< Singin' in the Rain
Singin' in the Rain/Funny
- The entire scene in which Don and Lina are shooting a romantic scene while insulting each other back and forth - in exactly the same tones as their regular lines might be.
- Truth in Television, at the time.
- Depends at the point in time; it was discovered by accident that a lot of people knew how to read lips, and whatever else could be said for the film quality, it was possible for somebody reasonably skilled to successfully read the star's lips only to discover that sometimes what was actually being said would earn you an NC-17 rating now...
- Truth in Television, at the time.
- "Yes, yes, yes!" "No, no, no!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "No, no, no!"
- Like most everything else having to do with the film at the time, aside from the fictional people involved, Truth in Television.
- "I caaaaan't staaand him." "I cain't stannim!" "No, no, no,caaaaaaaaan't." "Caiiiiiiiin't."
- "Well, I can't make love to a BUSH!"
- Lina: "Oh Donny! You couldn't kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy bit!"
Don Lockwood: "Meet the greatest actor in the world! I'd rather kiss a tarantula."
Lina: "You don't mean that."
Don Lockwood: "I don't - - Hey Joe, get me a tarantula. " - The entire "Make 'em laugh" song number.
- "It makes us feel our hard work ain't been in vain fer nothin'."
- The whole scene with the "All I Do is Dream of You" number from Kathy popping out of the cake and realizing that Don was right there (having previously brushed off Don) to Don snarking about her being a serious actress. At the end, when Kathy is trying to brush off Don again:
Don: Now don't go... now that I know where you live (gestures to the cake), I want to see you home.
- In the "Broadway Melody" sequence, we see Gene's character rising from cheap burlesque houses to the most upscale venues - with him and the chorus girls doing the exact same number.
- "I make more money than...than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!"
- Back to Singin' in the Rain
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