< Rich's ComixBlog
Rich's ComixBlog/YMMV
- Alternate Character Interpretation: In Seeds of Destruction, Five takes Peri to an unknown garden world instead of Pasadena, as he clearly doesn't want to go to California, and Peri takes offense. According to Landry Walker, who wrote the story, the well-intentioned Fifth Doctor was prone to sarcasm, exasperation, and tactlessness on the show--something that people don't remember when they think about Five--but he was also just as equally apologetic when he realized his faults (which gave him the general reputation as the "nice" Doctor). The balance of these attributes, Walker says, is what made Peter Davison's Doctor a multi-dimensional character.
- A few pages later Five does indeed seem sorry, it's just that by then the plot's kicked in.
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: Rich hinted (and later outright stated) on his Deviant ART account that he's working on an Eleventh Doctor story.
- A Time To Kill: The Tenth Doctor and Donna meet James Bond. Full stop.
- Also from A Time To Kill, Ten casually namedrops the SGC, Foreshadowing another crossover sometime later on. Page commenters spent more time talking about a Stargate crossover than they did discussing the page's implications of the Doctor having Medium Awareness.
- THIS. That is all.
- Beyond the Impossible: The story Rich has planned for the 50th Anniversary of "Doctor Who". Not much is known, besides two things that apply to this trope:
- It will be "much bigger, much more confusing, and much more dangerous" than the previous multi-Doctor stories (including the "official" unofficial 45th-Anniversary Special).
- And the title: "The 23 Doctors".
- Les Yay: Kimber and Stormer, supposedly based on some heavy Ship Tease in a Jem episode.
- Nightmare Fuel: In Forever Janette, LaCroix catches up with the killer, shoots him, beheads him, and puts the head on a pike. Later, the killer regenerates like a Time Lord and grows a new head in the process--all while the old head melts away on the pike. Yikes.
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Forever Janette pits the Master (who still has Cheetah Planet powers from "Survival") in a brawl against LaCroix. They're evenly matched, and the brawl ends when LaCroix tosses the Master aside and escapes the castle.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Rich missed the opportunity to feature a moment where the Stingers return from their tour, only to find Stingers Sound has been destroyed, Jem is really Jerrica Benton and has become engaged to Rio, Eric Raymond is now working for Starlight Music again, and the Misfits will most likely be broken up. A truly epic "what the fuck?!" moment.
- The Woobie: Stormer in Outrage. She gets interrupted when she's about to tell Kimber her true feelings, and later on when she tries to take Kimber out for a soda, Kimber lets slip that she already has a date planned with Sean. Stormer runs off, knowing that the other Misfits--her only friends--won't console her (and she doubts that the Misfits will even stay together following Eric Raymond's Heel Face Turn). She ends up alone in an alleyway, heartbroken and distraught, and crying her eyes out. Thankfully, it gets better for her: the Doctor and Mel offer her a place on the TARDIS, and she accepts.
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