Stickin' Around

"Real mature, Bradley."

Stickin' Around is a Canadian animated show about Stacy and Bradley, two 9-year-olds who live adventures with their hyperactive imagination, whatever it might be. Their imagination driven adventures are a way of dealing with the various everyday life scenarios that come their way. The show is intentionally drawn crudely to simulate a young child's drawing, and it actually looks very convincing.

The series was beloved by many Canadian children during The Nineties.

Currently available on Sync TV's Kidlet.

Tropes used in Stickin' Around include:

Bradley: This looks like a job for... [insert alter-ego]

Bradley: Aliens from...
Stacy: Don't say it, Bradley!
Bradley: Uranus!

Stacy: For your big fat information [insert character name], [insert said information].

Stacy: Real mature, Bradley.


Russell: What? [said immediately after the whole cast has shouted; "Ewwww! What's that funky smell?"]

Russell: Yeah, [insert word that Lance just said]

  • Child Prodigy: Polly, given the fact that she's young enough to be in kindergarten and is in the same grade as the two lead characters.
  • Christmas Episode: Christmas of Doom, which isn't a Christmas celebration so much of a clip show of previous episodes coupled with an attempt to keep the Latchkey Garden Apartments from being torn down.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Mr. Doddler likes to tell stories about the "old times" and the lack of commodities in the old times (goes up to, and including, the Big Bang). Then again, he might be senile.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Invoked during the Casablanca spoof scene in Casa Blank Stare. Also used in the western film scene in Madam Know-It-All.
  • Deranged Animation: Nothing says "deranged animation" like an 8 year old's stick figure drawings come to life.
  • Doomy Dooms of Doom
  • Double Entendre: Because no Canadian kids' show would be complete without them.
  • E=MC Hammer: "And the cosine is the ratio of the length of the side adjacent to (gibberish)."
  • Episode on a Plane: "Return Your Seats To An Uptight Position", where Stacy demonstrates her airplane flying skills with hilarious results.
    • Also, be on the look out for those "unexpected turbans" and Lance and Russell's international terrorist attack.
  • Expository Theme Tune: How's this for expository? "For your big fat information, this is our imagination."
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: Done several times with Stacy. Ashley arguably counts as one as well, albeit a rather fresh one.
  • Every Day At The Bizarro
  • Fan Disservice: Lance and Russell succumb to being this during school picture day when they're shown wearing their more "casual clothing".
    • Same goes to Stacy, who shows up in her pajamas, wearing a bird's nest as a hat, with mud covered on her face.
  • Feud Episode: Goodbye, Adios, Sayonara Bradley.
  • Four-Fingered Hands
  • Gag Boobs: Happens at least twice in the later seasons, once to Bradley and Stacy.
  • Genre Savvy: In addition to Lampshade Hanging and Medium Awareness.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar:
    • Like a lot of cartoons from the 1990s. Especially made apparent with Bradley's catch phrase.
    • Another apparent one was in "If It Ain't Fixed, Break It", where Frank needs to go get "fixed". I think even kids who never heard of the term before would probably understand, with all the puppies running around.
    • "Bet this would look good on Uranus!"
  • Green Aesop: The "Environmentally Frenzied" episode.
  • Groin Attack: Bradley endures this once during gym class, in a game of dodge-ball. The episode makes it very clear that it was Stacy that dealt the ball-busting blow.
  • Halloween Episode
  • Hiccup Hijinks: "This Is A Hiccup" is centered around this.
  • Hurricane Of Visual Puns
  • Imagine Spot: Built out of this.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Pretty much every character that HAS hair, this especially goes for Bradley and his purple afro.
  • It Tastes Like Feet: The central premise of the "Beware the Lunchwad" episode. Taken a step further when Bradley asks Stacy if she's ever eaten anything gross.
  • Jerk Jock: Lance
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Originally intended to come out on DVD, but Nelvana never got around doing so.
  • Kwyjibo: Inverted during a game of Squabble, since it requires one to spell out anything that isn't a word.
  • Lady Land: "It's the Planet of the Girls!"
  • La Résistance: Bradley and Stacy do this for a tree, complete with causing a riot, with which Bradley helps out by causing mischief as a Bandito named El Bradliachi.
    • Also done in Christmas of Doom.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Mostly played straight, though the Imagine Spot does attempt to subvert it.
  • Magitek: An enchanted copier and a TV remote, the latter of which somewhat counts as a Reality Warper.
  • Making a Splash: Done mainly in a mundane fashion, preferably with squirt guns and water balloons, among other non-supernatural methods.
  • Meganekko: Melody, who comes complete with Opaque Lenses.
  • Mind Screw: This little exchange from Madam Know-It-All.
    • Russell: What's a psychic?
    • Bradley: No, who's a psychic?
    • Russell: What?
    • Bradley: Who?
    • Russell: Huh?
    • Bradley: Who is a psychic?
  • Miniseries: Precisely what this series started as.
    • It's worth noting that there's a slight difference in both the actors and the animation, and in the Photo Oops-esque episode, Polly asks Stacy if she joined the Navy (due mainly to her sailor outfit).
    • Of course, all of them would be made available if the DVD release of this series becomes reality.
  • Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher: Ms. Mobley, right down to the way she speaks.
  • Monster of the Week: Subverted.
  • Mouse World: Sea monkeys and mice, the latter of which comes close to taking over the Stickler residence until Stanley decides to stop paying for the cable.
  • Mr. Imagination: Stacy and Bradley.
  • My Imagination Did It
  • Mummies At the Dinner Table: Polly with her (dead) poodle, Pepperoni.
  • No Animals Were Harmed: Subverted with Pepperoni, who's already dead. The subversion also happens to a turtle that gets run over, a school pet that Bradley was supposed to take care of, and a baby bird that fell out of its nest.
  • No Indoor Voice: Dil. HOLY MACKEREL!!!
  • Oh Crap: The general reaction given everytime Stanley attempts to do some handy work.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: Fairy Coat Mother, Fairy Snot Mother, and the Snack Fairy.
  • Parental Abandonment: Except for Stacy, we hardly see the parents of any of the other kids, especially Bradley.
  • Parental Bonus: The movie references count as this.
  • Parent Ex Machina: Some of Stacy and Bradley's imagination driven hijinks do get them in trouble at times.
  • Refuge in Audacity: See Episode on a Plane for one of the more "extreme" examples of this.
  • Refuge in Vulgarity: The reason why Bradley keeps saying Uranus. And no, that's not Alternate Character Interpretation, he actually admits it in the very first episode.
  • Riding Into the Sunset: Done with washing machines. Lampshaded in the same occasion by Mr. Doddler.
  • Sadist Teacher: Both Mr. Lederhosen and Principal Coffin, though the former counts as more of a bossy drill sergeant.
  • Serial Escalation: The "kids making their own cartoon" premise pretty much speaks for itself.
  • Shout-Out: See Parental Bonus for a good chunk of them.
  • Six-Student Clique
    • The Head — Stacy
    • The Muscle — Lance
    • The Quirk — Bradley
    • The Ugly One — Russell
    • The Smart One — Polly
    • The Wild One — Dill
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender
  • Slice of Life
  • Spiritual Successor: To Liquid TV's "Stick Figure Theater", which is noteworthy considering Robin Steele was responsible for both and they share the same art style.
  • Squiggle Vision
  • Stick Figure Comic: This, alongside Stick Figure Theatre, is a rare occurence of a Stick Figure TV Show.
  • Stuff Blowing Up
  • Stylistic Suck: The show itself IS an extended example of this trope.
  • Superhero: The most frequently used alternate persona of Bradley and Stacy. In one episode alone, Bradley takes the form of five superheroes while playing baseball with his friends, including "The Amazing Rubber Guy".
  • Suck E. Cheese's: Captain Hook And Slice.
  • Swimming Pool: Seen many times throughout the series, to a point of being a supplementary plot element in several episodes.
  • Take That: Stacy and Bradley do this to one another a lot.
  • Talkative Loon: Dill again. HOLY MACKEREL!!!
  • The Big Guy: William, yet another minor character.
  • The Fifties/\The Sixties: Some of this show's background music is similar to that of movies made from these respective time periods.
  • The Messiah: Both Stacy and Polly. A rare instance of two messiahs existing in a series, whereas most simply just have one.
  • The Pig Pen: Russell.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cheese Poopers, Mr. Fizzy, and Mr. Fudgie Bars.
  • Troperiffic
  • Two Shorts
  • Two-Teacher School
  • Uranus Is Showing: Bradley's favourite joke. Which isn't to say Stacy doesn't get her fair share in regards to using it.
  • Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: Another notable element in Bradley and Stacy's relationship.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Especially considering the overall premise, it's hard to imagine that Stacy and Bradley are just going through episode after episode enduring everyday life situations.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: A good portion of the episodes kinda push it (the aforementioned Episode on a Plane comes to mind).
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?


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