Side Show
Side Show is a 1997 musical based on the real lives of Daisy and Violet Hilton, a pair of Conjoined Twins who gained notability in vaudeville and a few films in the early 20th century.
In the musical, Daisy and Violet are one of the main attractions of a traveling freak show. Daisy is outgoing and desirous of fame and fortune. Violet is the shy one, who just wants to be loved and to be treated like a regular person. One day they are discovered by Terry, a talent scout, and his friend Buddy, an aspiring musician. Overcoming the will of the Boss, Buddy and Terry create an act for the twins and put them on Vaudeville. The twins are a sensation, which pleases Daisy especially, but all is not well. Daisy and Violet have fallen for Terry and Buddy, respectively. Hearts are won, lost, and broken as the men must decide whether they are strong enough to love someone who is simply but undeniably different.
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