< Second Empire
Second Empire/Characters
The Second Empire
Black Dalek general of the 1st Conquest Army.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's shocked and disgusted to find out how much the Golden Emperor is manipulating the Dalek race to meet his own ends.
- Four-Star Badass: Personally leads a commando raid against the Imperial Place on Skaro and fights his way out when things go wrong.
- Military Maverick: Suverted in that he was bred to be one.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Being The Emperor doesn't make him any less Badass.
- Villain Protagonist: He's a Dalek after all.
Chief scientist attached to Xenol's staff.
- Absent-Minded Professor:
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite being incredibly excentic by Dalek standards he comes up with inventions that surpass anything produced by Dalek science.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He has a rather... loose hold on reality.
- Super Soldier:A rather odd example, he has DNA from Davros, which explains his genius, and his excentricity.
Xenol's Second in Command.
- Large Ham: Gave a pretty Hammy Rousing Speech, complete with a backdrop of Daleks waving flags around. Of course, that last detail is all in his head, but still...
- Rank Up: Starts off as a Sub-Commander, promoted to General after Xenol has his own promotion to Emperor.
- Took a Level in Badass: Oh Boy...
Saucer commander in the Dalek space fleet. Usually acts as pilot for Xenol and also commands the Second Empire's space forces.
- Ace Pilot: Anzollo manages to outfly combat hoverbouts in a ground attack gunship and hides from a battlesaucer by putting his ship in a blindspot that is only slightly larger than his ship.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Improbable Piloting Skills: To give Xenol's plan to cripple the battlesaucer a better chance of success Anzollo flips his ship upside down so the tail ramp opens upwards towards the saucer's belly.
Second In Comand of the 3rd Conquest Army. First to proclaim Xenol emperor after the latter exterminates Xyml.
- Animesque: His speech indicators.
- Rank Up: From Sub-Commander to General of the 3rd Conquest Army after its defection to the Second Empire.
The First Empire
The Golden Emperor. Absolute ruler of the First Dalek Empire.
- Big Bad: Relatively speaking given that all the main characters are Daleks.
- Bling of War: His entire casing is made of gold.
- Composite Character: Word of God has it that he's based on the Golden Emperor from the comics, but also has elements from the Dalek Emperor of the New Series.
Black Dalek general of the Imperial Legion.
- Bling of War: He's not really that much flashier than many of other Daleks, though he does have a very shiney casing with some gold marbling around the mid section, however his gun has an extra power cable that's obviously designed to mimic an aiguillette which combined with his attitude takes him into this trope.
- General Failure
- Jerkass
Black Dalek general of the 3rd Conquest Army.
- General Failure: Oh so very much. Observe:
General Xyml has not proved a popular commander. Since he took over the Third has seen little glory and his campaign against the Sentient Seaweeds of Agwatikka 2 showed him to be an uninspired leader, winning scant respect from his troops.
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