Resident Evil Roleplaying/Characters
The folders are separated into what the character is in during the games and at the very start of the story, due to how there are spoilers. This page is under construction.)
Alex Wesker (Placed here, since nobody knows what side Alex is on)
- Always a Bigger Fish: What's implied thus far.
- The All-Concealing "I": Nobody knows what Alex looks like, even.
- Archangel Lucifer: Sergei compares Alex to Lucifer.
- Bigger Bad: Alex somehow manages to be worse than many of the other characters, even the villains (most of whom fall under Anti-Villain territory), with just their presence.
- Gender Neutral Writing: Alex was never referred to by gender pronouns in "Lost in Nightmares."
- He Who Must Not Be Seen
- Hidden Agenda Villain
- Outside Context Villain
- Truth Twister
- What the Hell, Hero?: Alex does point out the hypocrisy and flaws of several characters.
Jill Valentine
One of the Original Eleven members of the BSAA.
- Badass
- Master of Unlocking
- The Other Darrin: Two roleplayers.
Chris Redfield
One of the Original Eleven members of the BSAA.
- Affectionate Nickname: "Steroids"
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Do not threaten the people he cares about.
- Bi the Way
- Continuity Reboot: Unlike the other examples, it's not due to a roleplayer switch.
- Crosscast Role
- Determinator
- Hot-Blooded
- Papa Wolf
- Promotion to Parent: To his sister
Parker Luciani
An SOA agent from the BSAA's European Branch transferred to the city in the story. His mission at the start of the story is to find information on the Wolfpack to take them down. During the story, he ends up joining Wesker to protect BSAA members in the area. He also ends up infected with the Progenitor Virus. Later, during the incident involving Theta-Med, he ends up infected with a strain of the t-Abyss Virus. He eventually mutates into something like an Ooze or Sea Creeper and cured. He's now trying to get a job for The Organization, due to them curing him.
- Acting for Two: The roleplayer also plays Veltro.
- Affectionate Nickname: Hippie, Trucker, Hippie-Trucker, Penguin, Mr. Chubby, Gramps, Genero (It means "son"), Italian Stallion...
- A Match Made in Stockholm: With Four Eyes.
- An Axe to Grind
- Bash Brothers: He has shades of this with HUNK.
- The Bear
- Bi the Way
- Bizarre Alien Biology: His mutation. Even though he is back to a normal mental state, he has claws and buglike mandibles.
- Body Horror: His transformation into a t-Abyss BOW. The fact that he now has mandibles can be off-putting as well.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Compare his dialogue with Excella about his love live and how he acts toward Four Eyes. It's then averted when he starts seeing Raymond.
- Carpet of Virility: Type 2
- Character Development
- Covert Pervert: Sometimes, he seems to be that way.
- Crosscast Role
- Cuddle Bug/No Sense of Personal Space
- Deadpan Snarker: On occasion.
- Digging Yourself Deeper: He keeps doing this.
- Eyes of Gold: When he gets infected.
- Face Heel Turn / Heel Face Revolving Door
- Goofy Print Underwear: Boxers with pink duckies.
- Hallucinations: Due to the Progenitor Virus and exacerbated by a serum.
- Hypocrite: He tends to be this. For example, -he tells Raymond that what Raymond did was extremely reckless. As confirmed by his writer, Parker would have done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. Alex calls him out on it.
- Horror Hunger: Raw meat. And Hunters. And blood.
- I'll Be in My Bunk: Quoted, but averted, due to Excella preventing him from doing so.
- Living Aphrodisiac: He is this to BOWs. He does not like it.
- Love Makes You Evil: Part of the motivation of him staying with Umbrella may or may not be due to this.
- Non-Malicious Monster: When mutated, he is mostly concerned with being fed, watered, and sleeping when he's mutated. Other than when he's hungry, he's normally affectionate and relaxed for an Ooze.
- Painful Transformation
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Vestiani
- Pro-Human Transhuman: When back to (relatively) normal.
- Secret Relationship: Four Eyes and Parker keep their relationship a secret to avoid harassment. Later, he and Raymond do so, because both of them are in the closet for the most part.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: He's the sensitive guy.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: His name comes from the angel Lucia.
- Squick: As an Ooze, one of the ways he shows affection is by humping the person in question. It's mitigated by Charlotte giving him a stuffed bear, so he humps that instead.
- Tattoo as Character Type: His tattoos all relate to seafaring in some manner.
- Technically Living Zombie
- Undeathly Pallor: Due to the t-Abyss virus.
- Virus Victim Symptoms: Extremely horny, lacking night vision, patches of skin that are spreading that are much like Ooze, the Horror Hunger stated above, etc.
- Xanatos Speed Chess
- Zombie Gait: More like Ooze Gait, but it still applies.
Sheva Alomar
A member of the West African branch of the BSAA as an SOA Agent.
Jessica Sherawat
Revelations spoilers: A former member of the BSAA, she is currently working for The Global Pharmaceutical Consortium.
- Badass Normal
- Bi the Way
- Depending on the Writer: There are very differing interpretations of her characterization. Justified in that there were roleplayers for her before Revelations came out.
- The Fashionista
- Flirting Under Fire
- The Other Darrin: Three different people have roleplayed this character.
- Sweet Tooth
- Trigger Happy
Quint Cetcham
An SOA Agent from the European Branch of the BSAA. He's known for being rather geeky and constantly making references to movies.
- Adorkable
- Affectionate Nickname: Jackass
- Badass Bookworm
- Bald of Awesome
- Crosscast Role
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Keith
- Insistent Terminology: He is not a stalker!
- The Nicknamer
- Pop-Cultured Badass
- Shorter Means Smarter: He's shorter than Keith and the more analytical of the two.
- Shout-Out: So many that it's hilarious.
- Stalker with a Crush: To Jessica.
- Those Two Guys: With Keith.
Keith Lumley
An SOA Agent from the European Branch of the BSAA.
- Affectionate Nickname: Grinder
- OOC chatter nickname: Giraffe
- Catch Phrase: "This blows" or some variation thereof
- Destructo-Nookie: With Bertha.
- Gratuitous German: He often refers to Bertha (who is German) as Fraulein Psycho and Mein Liebe Wiener Schnitzel (which means something along the lines of "My love Wiener Schnitzel" just to irritate her.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Quint
- Kukris Are Kool
- Non-Answer: Often gives these.
- Tattoo as Character Type: His are of the Multiple Type variety.
- Those Two Guys: With Quint.
- Would Hit a Girl: In his fight with Bertha he has no qualms with hitting her. He also tries with Hunnigan after she insults his mother
Charlotte "Charlie" Belway
An orignial character and member of the BSAA, she is involved with gathering intelligence. She ends up captured by BOW-creating scientists who want to use her resistance to certain viruses as a way of studying them and creating more powerful BOWs.
- Affectionate Nickname: Most people just call her Charlie. In OOC chatter, her roleplayer sometimes refers to her as Chaz or Charmander.
- And I Must Scream: Being captured and experimented on.
- Badass Normal: What cements it is her convincing Veltro into going after Wesker instead of trying to kill her, despite her originally chewing him out about his ethics.
- Blessed with Suck: She may be immune to certain viruses, but she then has to contend with how people now want to use her for research because of it.
- Break the Cutie
- British Accents
- Cain and Abel: With Wesker.
- Calling the Old Man Out: She calls out Veltro on his hypocrisy.
- Conflicting Loyalties: She works for the BSAA, but her brother is Albert Wesker.
- Dark Secret: Her brother is Albert Wesker.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Everyone Can See It
- Friendly Enemies
- Get a Room: Her response to Parker and Raymond's mixture of arguing and being pals.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Gratuitous Italian
- Have a Gay Old Time: She uses the British slang "fag" to mean cigarette.
- Just Friends: She acts like this with Harold. Nobody believes them.
- Like an Old Married Couple
- Local Hangout: She and Harold end up at one, and end up getting drunk and singing karaoke.
- The Matchmaker/Shipper on Deck: She set into motion a plan that involves getting Parker and Raymond on a blind date. And neither of them know about it. Somehow, it works.
- Meaningful Name: Her first name means "Free man."
- Non-Action Guy: She is not good at fighting.
- Only Sane Man: At some points, she gives off that impression.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Harlie
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Her surname is a reference to the David Bowie song "The Bewlay Brothers".
- Spot of Tea: She often offers people tea.
- Squick: She reacts like this when people say her brother is attractive/hot/they want to screw him.
- Tangled Family Tree
The Wolfpack
The commander of USS Delta Team, AKA the Wolfpack. Her real name is Karena Lesproux.
- A Father to His Men
- Affectionate Nickname: Wolfmother, Momma Wolf, Lupa Madre, Wolfmutter
- Badass in Charge
- Bilingual Bonus: French
- Brief Accent Imitation: An American accent.
- Character Development
- Dark Action Girl
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Face Palm: She does this occasionally.
- Hired Guns
- Mama Bear: Do NOT threaten someone's kids in front of her. Especially not her own.
- Surrounded by Idiots: She occasionally wonders why on earth Four Eyes, Bertha, and her are the only ones focused on their jobs.
- Team Chef
- Team Mom / Team Dad
- Who Will Take the Kids?: She was a single mother until Chris came along.
Four Eyes
The Wolfpack's field scientist. Her real name is Christine Yamata. She is rather obsessed with figuring out what makes BOWs tick.
- Affectionate Nickname: "Science Geek" and "Nerd."
- Aspergers Syndrome: It can be argued that she has this, given her obsessive interest in virology, general lack of facial expressions, and poor social skills.
- Badass Bookworm
- Can't Hold His Liquor
- Character Development: She has recently started experimenting on only already-created BOWs, instead of humans.
- Dark Action Girl
- First-Name Basis: Parker and Excella the only ones that calls her Christine on a regular basis.
- Fluffy Tamer
- For Science!
- Forgets to Eat
- Mad Scientist/Engineer Exploited For Evil: Depending on the person portraying her.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- The Other Darrin: Three people have portrayed her.
- The Resenter: She resents how Wesker puts limits on what she researches.
- Secret Relationship: With Parker. They're keeping it a secret, due to wanting to avoid harassment.
- Talking in Your Sleep: She does this.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Tacos
- Workaholic
The Wolfpack's field medic. She shows up later in the story due to how she was in Germany, tending to some affairs. She is fond of causing pain, but says at one point that she does not take it to the bedroom.
- Bilingual Bonus
- Combat Medic
- Comedic Sociopathy: When it's not played for horror, her fondness of torture falls under this.
- Creepy Blue Eyes: According to Keith, her eyes look mad.
- Dark Action Girl
- Deadly Doctor
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dissonant Serenity: She can very calmly discuss ruthlessly torturing people.
- German Dialects
- Gratuitous German
- Hard Head
- Shout-Out: She tends to make references to the Saw series. It's apropos, due to all the torture devices in that series.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Subverted. She thinks most of the BSAA agents, aside from Parker and Jessica, are irritating or morons. She also sees Forest as a dumb redneck.
- Torture Technician
- Vampire Vords
The Wolfpack's demolitions expert. His real name is Hector Hivers. He has a love for explosions that is unparalleled and likes to joke around quite a lot.
- Acting for Two: The second Beltway was also the Wesker roleplayer for a time.
- The Alcoholic
- Bilingual Bonus: He occasionally speaks in Spanish.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest
- Character Development
- Cold-Blooded Torture: He gets captured and tortured for a month.
- Curb Stomp Battle: He gets demolished by Wesker at one point.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Fiery Coverup: He ends up providing this for others on occasion.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- In Love with Your Carnage: He keeps confessing his love for Bertha.
- Mad Bomber
- Never Gets Drunk
- The Other Darrin: Three roleplayers have played him.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His specialty.
- Torture Always Works: Averted.
The Wolfpack's stealth specialist. His real name is unknown. He is HUNK's protege and seems to take after his teacher.
- In the Hood
- Invisibility Cloak
- The Other Darrin: Three people have played him.
USS's surveillance expert and sniper.
- The Alcoholic
- Drowning Our Romantic Sorrows: At one point
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Rescue Romance: Starts out this way.
- Written-In Absence: Due to the roleplayer leaving for a brief period of time
Lone Wolf
The USS's helicopter pilot
- Abhorrent Admirer: According to Bertha
Spec-Ops commanding officer. ve
- All Asians Are Alike: He takes this trope and implies that Four-Eyes is Chinese, despite being Japanese.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: He has flirted with many of the female characters. And he started kissing Claire, despite her clear lack of interest.
Party Girl
Spec-Ops surveilance expert.
- Acting for Two: Also the Jake RPer.
- Action Girl
- Bi the Way
- Cute Bruiser
- First-Name Basis: Veltro calls her Sienna instead of her codename.
- Friendly Sniper
- Genki Girl
- Horrible Judge of Character: She's befriended Jack Norman, the leader of Veltro, of all people. She is also very kind to Jessica.
- Life of the Party
- The Nicknamer
- Power Trio: With Tweed and Willow
Spec-Ops heavy weapons expert.
- Action Girl
- Power Trio: With Party Girl and Willow
- Red Headed Heroine
Spec-Ops virologist.
Spec-Ops stealth specialist.
- Action Girl
- Power Trio: With Tweed and Party Girl
Rebecca Chambers
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: She comes across as very hyper around Halloween.
- Character Development
- Face Heel Turn
- Forgotten Friend, New Foe
- Legal Jailbait
- Love Makes You Evil: She ended up associated with the Wolfpack due to her love for Beltway.
- The Medic
- People Puppets: She ends up with a P-30 device strapped on her at one point.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's one of the smaller characters. Doesn't stop her from being able to kick someone's ass.
- Rescue Romance: With Beltway at one point
- Technical Pacifist
Forest Speyer
- Americans Are Cowboys
- Back from the Dead
- Badass Long Hair
- Biggus Dickus: If he is to be believed, he has a nine inch penis. Bertha is skeptical of the matter.
- Covert Pervert
- Eye Scream: His eyes were torn out by crows
- Southern Gentleman
Brad Vickers
- Coming Out Story
- Hangover Sensitivity
- Incompatible Orientation: He has a crush on Joseph, who is straight.
- In Vino Veritas
- Lovable Coward
Unaffiliated/Different faction characters
Claire Redfield
- Action Girl
- Badass Biker
- Biker Babe
- But We Used a Condom: Averted. Because of Leon not using a condom, it isn't too surprising when Claire turns out to be pregnant.
- Face Palm: If someone does anything stupid. So, a lot.
- Fiery Redhead
- Official Couple: With Leon.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Leon.
- Shower Scene: With Leon.
- Valkyries: She's often likened to one.
A member of the FBC who mutated on the ship. Somehow, she turned back to normal. Now, she works freelance as a Knowledge Broker.
- Anime Hair: Lampshaded frequently by herself and the other characters.
- Blinding Bangs
- Knowledge Broker
- Only in It For the Money
- The Rival: To Hunnigan
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Her name comes from the angel Rachel.
- Spell My Name with an "S": It is always Rachel, not Rachael.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: She doesn't remember what happened on the Queen Zenobia after she mutates.
Ashley Graham
- The President's Daughter
- Took a Level in Badass: She's being trained by Vector in ways to fight.
Kevin Ryman
Il Veltro
The leader of the terrorist group Veltro, Jack Norman. He really wants revenge on certain characters due to what happened in Revelations. He's also going to help try to kill Wesker.
- Affectionate Nickname: "Mr. Mask"
- Bald of Evil
- Dark Is Evil: His uniform is made up of darker colors.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He hates pedophiles.
- Hidden Depths: He seems to care for Sienna and, when discussing his past, seemed to have a normal one.
- Hypocrite
- It Is Beyond Saving
- Last-Name Basis/Only Known by Their Nickname
- Master of Illusion: He can still use his ability to make illusions.
- The Nicknamer
- Nobody Over 50 Is Gay: Averted
- Not So Harmless: Most people don't take him seriously, since he normally just says about which Circle of Hell they belong to. Then he starts seriously threatening Charlotte. Though she turns it around and he ends up agreeing to help kill Wesker, he's quite powerful, since he can teleport and cause people to see mirages. The normal characters seem to forget that.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: He really hates non-heterosexuals. Despite being one himself.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Shout-Out: Many, to The Divine Comedy.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Veltro is the name of the Greyhound in the Divine Comedy. He also has a Farfarello named Virgil.
- Transparent Closet
- Unknown Rival: Subverted. He is this to his main target, more because his main target is busy trying to deal with their own problems, not because he's unknown.
- Wicked Cultured: Divine Comedy references.
- You Are What You Hate
Raymond Vester
A member of the FBC. He turns out to be working for the Organization.
- Affectionate Nickname: "Regina," "caro," "tesoro," cadet...
- In OOC chatter, his roleplayer calls him Ray Ray.
- Agent Peacock: He is very well-kept, but he will wipe the floor with you in a fight.
- Berserk Button: An anon forced him to think about how he might have to kill his lover and friend if they've mutated to the point of no longer being human. Combine that with his guilt over Rachael's fate on the Queen Zenobia, and it's more than understandable.
- Blatant Lies: It comes with the territory of being in a Transparent Closet.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Parker has been bringing out his softer side as of late.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hates Being Touched: He doesn't appreciate it when Parker decides it's a brilliant idea to start snuggling him. Subverted in that he doesn't mind them snuggling in private, but has problems with them snuggling in public.
- Ice Queen: A very rare male example.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Because of how he's worried about Charlie and Parker both mutating horribly and him having to kill them.
- Knowledge Broker: He has connections that imply he is in contact with people like this.
- Mate or Die: At one point, he mentions this being the only reason he would screw someone. Ironically, turns out that he ends up screwing them without that sort of impetus.
- Mercy Kill: It's being heavily foreshadowed that he may have to do this. Then it turns out averted.
- Not So Stoic: He starts slipping up at one point.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Vestiani
- Secret Relationship: With Parker, since they're in the closet about their sexualities in varying degrees.
- Stoic Woobie: And how. Occasionally slips up when he's around Parker.
- Trademark Favorite Food: He goes crazy for Nutella.
- Transparent Closet
- Tsundere: Type A
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He did this a while back, due to being involved in theater.
- You Need to Get Laid: He's been told this multiple times.
Steve Burnside
Harold Ingram
A member of the MPS.
- Acting for Two: Also the Wesker roleplayer
- Actor Allusion: "Mickey the friendly Hunter" in Harold's dialogue at one point is a reference to the first Wesker roleplayer, named Mickey.
- Affectionate Nickname: "The Love Machine."
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Beautiful Man
- Big Fun
- British Accents
- Crosscast Role
- Everyone Can See It
- Just Friends: He insists that Charlotte and his relationship is this. Nobody believes them.
- Like an Old Married Couple
- Local Hangout: He ends up there with Charlotte, they both end up drunk and singing karaoke.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Harlie
- Romantic Comedy: He doesn't like them.
- Shown Their Work: MPS is the police force of London, aside from the square mile that is the City of London district (which has a separate police force).
Daria Tomsa
- One-Scene Wonder: She and Mike had one RP together. Then she left.
Lenoire Trivalle
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
Erika Rea
A fourteen year old girl infected with the t-Veronica virus.
- Bloody Murder: Fire blood
- I Just Want to Be Normal: She doesn't like her infection.
- Playing with Fire: Her blood combusts on contact with the air.
- The Woobie: She tends to make most of the other characters want to get her meals or take her under their wings.
Jake Muller
Albert Wesker's biological son. He's a mercenary.
- Acting for Two: Also the Party Girl roleplayer.
- Crosscast Role
- Hired Guns: His specialty.
- Only in It For the Money
- Strong Family Resemblance
- Tangled Family Tree
Government Agents
Leon S. Kennedy
A US government agent. He was administered a rare poison and part of his character arc is him trying to find a cure while dealing with the biohazards at hand.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Cold-Blooded Torture: He suffered through it.
- Crosscast Role
- Find the Cure
- Official Couple: With Claire.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Claire.
- Shout-Out: Referencing Queen songs.
- Shower Scene: With Claire.
Helena Harper
One of Leon's coworkers.
- The Other Darrin: Multiple people have roleplayed this character.
Sherry Birkin
After the events of Resident Evil 2, Sherry became a government agent.
- Continuity Reboot: See below.
- The Other Darrin: Two people have roleplayed this character. The former player went with the interpretation, before the reveal in Resident Evil 6, that she was taken by Wesker and trained to become an assassin. The latter player has gone with the reveal's information.
Albert Wesker
- Acting for Two: One of his roleplayers was also the Beltway roleplayer. His current roleplayer is also the Harold roleplayer.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: The first roleplayer had him more humane, the second made him much more malicious and very active, the third toned him down slightly while leaving him with subtler characterization.
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Abnormal
- Back from the Dead
- Bad Boss
- Beware the Superman
- Big Bad
- Cain and Abel: With Charlie
- Crosscast Role: His third roleplayer
- Curb Stomp Battle: His specialty
- Dark Is Evil: His outfits are mostly colored black.
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Evil Is Sexy
- Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon
- Flash Step
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Sergei compares Wesker to Pestilence.
- Glamour Failure: His eyes
- Hellish Pupils
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Excella's children are his, him being the non-human dad.
- Immune to Bullets
- Invincible Villain: To the point that one of the main problems for the characters trying to kill him is figuring out what on earth would kill him in the first place.
- It Is Beyond Saving
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure
- Last-Name Basis
- Mood Whiplash
- Moving the Goalposts
- The Other Darrin: Quite far into the story, the roleplayer switched twice.
- Power Is Sexy
- Really Gets Around
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sunglasses at Night
- Super Strength
- Tangled Family Tree
- Villains Blend in Better: Unlike RPD, who's an Anti-Villain that is trapped by circumstances, his infection only has the Glamour Failure pertaining to the eyes.
- Villains Never Lie: He never lies outright.
- Wicked Cultured
- Wine Is Classy
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
The lone surviving member of USS Alpha Team. He's known for constantly wearing his gas mask.
- Anti-Villain
- Bash Brothers: RPD and he form this. He also has shades of this with Parker.
- Character Development
- Cool Mask
- Crosscast Role
- Foe Yay: He has a crush on Quint.
- Friendly Enemies: He's really not that malicious.
- Gas Mask Mooks
- Genre Savvy: He knows that splitting up is a bad idea.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Hallucinations: Due to the Psycho Serum. Maybe.
- Hidden Depths: Has a fondness for sunflowers and cats.
- Ho Yay: He has this in spades with RPD and Parker.
- Info Dump: His Valentine's Day RP is a small summary of major plot points of the main story.
- Just a Flesh Wound: Averted.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Subverted
- Let's Split Up, Gang!: He tries averting this whenever possible.
- Lovable Rogue
- Only in It For the Money
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Manly Man in the dichotomy.
- Super Serum: Administered this at one point.
- Psycho Serum: What it turns out to be.
- Those Two Bad Guys: He normally forms this with either RPD or Parker (or both of them, if they're all together).
- Through the Eyes of Madness: Due to hallucinations.
- Villains Out Shopping
A sentient, bipedal licker. Among other things, he loves the Ghostbusters and believes in Santa Claus. He was a former RPD officer. When he first transformed, he killed civilians, so he took the name RPD in their honor. Later, he ends up being forced to work for Wesker when he had tried to leave, due to him mutating and needing a stabilizer. After running through the city unmasked, Wesker ended up hunting him down and forcing him to mutate into a non-sentient beast described as licker-Tyrant hybrid.
- The Alcoholic
- And I Must Scream: He has shades of this when the second device was placed on him.
- Anti-Villain: Type I (he has a code of conduct) mixed with Type II (circumstances have forced him into the position he's in)
- Bash Brothers: He and HUNK form this.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: He's a licker, so it's par for the course.
- It's cranked Up To Eleven when Wesker forces him to mutate.
- Body Horror: Even with a stabilizing serum, he's slowly mutating and may eventually lose control of himself. Then he does because of Wesker.
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Curb Stomp Battle: With Wesker. Three times. He loses every time.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker
- Driven to Suicide: Averted, not without at least one attempt. Given the circumstances of the story, this is a perfectly reasonable reaction.
- Easy Amnesia: He gets better, though.
- Eternal Employee: Justified, because he's forced to work whenever Wesker wants.
- Equal Opportunity Evil
- Fighting for Survival: He's a Mockingbird to a T.
- Friendly Enemy
- Going Cold Turkey: It's not pretty
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Gratuitous Italian
- Hybrid Overkill Avoidance: Despite the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot implications, he can and does get hurt.
- I Just Want to Be Free
- Interrupted Suicide
- Leonine Contract
- Make My Monster Grow: Wesker forces his mutation to double in size when he becomes a licker-Tyrant.
- Meaningful Rename
- Merciful Minion
- Mr. Vice Guy
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: Chain-smoking, wisecracking sentient licker.
- Noodle Incident: Two times. He and Sergei had shenanigans offscreen, implying certain things. RPD also alludes to a similar incident with Parker after getting drunk.
- OOC Is Serious Business: If he isn't being a smartass, something is seriously wrong.
- Out, Damned Spot!: He ends up having a moment like this, because HUNK ended up bleeding all over him, acting as a trigger for some rather disturbing events involving him killing people.
- People Puppets: He ends up one for a short period of time.
- It seems to have come back for a second time around.
- Pro-Human Transhuman
- Stoic Woobie: And how.
- Super Strength: He may have this, but there's a catch. He seems to be stronger when he has lost all his reasoning ability.
- Talking in Your Sleep
- Trademark Favorite Food: Jello
- Trigger: Having blood on his hands makes him flash back to when he started mutating originally.
- Wall Crawl
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: He has problems with this. Wesker and many of the researchers treat him as a weapon, but several characters treat him with respect.
- You Are UMB-3586
Carlos Oliviera
An operative in the USBC. He eventually starts working alongside the USS.
Sergei Vladimir
- Affectionate Nickname: Surge
- Crosscast Role
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: He likens himself to War.
- Gratuitous Russian
- Large and In Charge
- Memetic Mutation: "So much Da."
- Nobody Over 50 Is Gay: Averted
- Noodle Incident: With RPD.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Sergolai
- Silver Fox
- Wicked Cultured: He makes repeated references to the Bible and Paradise Lost.
- Workaholic
Nicholai Ginovaef
- Acting for Two: Also the Excella roleplayer
- Affectionate Nickname: Silver Fox
- Armored Closet Gay
- Crosscast Role
- Gratuitous Russian
- In-Series Nickname: "Silver fox"
- Memetic Mutation: "Slashing the Dash": To fill up the Tumblr Dashboard with male/male sex. Said term has caught on with other roleplayers in the group, though it isn't used very often, since most of the roleplay's pairings are male/female.
- Nobody Over 50 Is Gay: Averted
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Sergolai
- Really Gets Around: He did this quite a lot when he was younger.
- Silver Fox
- Tattoo as Character Type
- You Are What You Hate
Excella Gionne
- Acting for Two: Also the Nicholai roleplayer.
- Affectionate Nickname: She's "Suocera" to Parker. It means "mother-in-law."
- Alcohol Is Poison: Why she's not drinking.
- Batman Gambit: Her plan to kill Wesker.
- Benevolent Boss: Not the best by any means, but it is a stark contrast between her and Wesker's styles of leadership.
- Berserk Button: Do not even try arguing her.
- Character Development
- The Chessmaster
- Deliver Us From Evil
- The Dragon: To Wesker
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Genre Savvy: She knows the Law of Inverse Fertility is in play in this story and reacts accordingly.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: She can be quite snippy as of late, due to her pregnancy.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Her children fall under this (Wesker is not human due to all of the experiments he's done on himself).
- It Runs in The Family: If what she says about her family is correct, their attractiveness.
- Jerkass Facade/Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lady Macbeth
- Law of Inverse Fertility: She ends up pregnant due to a one night stand with Wesker.
- Like A Daughter To Me: She sees Four Eyes like this.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: She is clearly the Head Bitch in Charge (TM) and experiments a lot with viruses, but she still manages to pull of being sympathetic.
- Mama Bear
- Morality Chain: To Wesker
- Morning Sickness: At first.
- Obvious Pregnancy: Later into her pregnancy.
- Overprotective Mom
- Pregnant Badass
- Tangled Family Tree: Her children have this problem.
- The Fashionista
- Trademark Favorite Food: Waffles
- Twerp Sweating: Subverted. She does this to Parker at one point. Unlike the stereotypical shotgun, she's threatening him with Ebola. The other subversion is that she's about 15 years younger than Parker.
- Wicked Cultured
- Woman Scorned: For a time.
Andrei Dragunov
- One-Scene Wonder: He shows up to have sex with Wesker, then disappears.
Ada Wong
- Femme Fatale
- Pet the Dog: She saves Forest and helps tend to his wounds.
- Wild Card
- 0% Approval Rating: Very few people like her and many refuse to work with her.
- Combat Tentacles
- Implacable Man
- Innocent Innuendo: He wanted to lick RPD.
- Non-Malicious Monster: He has shades of this, sometimes
- Super Soldier
- Transhuman Treachery: He has shades of this as well.
Alfred Ashford
- The Internet Is for Porn: His specialty.
- Screwy Squirrel: He doesn't seem actively malicious, just bored and looking for fun.
- Talkative Loon
- The Nicknamer
- Peeping Tom: He recorded Parker and Raymond having sex, then put it up on the Internet, without their knowledge or consent.
- It is later revealed that he did it to everybody. Including Wesker and Excella, and Sergei and Nicholai.
- Screw Yourself: He clones himself and then has sex with him.