< Starship (theatre)

Starship (theatre)/Characters

A list of characters and their respective tropes in Team Starkid's sci-fi theatrical musical comedy Starship.


"I wanna be a Starship Ranger..."

A, well, bug from Bug-World who wants nothing more than to be a Starship Ranger, like the ones he watches in films from a crashed starship outside his hive. When actual Starship Rangers arrive on Bug-World, Bug has to choose which side he really belongs on. When Pincer gives him a chance to become human a la Avatar he takes it, only to later sacrifice his human body to save the Rangers. Played by Joey Richter.


"Bug! What is your problem? Why don't you ever go for Bugette? She totally wants to tear your head off, and let larvae devour your body! THAT'S EVERY BUG'S DREAM!"

Bug's best friend since they were hatchlings, Roach is perfectly content living the bug lifestyle and doesn't understand why Bug would want more. Played by Brant Cox.


"Bug, I know I seem like this complicated girl. It's like, I'm a Starship Ranger, but I'm also really pretty. And I like shciency stuff."

The scouting expedition's chief "schience officer", February seems rather... unqualified for being sent to another planet. Or for being a science officer. It turns out that she was selected for the mission due to a lack of gag reflex, to better transport bugs off-world. While on Bug-World, she falls for Bug while blinded by mucus, and shows absolutely no liking toward bugs until she learns Bug's true nature towards the end. Played by Denise Donovan.

Commander Up

"I just had to learn to kill with my heart!"

Commander Up was a hero of the Galactic League during the Robot War until he received his "famous injury". Since then, Up has had major self-confidence issues and has, in his own words, "lost his balls", becoming a sentimental, worrying, somewhat senile old man. Played by Joe Walker.


"You'd better unfudge yourself, or Up will unscrew your head and drop the wishing pennies down your throat. Now take a walk off my knife."

Up's partner back in the war, Taz wants to believe that Up is still the same Super Soldier from before his injury, but gradually begins to lose her faith in her old friend until he saves her from the Mosquito Brothers. Played by Lauren Lopez.


"It looks like you and I will be fast friends. Try to get my good side when I rescue the science officer. That was a joke, because my design is mathematically perfect and symmetrical."

An android who, like all robots, really, really wants to kill humans, but cannot due to an inhibitor chip. However, as she gets to know humans like Tootsie Noodles, it seems like something is starting to make a breakthrough... Played by Meredith Stepien.

Tootsie Noodles/Mega-Girl

"Well, you see, where I come from, Farm-Planet, your first name is what you do, and your last name is what you like. So I'm called Tootsie, on account of my occasional toot, and Noodles, 'cause I like 'em."

A simple minded Farm Boy from... well, Farm-World, Tootsie is not the brightest bulb in the box. After he falls in love with Mega-Girl, he slowly begins to to make her realize that humanity, though completely illogical, is not all bad. Played by Dylan Saunders.


"Now listen to me, my confused little friend- we are friends after all- I used to have my share of doubts and fears, and well, they quite literally almost ate me alive. But no! I took charge! I pushed it to the limit! So you've gotta be strong! Be tough! To coin a phrase... be a man."

A giant scorpion who lives outside the hive, Pincer simply loves humans as meals. When Bug leaves the hive, Pincer lets him take over the brain dead body of a human so he can fulfill his dream and bring him dinner. Voiced by Dylan Saunders, though his puppet requires three other people to operate.


"I'm Junior. Maybe you've heard of me?"

The son of the leader of the Galactic League who also happens to be Dr. Space-Claw, Junior is the League's ambassador to the scouting ship. He tries to get the bug eggs to make a private army. Played by Brian Holden.


A centipede who wants nothing more than to get alone with Bug... then rip off his head, and place her larvae in his body. Played by Lauren Lopez.


A headstrong, rather dim Starship Ranger. Basically just Hudson with a different name. Played by Joe Moses.

Krayonder: You stabbed me!


The Starship Rangers' resident genius. Played by Julia Albain.

The Mosquito Brothers

A trio of mosquitoes who work for Pincer. They are killed when Up overloads them with blood. Played by Jim Povolo, Brian Holden, and Jaime Lynn Beatty.

Dr. Space Claw

The most evil villain in the galaxy , head of the Galactic League, and Junior's father.

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