TAGAP: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins
TAGAP (The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins) is a side-scrolling freeware Action Game in the style of Abuse made by Penguin DT, an indie game dev studio. TAGAP 2 was recently released as well.
The website is here.
Tropes used in TAGAP: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins include:
- Alliteration: Every named Penguins has a name beginning with P: Pablo, Pedro, and, in the sequel, Primo.
- Aliens in Cardiff: The first secret base is in... New Zealand?
- Artificial Gravity: The last level of the first game takes place on a space station with this.
- BFG: The OMG-20k.
- Boss Rush
- Cute'Em Up
- Crazy Awesome: The whole thing.
- Crowning Music of Awesome
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Dual-Wielding: The Uzis.
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Fantastic Drug: TAGAP. Heals you istantly, augments your reflexes, may cause mind control and/or allucinations. You pass an entire level of the sequel completely stoned on the stuff.
- Fun with Acronyms: The game's title, somewhat.
- Grotesque Cute
- Helpful Mook: Some Mecha-Mooks will carry boxes with health pickups that you can shoot out of their hands.
- Heroic BSOD: It's perfectly normal for players to roll on the floor sobbing thanks to just how difficult the game is.
- High-Pressure Blood: Particularly the Super Zombies, which stand and gush blood for several seconds when you kill them.
- Klatchian Coffee: The titular drug.
- Mecha-Mooks: Abundant in the Tokyo levels.
- Mook Maker: One of the minibosses, and one of the bosses. In the latter case, they spawn fast enough that it's a Timed Mission to kill the boss before you drown in penguins.
- More Dakka: the quad damage powerup. In the sequel, iit is possible to combine it with another power up that enhances your ratio of fire and gives you infinite ammo.
- Nintendo Hard
- One-Winged Angel: every penguin boss in the sequel. Even Primo.
- Phlebotinum Overdose: Subverted. You can overdose on TAGAP, and you gain bullet time. And funky green penguins.
- Played straight in the sequel.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Pablo and the rockhopper penguins.
- Respawning Enemies: The main reason of the game's difficulty.
- Later levels, such as Megamania, will become knee-deep in penguins unless you use a big gun to keep their numbers down.
- This was toned down in the sequel - however, there are more difficult non-respawning foes, and later levels can still overflow with penguins if you don't keep up the pressure.
- Rule of Cool
- Secret Dance Club: there is one hidden in each game, but there are no enemies to fight in them. You gain lots of supplies, though.
- Shout-Out: Many, especially to Doom
- Take Your Time: The escape sequence after you set off the Self-Destruct Mechanism is extremely lengthy, but Always Close.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: To be honest, it probably was.
- Zerg Rush: All the time.
- Zombie Apocalypse: The TAGAP-addicted enemy penguins.
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