She's Out of My League

Well, yeah, they do look cute together.

2010 Romantic Comedy starring Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve.

Boy meets girl. They fall in love. But she's very attractive, while he doesn't consider himself much of a catch -- and neither do his friends, who pick at him for being luckier then they think he deserves. Thus he's scared of losing her, even before her gorgeous ex-boyfriend steps in on the scene and declares that he will do whatever is in his power to get her back.

Tropes used in She's Out of My League include:
  • Adorkable: Kirk.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Inverted; When Molly is going through airport security, Kirk's the only one who's polite to her. Later we find out that she wanted to date him because she was tired of bad boys/cocky "hot" guys.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Subverted. Patty and Stainer start out hating each other and never change.
  • Betty and Veronica: Kirk as Betty and Molly's ex, Cam, as Veronica for Molly, while Molly and Marnie play with the Betty and Veronica stereotypes for Kirk.
  • Big Friendly Dog: Molly's dog.
  • Brainless Beauty: Subverted. Before deciding she wanted to start her own business as an event planner, Molly had graduated law school and was working at a firm.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: One of Kirk's friends, happily married, gets a little obsessed when he hears that a woman other than his wife finds him attractive.
  • Dysfunctional Family: Kirk's family actively try to embarrass him and are deeply incredulous at him going out with Molly. His brother specifically enjoys tormenting him, even though they are both grown adults.
  • Fan Disservice: Kirk's shaving scene.
  • Fruit Cart: There's a chase scene of sorts, in the airport, using those little electric carts. Even in the absence of fruit, they work in a fruit cart collision.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: Basic premise.
  • Going Commando: Molly claims to be doing this in one scene, but it's likely she was lying to avoid having to swim with Kirk's brother. Later in the movie we learn that she does, indeed, wear underwear when she strips down to her bra and panties in front of Kirk.
  • Hello, Nurse!: Molly is introduced in a Sexy Walk while several males are Distracted by the Sexy in succession.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Kirk, who attempts to sabotage his own relationship with Molly more than once because he can't get over his disbelief that a gorgeous woman is really interested in him.
  • Jizzed in My Pants: Poor guy.
    • And to make things even worse it happens literally seconds before Molly's parents enter the room.
  • Ms. Fanservice: While Alice Eve is meant to be the de facto centerpiece of the Male Gaze, Krysten Ritter (Molly's friend, Patty) and Lindsay Sloane (Kirk's ex, Marnie) also bring a fair bit of hotness to the table.
  • Noodle Incident: Stainer.

Stainer: I am an insane motherfucker! You know that from the break room!

  • Overreacting Airport Security: Kirk and Stainer's manager tries to hold up Molly, obviously because of her attractiveness, but Kirk gets him to stop.
  • Race For Your Love: A gender-inverted version of this trope. Whereas many romantic comedies end with the man chasing the woman through an airport so that he can declare his love to her before she flies out of his life forever, in this film Molly chases Kirk through the airport.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kirk gives one to his whole family (minus his mom) and Marnie on the plane. He intended to get off the plane but couldn't...and boy were they pissed.
    • Devon also lays into Kirk's other friends for both their constant ragging on him and their supposed knowledgeability about the opposite gender, pointing out that for all their supposed wisdom and experience they're just jealous and insecure and don't know nearly as much as they pretend:

You know what, Stainer? All it takes is one. Man, you... You guys sit here and talk about relationships but the truth is, I'm the only one here that's married. Yeah, and I'm tired of you guys busting my nuggets cause I've only been with one girl. It's cause she was the right girl. That's why I married her.

  • So Beautiful It's a Curse: Molly bemoans being placed on a pedestal, when she honestly has plenty of her own hang-ups, insecurities and flaws. The movie primarily focuses on how it's a bit of a curse from Kirk's point of view, since he has to deal with his own insecurities and the petty jealousy and spite of those around him, which consciously or unconsciously work to sabotage the relationship.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Kirk's friends, family and ex worsen his self-esteem issues.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Hot girlfriend. Molly's ex initially assumes Kirk must be gay for them to be out socially together.
  • What Does She See in Him?: That's what he said.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Molly calling out Kirk on his self-confidence and insecurity issues.
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