Star Trek: Generations/Funny

  • "Not until Tuesday."
  • As the Enterprise is about to crash onto the planet, Data says what everyone on the bridge is thinking: "Oh, shit!"
  • "Mr. Tricorder"
  • Data's "Scan for Lifeforms Song"
    • Not just his song, but making music with the LCARS touch display at his station. The stares from the crew are priceless.
      • Riker's "...What the hell?" face at the end.
        • Not just him, everyone on the bridge!
    • Really, anything Data does after installing his emotion chip.

Guinan: "Well, it looks like he hates it."
Data: "Yes. That is it. I hate this!
LaForge: Data? I think the chip is working.
Data: (drinks rest of beverage, gulps) Oh, yes! I hate this! It is revolting!"
Guinan: "More?"
Data: *big grin* "Please!"

    • Data laughing over a joke that LaForge told during the Farpoint mission.

LaForge: Farpoint? Data, that was seven years ago.
Data: I know! I just got it!

  • Worf's promotion ceremony conducted on an 18th century vessel in the holodeck. Rather than making him walk the plank, Riker simply has the computer remove it from under him.

Riker: Computer, remove the plank!
Picard: Number One, that's retract plank, not remove plank.
Riker: Oh. (leans over side to look at Worf) Sorry!

    • Particularly the look on Worf's face - Some combination of Flat What and Oh Crap, and it's on the face of The Stoic.
    • When Data doesn't see what's funny about dropping someone into cold water, Crusher simply says he just has to get into the spirit. Data thinks he understands... and pushes her overboard.
  • (After filming Kirk's death scene):

William Shatner: Bridge on the captain!

  • The razzing Chekhov and Scotty give Kirk after he ceremoniously commands the ship leave spacedock, and the entire crew and attending press members applaud.

Chekhov: Wery good, sir.
Scotty: Brought a tear to me eye.
Kirk: Oh, be quiet.

    • Scotty got some good digs overall.

"Is there something wrong with your chair, sir?"

  • Kirk's declaration of "Dill!" Shatner's delivery turns this one word from a simple statement into pure Narm.
  • During the holodeck scene, Picard remarks how great it must've been to be a sailor way back when - no reliance on technology, just sailing by the wind and using the stars to navigate. Riker has a decidedly different view:

"Bad food. Brutal discipline. No women."

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