Ronja the Robber's Daughter

A Swedish novel about a robber's daughter, originally written by Astrid Lindgren in 1981.

Ronia is the daughter of Matt, the chief of a group of bandits living in a fort hidden in the woods. One day she journeys out on her own and meets Birk, the son of Borka, the chief of a rival bandit clan. While competing over who can leap over a chasm the best, Birk is rescued by Ronia from falling to his death and they secretly become friends.

The extremely faithful movie version, directed by Tage Danielsson, was made in 1984 and became the highest-grossing film in Sweden that year. There is also a musical (by Axel Bergstedt) and a stage adaptation (by Barbara Hass), both of them German, and a 2014 anime (by Goro Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli).

Tropes used in Ronja the Robber's Daughter include:
  • All Trolls Are Different: There are numerous races of trolls, goblins and Fair Folk living in Matt's wood, most of them based on Scandinavian folklore and all of them with drastically different personalities and appearances.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Ronia is not happy about finding out how her father makes his living. She is even more displeased when she discovers what he has done to Birk.
  • Cool Old Guy: Noddle-Pete.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Birk and Ronia pretty early, Mattis and Borka at the end.
  • Dub Name Change: There are two English translations: the 1983 Methuen Children's Books' The Robber's Daughter and the 1985 Puffin Books' Ronia, the Robber's Daughter. Both versions made some changes in the character names, the former being far more drastic. In the Methuen version, Ronja is called "Kirsty" while Puffin simply modified the spelling to "Ronia". The Other Wiki has a more extensive list of name-changes.
  • The Fair Folk: In one scene, Ronia is almost abducted by them when they hypnotize her with their songs.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Well, it's Swedish, so the radar might not be as alert, but in the movie, when the robbers are celebrating Ronia's birth, Matt is laughing because Borka doesn't have any children and "probably doesn't even know how." The great belly-laugh from the other robbers leave the adult viewer with no doubt as to what Matt is talking about here.
  • Hidden Elf Village: The robbers hideout at Matt's castle, for obvious reasons.
  • I Have No Daughter: Matt's reaction when Ronia tells him she doesn't want to be his daughter after he kidnaps Birk.
  • Inevitable Waterfall
  • Large Ham: Börje Ahlstedt as Matt in the movie is one of the largest and most legendary hams in Swedish cinematic history.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: In the wery first chapter, lightning strikes Matt's castle and splits it and the mountain beneath it in two, creating a deep casm.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Ronia and Birk begin to call each other "brother" and "sister" as a sign of their friendship despite their fathers being bitter enemies. Possible subversion in that they're only around 10 years old, so there's no romance yet. Birk's mother Undis even lampshades it:

Birk: She is my sister.
Undis: Sister? (scoffs) Well you know how that's going to turn out in a few years.

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