Red Sun
Red Sun is an in-progress Pokémon Diamond and Pearl fanfic written by alicekinsno1. It follows the life and times of Cyrus, the villain of the game, and tells how he got to be a villain, as well as looking at the game plot from his point of view.
Tropes used in Red Sun include:
- Abusive Parents
- Beneath the Mask: Cyrus's father tries to appear as a good and loving father and upstanding citizen, despite abusing Cyrus.
- Blue Eyes: Cyrus
- Break the Cutie: Well duh!
- Cheerful Child: Cyrus starts off this way, but needless to say, it doesn't last long.
- Child by Rape: Cyrus... maybe
- Disappeared Dad: Volkner
- Freudian Excuse
- Gadgeteer Genius: Cyrus, even showing signs of it as early as elementary school.
- Hot Scientist: Both of Cyrus's parents had been this at some point.
- How We Got Here: The point of the story, really.
- Kids Are Cruel
- Loners Are Freaks: Cyrus spent most of his childhood being teased by other children and reprimanded by his parents because he had no friends.
- Screaming Birth: When Cyrus's mother gives birth to him, this happens. Justified since she's strapped to a hospital bed, flat on her back and terrified, and doesn't want to have him in the first place.
- Stepford Smiler: Cyrus's mother, definitely.
- Theme Naming: Both of Cyrus's parents have names based on the word "sky", or at least a rough equivalent: his father, Sora, is named after the Japanese word for sky, while his mother's name is meant to suggest "celestial."
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Cyrus
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