Robot Unicorn Attack (Sugar Wiki)
Robot Unicorn Attack is a free Flash game from Adult Swim. You're a rainbow-adorned robot unicorn who runs across a pink, sparkly, brightly colored world, collecting fairies, jumping onto platforms, and dashing about while a happy, upbeat Award Bait Song plays in the background. There are only two buttons: Z to jump and X to dash. Did we mention that they had a developer devoted entirely to "sparkles and unicorn tears"?
Oh, and it may just be the most awesome game ever.
This is one of the few games endorsed fully and wholeheartedly by Encyclopedia Dramatica and The Imageboard That Must Not Be Named. Repeat: this is liked by the people that will derisively call something "gay" if it even slightly falls short of expectations. They embrace Robot Unicorn Attack with open arms, even changing the website for a day, filling it with Yaranaika rainbows to honor it.
There are iPhone and Android ports available for wish-chasing on the go.
Two expansion packs are also now available, and are still awesome even though one of them is... not as harmonious as you know it to be. See the Robot Unicorn Attack: Heavy Metal Edition entry for more info on that one.
In February 2012, a sequel was released: Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution. In this game (available on Facebook), the gameplay remains mostly the same; however, there are added additions of daily challenges, the ability to purchase powerups for the game using earned currency, and the like. The most notable addition is that for every four stars you smash in succession (And trust us, it ain't easy), you evolve into another creature and teleport to another world where there are more pixies to collect.
Has nothing to do with Gundam Unicorn.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: Aptly described by one forum poster as "like my 3rd grade Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper came to life." Others have described it as "Ohmigawd, it's like totally The Nineties : The Game!"
- Camp
- It's not Camp, it's FABULOUS!
- Captain Ersatz: Arguably, the Robot Unicorn is a cyborg version of Starlite, "the most magnificent horse in the universe", from Rainbow Brite. Heavens, if it was, that would make the game even more awesome.
- More than that, Markie, from the aforementioned Lisa Frank series of which the imagery screams anyway. Look at it. Markie lives on islands above the clouds, enjoys collecting stars and cloud-hopping, is fearless and adventurous, wants to go where no unicorn has gone before, chases his dreams, loves rainbows and butterflies... (There are tons of butterflies on the start and score screens.)
- Christmas Special: Robot Unicorn Attack: Christmas. The Robot Unicorn is seen dressed as a reindeer and "Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End)" by The Darkness plays in the background.
- Cool Horse: It's a robot unicorn.
- Crossover / In the Style Of: Nyanicorn, aka Nyan Cat meets RUA.
- Rainbow Pony Dash, featuring the pegasus Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
- Darker and Edgier: It now has a metal version on Facebook.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Open your eyes, I see--your eyes are open."
- Difficulty by Acceleration
- Double Jump: With rainbows! (paired with a glissando)
- This move, along with the accompanying techniques and accommodating level layouts, is a large part of what differentiates this from Canabalt.
- Endless Game
- Every Ten Thousand Points: Every 5000 points dolphins accompany you.
- Everything's Better with Rainbows
- Everything's Better with Sparkles
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's about a robot unicorn that attacks stuff.
- Fan Disservice: LordKat's playthrough of the game.
- Follow the Leader: This game is arguably a robot unicorn-themed version of Canabalt, the similarity being the inability to stop running.
- Friendly Playful Dolphins: A dolphin appears for each 5.000 points you earn. (They don't do anything.)
- Have a Nice Death: Failing in different ways gets you different messages. Crash into a wall? "Your dreams did not come true." Smash into a star? "You became a star." Fall off the screen? "Your dreams were dashed against the rocks below."
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Many males editing this article.
- The commercial had the line "If you feel your masculinity is threatened, then you're not man enough to play!"
- The Jimmy Hart Version: The music in the above commercial is "Always" stripped down to its basic chord progression, presumably because Adult Swim's license for the song doesn't cover TV brodcast.
- Let's Play: Yes, it has a Let's Play.
- Lighter and Softer: Compared to most of the original games on Adult Swim's site. Hell, compared to almost everything put out by Adult Swim, period.
- Made of Explodium: The stars and the unicorn itself.
- Minecart Madness: No minecarts, but the same gameplay concept.
- Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness: The song is definitely level one.
- Mondegreen: As Reimagine :the game: put it, "HARM MANY HARM MANY OH LOVE".
- Most Gamers Are Male: A lot of people point out how Camp Gay it is, regardless of the fact that it doesn't apply to the women that play this game.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Rainbow Robot Unicorn for the win.
- Nintendo Hard: Once your score gets over 5000 or so the game starts getting faster... And nothing will slow you down unless it kills you.
- Not Quite Flight: By alternating jumps and dashes, you can stay in the air indefinitely. It's not uncommon for stretches of rock to generate in such a way that this is pretty much necessary, especially once you gain enough speed.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder
- The Power Of HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE: Not even 4chan can resist.
- Real Song Theme Tune: "Always (2009 Mix)" by Erasure.
- Randomly Generated Level: After the first two platforms, the platforms are randomly generated.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Yep.
- Scoring Points: The main point of the game... Well, other than being awesome.
- Sound-Coded for Your Convenience: A little whooshing noise warns you when a star is approaching.
- Sugar Bowl: Rainbows, unicorns, fairies, the color purple everywhere. Yep.
- Super Speed: You gain speed as your score goes up. Which leads to more Surprise Difficulty
- Stuff Blowing Up: Oh so much.
- Sweet Dreams Fuel: It's practically hypnotic.
- Tele Frag: If you're using the Portal powerup from Evolution, there's a chance this will happen.
- Unicorn: Natch. In Evolution, all of the animals have unicorn horns.
- Videogame Dashing