< Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby/YMMV

  • Harsher in Hindsight: Hoo boy...
    • A year after directing a film about the horrors of pregnancy, Polanski lost his pregnant wife Sharon Tate to the Manson family.
    • Also, Rosemary is fed some type of Satanic roofie before getting raped. Roman Polanski would know all about that...
    • The apartment building used in the film is actually the Dakota, now best known as the site of John Lennon's murder. The entryway where Lennon was shot to death is prominently featured.
    • Rosemary is played by Mia Farrow, so there's a good chance Woody Allen wants to date the baby. *Ba-dum-CHING!*
    • The Satanic Panic, a witch-hunt that took place in the 80's and 90's in the US and UK (yes, that's the 1980's-90's) involved innocent people getting jailed for life over some pretty wild accusations that were sometimes awfully close to the story of this film.
  • Sequelitis: Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby, a 1976 Made for TV Movie about Rosemary's now-grown son Adrian struggling to adjust to adult life and his role as the Anti Christ, features Ruth Gordon but little else that made the original film worthwhile.
  • The Woobie: Rosemary. All she wanted was a baby, but she just HAD to live next door to Satanists.
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