that it's going to be a look into the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, and with the Kree-Skrull war and the introduction of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it wouldn't be surprising if the Avengers spend a significant amount of time in space. Also consider that the Masters of Evil are getting one last hurrah or however it was said. It's hard to believe, however, that Zemo would just give up that easily (unless he's killed). Thus, with the Avengers out in space and no indication as to when or if they'll come back, Zemo will see an opening to create the Thunderbolts in their absence, and it'll work out about as well as it did in the comics...
    • Problem is , the Zemo in this show is Heinrich Zemo. Also, how would the shows line up be able to pose as heroes?( Especially Abomination).
    • ** In all likelyhood, they would introduce at least Screaming Mimi/Songbird and Moonstone/Meteorite before the end of season 2. They could also use the more "human" villains like Chemistro and Whirlwind.

Ultron will become a key player in the Kree/Skrull/Earth war

  • Ultron, being as notoriously hard to kill as he is in the comics, will show up toward the end of the war. Why will he be a major player? He'll be hoovering up every piece of alien technology he can find, making him a major threat to the now-weakened factions in the war.
    • He's certainly ruined things for Earth already, leaving them with no missles to defend themselves with.

General Ross will become the Red Hulk

  • We saw that his hatred of the Hulk is getting the better of him and the vial of Hulk Blood that Black Widow had is still missing. It's possible that Ross turns into the Red Hulk because of that vial.

Pym will form the Thunderbolts

  • Pym here is all about reforming Supervillains, The Thunderbolts are reformed (or reforming) Supervillains no brainer.

Successfully using the Cosmic Cube to retroactively alter history confuses extra-temporal observation.

  • We know that Kang thinks that Captain America is alive, yet should be died, but we haven't been given any evidence of time-travel or retroactive alteration of history making the Captain alive when he shouldn't be. What we do know is that at a point - admittedly a point after Kang's intervention, but time may work in mysterious ways, and events of a similar nature were liable to happen anyway - Rogers seemingly subconsciously used the Cube to make someone that should be dead living... which may have confused Kang's instruments into thinking the Captain is a temporal anomaly. Add to that a fake-Captain being an important part of Skrull infiltration, and Kang thinking that the Captain proper is responsible for the destruction of the Earth even if it is not so seems not entirely unlikely.

The success of the DVDs will lead to the Avengers starring in a Direct to Video movie

  • It seems likely that Disney will eventually release a Marvel DVD attracting the boys who won't watch Disney Fairies. Maybe this one could adapt Civil War or compile an arc's episodes.
    • Civil War is unlikely, at least for now. In the comics, with the full Marvel Universe at their disposal, they could organize both a huge group of pro-registration and anti-registration, and it made sense to deem their conflict a "Civil War". With just eight avengers and two agents of SHIELD we can not make a decent "civil war", just a mere internal conflict. It may be possible in the future, as the seasons keep introducing new characters.

Loki will return, more dangerous than ever.

His torture from the Midgard Serpent affected him psychologically.

  • .......He wasn't exactly playing with a full deck the last time we saw him.
    • But this will make him worse.
  • Confirmed. He will return in the episode "Powerless", with help from Enchantress.

Enchantress will pretend to be Jane Foster in one episode of season 2.

She'll try to manipulate Thor, or to kiss him, or both.

    • Now that would be interesting... and Jane and Amora even both have the same voice actress.

They'll get the real Cap back early into Season 2

The show is very good and condensing down stories into two or three episode arcs. Most likely the Skrulls have no idea how much trouble they're going to have trying to keep Captain America captured.

  • Possibly Jossed? It's episode 8 already, and the real Cap is still in skrull captivity.
    • Episode 10 is said to focus on Cap, so that'll probably be the one where he comes back.

Maria Hill is acting as a jerk because she's insecure/inexperienced

I just thought of this after re-watching episode 1. From her confusion on the existence of The Raft/serving as Mrs. exposition on the vault seems to indicate that perhaps she was a new hire/promotion to her position as deputy director. Hence how she keeps getting lectured by Fury on priorities and how Shield really works. When Fury went missing to deal with the skrull problem, she must have felt that she had to prove that she was worthy of eventually taking Fury's mantle as SHIELD head. Hence how she started taking a super hard line over crime and vigilantism with the avengers. "I'm not Nick Fury" stands out the most, as she's trying to show herself as the tough new leader of SHIELD, and always quick to point out how the avengers fell short/need to register/made mistakes. Perhaps with Nick Fury's return, there will be a moment/episode where she tries to explain herself to Fury over a controversial choice she made, only for Fury to say something along the lines of, "I appreciate what you were trying to do, but you don't have to worry about filling my role anytime soon." or something like that.

  • We'll see since Nick Fury will be returning in season 2.

Grey Gargoyle is still alive.

He wasn't killed onscrean. He may return in season 2.

  • But, on the other hand, he's a minor and inconsequential character, and so a perfect Red Shirt. Joker Immunity only applies for villains as Kang, Ultron, Loki or Zemo, the Grey Gargoyle is not in their category.
    • The revealed cover for the second issue of the upcoming series of tie-in comics features Grey Gargoyle punching Iron Man. This could mean that this piece of WMG will come true, unless this issue takes place before This Hostage Earth.

Baron Zemo will be the last villain of The Breakout the Avengers defeat.

Why? Thematic significance. Graviton, prisoner of The Raft was the first villain the avengers collectively defeated. Zemo, other high profile prisoner of The Raft, will end up being the last. Fighting to the last, evading, upgrading his arsenal, but ultimately stripped of his Masters of Evil, and the last prisoner of The Breakout to be re-incarcerated, his defeat will be a Season Finale in all likelihood.

    • As a season finale, I doubt it. Zemo isn't that big of a threat; not by himself. I'd leave the Finale to a more powerful villain like Doom, Red Skull, Ultron, or someone new like Mandarin. But yeah, him being the last Breakout villain caught would be cool.
      • The Avengers arrested Zemo as of episode 29, but they probably still have more criminals to capture.

Eventually, Odin will lose an eye.

Because unless this is a serious case of Did Not Do the Research, they're planning something.

Red Skull will return and get his hands on the Cosmic Cube.

I'm guessing he'll come back in one of the following ways. 1: He had some age-slowing serum, similar to Zemo. 2: He was put in suspended animation. or 3: Kang brings him back. If Kang so dearly wants to get rid of Cap, why not bring back the very guy who took him out, right? Of course, seeing as how Red Skull is pretty much a Complete Monster in most of his portrayels, and Kang is deep, deep, deep, deep down, an honorable guy, I think Kang will soon regret his decision. Especially when the Skull gets the cosmic cube (which you know will happen).

Later in season 2, Surtur will capture several of the Avengers' already-defeated enemies and transform them into more powerful beings.

In the newest trailer for season two, (the link is somewhere above) a few clips show that Surtur is going to be in it for sure. One clip shows his giant hand closing up on a terrified Enchantress, and a later brief clip shows a firey-themed villainess who is obviously a powered-up Enchantress, judging by the designs on her clothes. Now, it may only be limited to her, but I think it would be awesome if Surtur took a few other villains and powered them up too. The Grim Reaper comes to mind especially. That way they can incorporate the more powerful version of the comics with the far more awesome design and personality of this one.

There will be a Ragnarok arc based on the one from Simonson's run on Thor.

Surtur was in the previews for season two. He could possibly free Loki and try to get him to help destroy the worlds, only for Loki to pull a Heel Face Turn and team up with the Avengers. Although seeing as how he's got a few screws loose at the moment, he might not want to stop Ragnarok...

    • Maybe he'll pull a Heroic Sacrifice like he did in Siege? Season two is a bit early to get rid of one of the series' main villans though. (On the other hand, animated kid!Loki would be awesome.)
      • What about staying true to that story, and have Odin making the heroic sacrifice? That would add even more tension to the thing of Thor staying in Midgard

Reality is going to get seriously screwed up in season 2.

One of the first images released for the second season is of Uatu the Watcher standing over a scene that includes (among other things) the X-men in Canadian Alpha Flight-inspired costumes. The Comi Con preview shows several characters with tweaked costumes that resemble either their Ultimate or modern-age costumes. Also from the preview Iron Man has the line "It got kind of crazy, but we pretty much saved all of reality."

    • Actually, according to the artist on his Deviantart account, that image is not for season 2. It's a What If? type picture, possibly foreshadowing season 3. So contrary to popular belief, Uatu and the X-men are (unfortunately) not confirmed for season 2. Also, the characters probably change their costumes without any reality-warping involved. And I'm pretty sure that Iron Man is referring to the whole thing with Loki, but maybe not.
      • Changing costumes is all well and good but why would they be wearing Alpha Flight uniforms in any case?
  • That image was just a gift to the staff, it has no impact on the show.

Doom will cause a second breakout

In a case of Here We Go Again, Doom's assault on the baxter building isn't just to kill Reed Richards, but also to destroy his work. AKA, the destruction of Prison 42 and the freeing of all prisoners caught by the Avengers to date: Graviton, Strucker, The Leader, Wreckers, U-Foes, etc. That way, the writers can reuse some villains without compromising the internal security of Prison 42. Also, as Evil Is Petty, such an action would make some sense if Doom wanted to destroy everything Reed had ever touched. Now it's up to the season premiere to prove me wrong!

    • Actually, according to the first episode of season 2, destroying Richards is not Doom's motivation for attacking. He's looking into the Skrull plot as well, and he think that the Avengers and FF will provide him with clues.

The last episode wasn't the first time Loki was punished like that

Look at his eyes, look at the markings around them. They look like...burns or scars of some kind. And when its happening, he seems to be mumbling some terrified babble like its his worst fear...because he's lived it before and is deathly terrified of it. Loki hates Odin and Asgard because he did something wrong, was punished, and the punishment left him unhinged.

    • Although if you look closely, the Frost Giants have the same markings by their eyes. That's just the mark of a Frost Giant, and Loki is one after all.

At least one member will have a major storyarc in the midst of the Skrull Invasion if they make season 3

  • Iron Man will have the Skrulls subplot and he gets to get super space armor and team up with Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel.
  • Black Panther will reenact the Jason Aaron mini series of him going toe to toe with Skrulls.
  • Ant Man/Wasp could be espionage agents for the team gathering info.
  • Captain America could be leading a resistance of the Skrull prisoners.
  • Hulk will have his powers reversed as his Bruce Banner persona will have Hulk powers and his Hulk persona will have Bruce Banner mannerisms.
    • I'm pretty sure those could happen in season 2, as this season is dealing with the Skrull invasion. Heck, the Captain America one is almost confirmed to happen, as in the trailer there is a split-second scene of Cap with a torn up costume and no mask punching Super-Skrull in the face.

The Season 2 finale will feature...

All of Earth's heroes teaming up to fight back aaginst the Skrull invasion. This image here could be of Cap giving one of his classic rousing speeches to the assembled heroes to inspire them to fight on for Earth in the face of an oncoming invasion from beyond the stars. (Also, note that Cap here is wearing his regular outfit, and not the Ultimate-inspired costume we've seen in teasers[1].)

    • Except that Word of God says that the Skrull invasion plot will get wrapped up midway through the season. And I don't think that they would release a picture from the season finale before season 2 even starts.
      • True, indeed. Perhaps the pic is from the finale of the Skrull arc, when the heroes proceed to fight back the invasion.
      • The season finale will feature Surtur and Ragnarok.

Each superhero team (and possibly also supervillain teams) has a Skrull spy.

First Madame Hydra/Viper, then Captain America, and now Invisible Woman.

Other teams that may have a Skrull:

  • X-Men
  • Alpha Flight
  • X-Force
  • Brotherhood of Mutants
  • A.I.M.
  • Hellfire Club
  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Friends of Humanity
  • The Hand
  • Maggia
  • Hulkbusters
    • "Who Do You Trust?" confirms that Nick Fury's group, and by extension S.H.I.E.L.D., has been infiltrated by none other than the Skrull Queen herself, posing as Mockingbird.
    • And "Prisoner of War" confirms that SHIELD was also infiltrated with a Skrull Clay Quartermain, AIM was infiltrated, and the Serpent Society was infiltrated with a Skrull King Cobra.

The real Captain America will fight his Skrull double.

Y'just know that this is more than a likelihood. Steve escapes his captivity and proceeds to school his double in a most satisfyingly wonderful manner.

This version The Wrecking Crew got their powers because of Thunderball.

Thunderball is and expert on Gamma Radiation almost as good as Bruce Banner and this version of the Wrecking Crew are said to be Gamma Villains.

Episode 28 will show whether or not Tony Stark took Captain America's fighting classes to heart and demonstrate how worthy a leader he really is

This is going off some of the early images of Maria Hill visiting Stark and the episode summary about it being Tony VS Technovore. Caught without his armor, and against a machine eating monster, this will clearly demonstrate Captain America's point about needing to remember some basics and not always relying on his armor. Furthermore, if SHIELD is somehow involved, this could also be a good point for Tony to show not his fighting credentials as a leader, since Hill already knows about how intelligent he is with machines and hacking. Furthermore, Technovore could also score some political points for Stark, since if SHIELD ends up being ineffective in how they handle the former Vault monster, it could underscore any argument Stark makes for keeping The Avengers separate from direct SHIELD control. It all depends on how well or poorly he handles the test, so it's exam time for Iron Man to show if he really is worthy to lead The Avengers.

  • Mostly Jossed, though it did lead to the premire of the mark IX and does show how Tony sees no need to register.

Skrull Cap already or will send a copy of the downloaded info of Stark Industries to the Skrulls

The opportunity to have info on some of the most advance tech on Earth fell right into his lap

The thief who steals Hank's Ant-Man suit is Scott Lang.

This will spur Hank to create his Yellowjacket persona in an attempt to bring him to justice. Upon discovering that Scott stole the suit in order to help his sick daughter Hank will insist SHIELD forgo jail time in favor of community service (and refuse to press charges) and let him keep the suit. As a bonus Hank will make sure Scott's daughter receives the care she needs.

  • Actually I'm pretty sure it's Crossfire, a villain whose business is to steal and resell superhero suits. That's the guy that Hank is punching in the trailer. This isn't to say that Scott Lang isn't involved though, as in the recently released season 2 group shot both Ant-Man and Yellowjacket are present, meaning that someone took up Hank's role.
    • Lang could be working with or for Crossfire in exchange for the funds needed to care for his daughter, or that particular shot could be from another episode entirely.

Everything here got Jossed, except for the subject line.

Each line in the second verse of "Fight as One" also references an Avenger.

Josh Fine confirmed this, but didn't say which line refers to who. Too small to turn the tide/too stubborn to give in/pushed by pain and pride/to face these fears and win/There's no one left to trust/it all comes down to us./AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

Iron Man, Cap, Thor, and the Hulk already have lines in the normal version. I think the fifth line refers to Hawkeye, and Black Widow's betrayal. Line three might refer to Black Panther, and his father's death. Line one sounds like it refers to Ant-Man and/or Wasp. I can't figure out lines two and four; would anyone else like to try? Would you also let me know if you disagree with any of the interpretations I gave?

  • I think that the first line is for Wasp, since she is the smallest of them all (Ant-Man is also Giant Man). The second line is probably Hawkeye, since he's, well, stubborn. The third line is probably Black Panther. The fourth line is probably Hank Pym. The fifth line might be Hawkeye, but I think it's probably referring to the whole Skrull war in season 2. Those are my guesses. It seems like all these lines in both verses point out the flaws, problems, and fears of each Avenger. Hulk is constantly tormented and treated like a mindless monster. Cap is lost in a world that he doesn't know. Thor is (was) banished from Asgard and deemed disloyal. Iron Man is (was) all alone in his fight against evil. Wasp is put down because she seems too small to make a difference. Hawkeye is stubborn and hot-headed. Panther must cope with the pain of his father's death and the pride that he has in being a royal. Hank Pym is plagued with fears of giving in to violence and failing mankind. First season they all realized that they were not alone and needed to work together to overcome their flaws. Second season, this teamwork will be put to the test when it seems like they can't trust anyone.
    • Alternately, "Too small to turn the tide" could refer to how Ant-Man's tactics of talking things out with foes almost never work, and he gets mocked by others for having such tactics.
  • Where are these lyrics even coming from? there has yet to be a full version of the song released.
    • Josh Fine posted them on Twitter:

Maria Hill has a crush on Tony Stark

  • not much of WMG as it can be seen fairly obvious from two scenes in the AIM episode. One is when she prattle Stark to hurry up with something, Stark retort by asking her if she has a date that night, to which she actually smiled (first time in the series) and replied yes (I take it as she was referring to Tony). The second hint is toward the end of episode where Tony hold Pepper in his arm, and Maria saw it and gave him a very angry glare.
    • So logically she's trying to get Tony to join SHIELD since she doesn't have powers of skills to become an Avenger

Hela has the hots for Captain America

  • And is going to act kind of like a Clingy Jealous Girl next time we see them on screen together.

Next Avengers is the sequel to this show

It's the holographic shield that clinches it.

    • This will create a Continuity Snarl, however, in that Tony Stark did not invent Ultron in this continuity. They could try to handwave it, but maybe not.

Armin Zola is dead

  • The Enchantress advances menacingly on him, and she wasn't to impressed with him trying to kill her. Before that, she threatened to do to him what the executioner did to the Grey Gargoyle. His body is found stuck to Doughboy, but unlike the other defeated Masters of Evil, Iron Man doesn't say he survived.
    • Unlikely. Any time one of his bodies is damaged or destroyed, his minds moves to another of his bodies.
      • Does he have any other bodies? Would they change that with the adaptation?

Agent Phil Coulson will show up at some point this season.

Yes, he's in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, but he seems to be at the center of being just about everywhere outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even appearing in comics now. I'd guess we'll have him appear as a SHIELD agent and perhaps even become somewhat of a key player in the Skrull Infiltration arc (which would then become a great way to integrate Coulson's fanboy love of Captain America as a plot device for helping weed out Skrull!Cap.).

Being an Avenger is Making Hulk Weak.

  • Hulk hasn't been majorly successful since the first season in any fight, mainly only serving to take the brunt of the damage for the other characters, or to show how powerful some character is, Worf Barrage style. However this is actually intentional by the writers, Hulk's power level is decreasing because his life has been much easier as of late, not being hounded and hunted constantly, having friends in Hawkeye and the Wasp, he's calming down as a whole and that's making him weaker.
  • This will lead to an episode where Hulk's rage is forced through the roof by some threat causing a resurgence of his old power levels, perhaps at the skrull finale, which will lead to banishment, Planet Hulk and World War Hulk.

Paranoia about the Skrulls will push Tony into supporting registration

The recap in "Who Do You Trust?" might play clips of Maria Hill trying to make the Avengers register to raise the possibility that her act will somehow make it easier to tell the Skrulls apart from the real superheroes. Also note that Nick Fury didn't scold Maria's attempts to force registration, like so many viewers hoped. Becoming pro-registration would also give Tony a bigger chance of landing at least one date with Maria.

At least one Hero For Hire will team up with the Avengers.

I noticed Ant-Man's hand in this picture.

  • Jossed, at least for that episode. Turns out the Avengers in that picture are all Skrulls, save for Ms. Marvel.

Marvel Animation is re-dubbing episode 39, "Along Came a Spider," with Drake Bell.

They're already stretching out the Secret Invasion adaptation, planning some Marvel Universe blocks lacking new EMH episodes, and replacing the show with an overly silly Avengers cartoon after episode 52. What else would give Hell to this cartoon's fans?

    • Confirmed, unfortunately, according to this Josh Keaton was original VA for Spidey, but his audio was redubbed.

Wasp will have a Character Development.

Even though she wants to join the Avengers to make a difference, she acts like it's fun and exciting. But during the fight in "Who Do You Trust?", Ms. Marvel tells her its serious. She may have a personal crisis for trusting in imposter Captain America.

Also, she will fall out of love with Hank.

Spider-Man's first appearence will have him "summoning the spiders"

Cuz it'd be funny and awesome

The destroyed sun that caused Earth's apocalypse in the future that Kang showed was actually caused by Surtur, not the Kree-Skrull war.

The same fate happened to Beta Ray Bill's planet, after all. And who's to say that Kang was absolutely sure what caused the destruction of Earth's sun?

In "Prisoner Of War", Cap and the Red Skull will team up.

They'll do this to escape the Skrulls, and it will be amazing.

    • Probably not, since Red Skull shows up as Dell Rusk in Nightmare in Red as the one behind the Red Hulk.
  • Jossed. He did team up with some of his enemies, but not Red Skull.

The Season (and show) Finale will be Surtur and Ragnarok, and a lot of important stuff will happen, such as...

  • For starters, all of the other heroes that the Avengers have met over the course of the show will team-up with them to save the universe. SHIELD, the Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire, the Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe the X-Men (at least Wolverine), Beta Ray Bill, and Spider-Man. And it will be awesome.
  • The Executioner will join them as well, as he wants to save Amora and, seeing as he's Asgardian, save Asgard as well. And just like in the comics, he will redeem himself by making a Heroic Sacrifice against Surtur's hordes, and will finally have a voice, with his first and last words being, "FOR ASGARD!" as he leaps into the swarms of fire demons. And it will be awesome.
  • Kang will play a big role in this as well. If my theory is correct, that Surtur is actually the cause of Kang's timeline being destroyed, he will most definitely want to prevent this by defeating Surtur and will join forces with the heroes to stop him. After beating Surtur, Ravonna will be healed and Kang will return to his restored timeline. And it will be awesome.
  • Finally, the last shot will be of all the heroes, with the Avengers (specifically the Big Three) in the forefront, with Cap raising his shield and shouting, "Avengers Assemble!". And it will be beyond awesome.

Back to The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
  1. Which, for all intents and purposes, will be most likely the one that Skrull!Cap be sporting until Steve fights and defeats his Skrull double, then returning to the Avengers.
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