< Running Gag

Running Gag/Radio

  • In the comedy radio program Fibber McGee and Molly, Fibber McGee's infamous avalanche-waiting-to-happen closet was a skillfully managed Running Gag, doled out at unpredictable intervals to simultaneously keep it fresh for the audience and build anticipation for its next appearance. (It was even subverted once or twice when Fibber went to his closet and the well-known crash and clatter of falling junk failed to materialize, after which Molly announced she had just cleaned it out the day before.) As a matter of fact, the entire show was constructed around a large collection of carefully husbanded running gags.
  • The British 60s comedy show I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again continually referenced gibbons and the awarding of OBEs to the cast. This is Lampshaded at the end of one show, when Bill Oddie exclaims "No gibbons? No OBEs? What?!". Tim Brooke-Taylor's assumed character Lady Constance de Coverlet was used in most shows and was so popular that the hint of her arrival was greeted by cheers from the audience. Several other running gags were used a little more sparingly.
  • Internet radio show Two Sense has had several, including substituting foreign names the hosts can't pronounce with "Schleigelhoffen", uncovering the infamous Dead Baby Ring, and of course, screaming "FUCK! BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!"
  • CommanderBond.net's podcast and "Anatole Taubman".
  • The Frantics' classic "Last Will and Temperment" sketch has an internal running gag -- "And one for Jenny and the Wimp!"
  • What? No love for Jack Benny: the man who was born in 1894 and died in 1974 at the age of 39? And let's not forget his penny-pinching ways.
  • The Goon Show has gags in episodes, and gags between episodes, and both qualify. Especially when Bluebottle dies.
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