< SirRonLionHeart



Sir Ron (and family)

Sir Ron Lionheart

An AMAZING ULTRA TITANIUM FANTASTIC traveller between lands, who goes around and meets various video game heroes, helps them on their quests, and then moves on.

Mulan Moulin

Sir Ron's ULTRA AMAZING FANTASTIC vampire queen wife, who helps Sir Ron occasionally. Less insane than Sir Ron, she is very calm and quiet.


Sir Ron's little cousin, who is about 5 or 6 years old. Natalie is currently trying to copy all of Sir Ron's catchphrases, and performs a very adorable STATE 50 SAVE, IN YOUR FACE!, and RRRRRRRRWEWIND!

Chris and Angel

Sir Ron's two nephews. Chris has his own catchphrase, "This/you must be crazy!"/"This must be weird!" They are kinda quiet at first, and Sir Ron refers to them as Littlechrisman and Littleangelman.

Video Game Heroes

Super Mario 16-bit/Super Mario 64-bit

The first hero Sir Ron ever met. They are good friends, even though Mario often insults him.

Link speaks in only yells. Sir Ron had a few adventures with him and his fairies

Sonic the Hedgehog the Porcupine the Guinea Pig the Fantastic Golden Onion Ring Eater the Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer the Heavy Metal Spiky Blue Pinball the Chipmunk and Guinea Pig Protector the Eggman Destroyer the Casper the Friendly Ghost Protector Part 1!

Can only say "YEAH!"

Mega Man X

Is a bit of a jerk to Sir Ron Lionheart. Mega Man X says that nobody can beat him, not even HIMSELF!

Construction Workers


Sir Gracias 03

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