Superman: At Earth's End/YMMV
- Critical Research Failure: So there was no war before Adolf Hitler became chancellor? Guess we can write out the The War of 1812, the Revolutionary War, the Hundred Years' War, World War I (in which he himself fought in the trenches before becoming Fuhrer), the Crusades, the Punic Wars, and countless others waged BEFORE 1933!
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: "I AM A MAN!"
- Ho Yay: Superman talks too much about Batman...
- Idiot Plot: Why recreate Hitler, of all people? Why does Batman collect and display painfully private artifacts, including the gun that killed his parents? Why doesn't Superman just punch the Hitler clones into oblivion, seeing as how even without his full power he's absurdly strong?
- Memetic Mutation: Linkara helped turn "I AM A MAN! *punch*" and "Of course, don't you know anything about science?" into memes.
- Bearded Idiot.
- Narm
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Not only does Linkara's reaction provides the page quote, but a review said it would be acceptable if it wasn't taking itself so seriously.
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