The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/Characters/HYDRA
HYDRA in general
- Gas Mask Mooks: The HYDRA soldiers.
- Fun with Acronyms
- Mythology Gag: The World War Two HYDRA soldiers use the HYDRA uniform from the comics.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation
- No Swastikas: By executive mandate, they took away the Nazis' screentime in World War II newsreels. Please for the love of god don't bring it up in discussions about this show.
- However, Word of God says that HYDRA is supposed to be an elite corps of the Nazis' in the show.
- Red Shirts
Red Skull/Johann Schmidt/ Dell Rusk
The opposite number and greatest enemy of Captain America (comics). A super soldier created by HYDRA, he sought to attain the power of the Asgardian beings before his schemes were stopped by Captain America and his sidekick, Bucky. Unfortunately, he lived on to survive another day, while Captain America lost his closest friend and plunged into the icy arctic waters.
In the present day, he has disguised himself as the US Secretary of Defence, and manipulated Winter Soldier, General Ross and Doctor Samson to work for him.
Voiced By: Steve Blum
- Crazy Prepared
- The Dragon: Seems that he was this to Baron Zemo during World War II.
- Dragon with an Agenda
- Evil Laugh: He has a really good one.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Ghostapo: His plan was to unleash hordes of mythological beasts on the allies.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: He spoke with a German accent briefly and subtly in "Nightmare in Red."
- Putting on the Reich: Even with the Nazis replaced by HYDRA in this cartoon, Skull is clearly wearing an SS uniform, and he also has the Iron Cross.
- Shadow Archetype: He's HYDRA's answer to Captain America, with a keen tactical mind and ruthlessness beyond what the Captain himself is capable of.
- Significant Anagram: His 21st century alias, "Dell Rusk."
- Skull for a Head
Grim Reaper/Eric Williams
Grim Reaper: "I have to say, I'm a little surprised to hear from you after all these years. Since you don't associate with... wait, what did you call me?"
Simon: "Eric..."
Grim Reaper: "Oh yes. Psychopath. Criminal scum. But don't worry Simon... I don't take it personally."
A criminal who became a HYDRA agent in order to satisfy his destructive impulses. He infiltrates The Vault in order to free Baron Strucker, but ends up being captured for his trouble. Despite his defeat, he's a deadly threat, and a skilled assassin. His arm is a cybernetic implant that transforms into a scythe. His brother is Simon Williams, who he introduced to A.I.M., resulting in his transformation into "Wonder Man."
Voiced By: Lance Henriksen
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: His scythe can cut through iron doors as if they were made of paper.
- Adaptational Badass: he is much more badass in both look and fighting style than his comic counterpart was.
- Actor Allusion: He's a frikkin scary Psycho for Hire who has augmented body parts and happens to be voiced by Lance Henriksen. Where have we seen that before?
- Artificial Limbs: his arm has been replaced by a mechanical scythe.
- Audible Sharpness
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Cape
- Blade Below the Shoulder
- Blood Knight
- Dissonant Serenity: While explosions and chaos were going on everywhere in the vibranium mine, Reaper remained impassive and just stood by calmly before walking away.
- The Dragon: To Strucker.
- Faux Affably Evil
- For the Evulz: His bio on the series' official site states that he only works for HYDRA because they serve as a vehicle for him to exercise his violent impulses. This actually doesn't make him any less terrifying.
- Grim Reaper: At least in appearance.
- Hidden Eyes
- In the Hood
- Psycho for Hire
- Sinister Scythe
- Slasher Smile
- Soft-Spoken Sadist
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker
"Soon all the world will know that not even the Avengers will stand against the power of HYDRA."
The current leader of HYDRA, after the disappearance of the Red Skull and the incarceration of Heinrich Zemo. He too was imprisoned in the Vault, and has remained there, despite a breakout attempt by the Grim Reaper. However, with The Vault and the other prisons broken wide open, Strucker is now free to rule HYDRA again. He possesses a demonic-looking, red clawed hand that allows him to drain the life out of his victims.
Voiced By: Jim Ward
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Between his uniform, monacle, and stuffy accent, he's the image of the evil German nobleman.
- Artificial Limb
- Bald of Evil: Even when he was a young man, which Bucky mocks heavily in the Captain America micro-episodes.
- Big Bad: Of the HYDRA storyline...
- ... but only a Big Bad Wannabe when it comes to the show as a whole.
- Dragon Ascendant: During World War II, he was a lieutenant in service of the Red Skull. In modern times, he's the leader of HYDRA.
- Evil Old Folks: In the present timeline, Strucker is an ancient man who uses his life-draining claw to retain a degree of youth. This is most notable in the micro-episode which introduces him, where he drains a halpless Red Shirt to death and becomes visibly younger as a result.
- Life Energy / Life Drain
- Might as Well Not Be in Prison At All: Hinted at regarding his time in The Vault, as Fury sees him as a potential source of information on HYDRA's recent activities.
- Nazi Nobleman
- Putting on the Reich: See the entry for the Red Skull above.
- The Right Hand of Doom
- The Starscream: To Zemo.
- The Von Trope Family
Madame Viper
Voiced by: Vanessa Marshall
- The Baroness
- Dark Action Girl
- Enemy Mine: with Captain America (comics) and later the Avengers during the Skrull invasion.
- Freudian Excuse: Possibly, read Good Scars, Evil Scars below
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: she has a scar on the hidden side of her face. It's strongly hinted it was a superhero who made this to her, resulting in her hate of them.
- Most Common Superpower
- Whip It Good
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
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