Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced:
    • Spyro's voice actor was met with some of this, along with the fact he was actually talking, as previously this hadn't been shown.
    • Cynder got this from TLOS half of the fandom. The other half, not so much.
  • Broken Base: There are some fans that are willing to at least give it a chance or actually like it, despite the negative outcry from a lot of them. Some are happy that Spyro's personality is supposed to be like his Classic Self.
    • Cynder broke the base again; Legend fans were pleased, Classic fans weren't, some wanted a clean break from previous continuities...
  • Complaining About Games You Don't Play: From about day one, Skylanders has taken a lot of flak, mostly for being either a general defilement of the Spyro franchise or for being a gigantic merchandising ploy. The "merchandising" complaint makes some sense when you consider that Activision ran another series into the ground, but still.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: As composed by Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe. It's actually on par with most animated films. Special mention goes to the game's theme.
  • Critical Dissonance: Fans were really not looking forward to it, and many are making a big deal about how little respect they have for the game or hope in its ability to sell. Critics are apparently very warm to the new game, taking it for the toyetic kids' game that it is, and apparently quite like it.
  • Dancing Bear: Without the toy gimmick, it's just another Platformer/Beat'Em Up. (A perfectly enjoyable Platformer/Beat'Em Up, by all accounts, but nothing special.)
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Boomer and Stealth Elf seem pretty popular. The latter is kind of obvious, the former because of his gameplay, personality, and this commercial. Sonic Boom also has her fans, primarily due to her sympathetic backstory.
  • Game Breaker: Terrafin, Ghost Roaster and Hex. The first two are too good at dodging attacks, the later can set up a defensive wall that can take a lot of punishment while she keeps firing from behind it.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the Skylanders, Whirlwind, is part unicorn and can fire rainbow energy rays as her main weapon. The Big Bad is named Kaos. Think of the season two premier of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic...
  • Memetic Mutation: Cyndertits! [1]
  • Nightmare Fuel: Kaos' Hydra is actually surprisingly frightening for such a lighthearted game.
    • Prism Break's teeth are rather creepy, and given that from a distance he looks like he's completely toothless, they can be startling when you first get a good look at his character portrait -- especially if your first good look is his page on the official website, which shows the portrait in extreme close-up.
  • Self Fanservice: just check at Deviantart, you'd be surprised how much arts there are about naked Stealsh Elf, often with very exaggerated curves when compared to the skinny action figure.
    • Hex got some of this too; werheas her actual dress is rather sober and cover everything but her face and fingers, you will probably easily find art of her in Stripperiffic goth attire with Absolute Cleavage, when she even wears something. And of course, don't expect her to have decayed skin or anything similar : they apparently forgot she was suppposed to be an undead.
  • Shipping: while the game doesn't provide any visible romance between the Skylanders themselves (due to their personnalities and relationships never being explored except in the biographies and trailers), this hasn't stopped the fans from already imagining some shippings. Aside from the obvious Spyro/Cynder due to them being based on Legend of Spyro, Flameslinger/Stealsh Elf seems to have become quite popular (logically due to the fact both are from the same specie).
    • Even Les Yay have been imagined already, mainly with Stealsh Elf/Hex.
  • The Woobie: Sonic Boom. She went to hell and back to find a safe place to have her eggs and some rotten wizard decides to put a curse on them so they can always return to their eggs after a short period, meaning she'll never see her babies get to grow up. This didn't stop her from teaching them to kick butt, however.
  • Uncanny Valley: Persephone. Players have pointed out the uncanny resemblance to Chucky
  1. A joke amongst The Legend of Spyro fans, referring to Cynder's... er... breast-shaped "scale pattern". Was picked up quickly by notable [dead link] Spyro [dead link] fanartists [dead link] .
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