< Singin' in the Rain

Singin' in the Rain/Funny

  • The entire scene in which Don and Lina are shooting a romantic scene while insulting each other back and forth - in exactly the same tones as their regular lines might be.
  • "Yes, yes, yes!" "No, no, no!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "No, no, no!"
  • "I caaaaan't staaand him." "I cain't stannim!" "No, no, no,caaaaaaaaan't." "Caiiiiiiiin't."
  • "Well, I can't make love to a BUSH!"
  • Lina: "Oh Donny! You couldn't kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy bit!"
    Don Lockwood: "Meet the greatest actor in the world! I'd rather kiss a tarantula."
    Lina: "You don't mean that."
    Don Lockwood: "I don't - - Hey Joe, get me a tarantula. "
  • The entire "Make 'em laugh" song number.
  • "It makes us feel our hard work ain't been in vain fer nothin'."
  • The whole scene with the "All I Do is Dream of You" number from Kathy popping out of the cake and realizing that Don was right there (having previously brushed off Don) to Don snarking about her being a serious actress. At the end, when Kathy is trying to brush off Don again:

Don: Now don't go... now that I know where you live (gestures to the cake), I want to see you home.

  • In the "Broadway Melody" sequence, we see Gene's character rising from cheap burlesque houses to the most upscale venues - with him and the chorus girls doing the exact same number.
  • "I make more money than...than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!"

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