Teh Soopr Gost Gurl

"The booytiful girl named Isabella Marie-Fleur Masters gasped in hooror. Dark, scarlet blood the color of rubys driped through her slender, long, whiteish-tanned fingers."
SmexyPhantom, The Opening of Teh Soopr Gost Gurl

Teh Soopr Gost Gurl is a Danny Phantom fanfic written by SmexyPhantom, a parody of poor fanfic writers, in which the main character, a Mary Sue by the name of Isabella Marie-Fleur Masters, hooks up with Danny and kills that 'evul goth emu'Sam Manson. Another Sue named Elizabeth hooks up with Tucker. Sam, meanwhile, is helping Vlad Masters destroy Danny and Isabella because she's 'evul'.

Later, the Gary Stu Xavier hooks up with Sam and reforms her to the side of good.

Througout, the fanfic is 'hacked' by various other authors, who each kill the Sues in an often creative fashion (The hacks in reality are Lady-Valiant's reviewers. Lady-Valiant being the real author of the fic.). It sounds confusing, but it makes total sense when reading it.

The story is framed by Danny and friends when it falls through a plot hole into their world. The story is filled with their commentary ala MST style. The fic is so horrible that it rips through the universes, and the Sues begin pouring into their world. Danny and friends then must go on a quest to rewrite the mess of a fic and vanish the Sues. Comedy ensues.

Tropes used in Teh Soopr Gost Gurl include:
  • Action Girl: Both Isabella and Elizabeth qualify, as does Sam in some chapters.
  • Abusive Parents: Isabella, who is frequently beaten by her father, Vlad Masters.
  • All Women Are Lustful: True in Smexy's universe, with the possible exception of Sam who is a 'slutty pruddy emu'.
  • A Wizard Did It: How Isabella claims to have gotten her powers when questioned about them.
  • Author Avatar: Smexy Phantom is Isabella. Her best friend is Elizabeth, and sooprsmexymansonluvr is Xavier.
    • To a lesser degree, Valiant herself, as she hacks her own fic at one point.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: According to SmexyPhantom anyway...
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Played for laughs, it happens to various characters in the framing portion of the story when they fall in love with the Sues.
  • Butt Monkey: In SmexyPhantom's fic, it's often Sam. In the framing device, it's frequently the Box Ghost or Technus.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: How Sam is frequently portrayed by Isabella in Smexy's fanfic.
  • Common Mary Sue Traits: Look at this description:

"She sobbed, her big, emerald eyes flecked with lavender filed with a single, tear like a single diamond. She had totally NATURAL blonde hair with green highlites the color of emeralds. And she had curves in all teh rite places. She was sooooooooooo hawt."

  • Don't forget two paragraphs later:

"Her thick, black, delicate, fertile eyelashes flicked as she opened her gorgrous blue-green eyes flcked with gold an' silver."

  • Crossover: The most common ones are when the hacks destroy the Sues with their own original characters.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: There are plenty, but one that stands out is When Technus tries to free-style rap.
  • Eye Tropes: As long as the trope can be considered 'good', Isabella, Elizabeth, and Xavier have every single one in existence, as their eye colors seem to change in practically every single chapter.
    • It becomes a plot point as the Danny Phantom cast tries to keep track of what color their eyes are.
  • Fan Nickname: There are a couple. SmexyPhantom is often simply Smexy (although in her case it may be more a case of anti-fans). Lady-Valiant is often Lady-Val, Valiant, or Val.
  • God Mode Sue: Isabella and Elizabeth are both totally hot, thin, have large bustlines, and are more powerful than any ghost in the series. Xavier is probably the same, but he hasn't been in the fic enough to really tell.
  • Mary Sue: Obviously.
  • Most Common Superpower: Both Isabella and Elizabeth have this.
  • My Nayme Is: Smexy takes this trope to a whole new level with all her mutilations of the characters names. It's done primarily to 'Vlad Plasmius' which is turned into Plausims, Plasmoosus, Plasapus, and Palsamus.
    • And Sam. There's Spam, Samontha, Salmontha, Slam, Salm, and Sammonta.
  • Nightmare Fuel: A bunch of grotesquely proportioned women with super powers that no one can compete with coming to life and brainwashing your friends and family so that they do whatever they say? That sounds pretty scary to me.
  • No Fourth Wall: Sort of. It's broken when Lady-Valiant hacks Smexy's fic and when the Sues break through into Danny's world, but it's inverted in that the characters never address Valiant or see the reviews people leave for her and Smexy.
  • One Steve Limit: Subverted. The character Isabella Andraste Valiant Morgana Le Fay shares the name Isabella (with another Sue), the name Andraste (with a Mary Sue hunter and smore maker of an earlier hack), and the name Valiant (with the real life author).
  • Out of Character: Everyone in Smexy's version.
  • Overly Long Name: Isabella Marie-Fleur Masters, anyone?
    • And also Mary Sue Victoria Star-Dust Rose Jasmine Sakura-Kawaii-Desu Lavender Athena Lollipop Evette Heart-String Oprah Winfrey Rainbow Fairy-Wing Tiger-Lily Chuck Norris III, who is simply dubbed Mary (for the readers' sake) and Isabella Andraste Valiant Morgana Le Fay, who goes by Morgana after SmexyPhantom attacked the Sue's creator over both their characters having the first name Isabella.
  • Plot Hole: Parodied mercilessly when Danny and friends fall into literal plot holes to escape the Sues.
    • Done to death by Smexy and the Sues when they warp reality. (Why does Vlad have a dungeon in his house?)
      • If Isabella is so powerful, why did Vlad beat her up so badly during her first appearance?
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Possibly. Isabella and Elizabeth change appearances so much it's hard to tell.
    • Elizabeth's hair is brown, but Isabella's hair is actually blonde, but with "completely NATURAL green highlights."
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Parodied. Smexy kills off Sam in her fic as revenge after her friend sooprsmexymansonluvr steals a poster of the Danny Phantom cast. The irony being that Smexy is a fictional character.
    • Smexy beats up another author for daring to give her character the same name as her own Sue.
    • Arguably, the hacks and reviews to Smexy sent by Lady-Valiant's readers, as they often inspire and change the plot.
  • Relationship Sue: All the Sues qualify.
  • Shout-Out: Several. The author makes references to Twilight and Eragon.
  • Single Tear: Every time the Sues cry, it's this.
  • Split Personality: There are several. The real-life author Lady-Valiant is also SmexyPhantom and Smexy's friend sooprsmexymansonluvr, and in her video reviews, Lady-Valiant also plays a cameo 'bum' as a Shout-Out to Bum Reviews and a mysterious blonde girl.
  • The Nicknamer: Isabella. She uses several, but the most memorable is 'Gosty-gost' for Danny.
  • Villain Decay: In Smexy's fanfic Chessmaster, Vlad Masters is a very disturbed, crazy, old man. Skulker, Ember, Technus, and even Dark Danny are all bumbling idiots, who the Sues can defeat without breaking a sweat. It's ironically subverted in the framing, where the villains are mostly true to their original characterizations.
  • Word of God: Lady-Valiant frequently answers questions about her fic that aren't stated in the text.

"No! No, I'm not a unique snowflake anymore!" she shrieked. "But I'm perfect!"
Isabella's reaction when one of the hack's characters calls her out on her bizarre appearance.
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