< Real Women Don't Wear Dresses

Real Women Don't Wear Dresses/Quotes

Alphonse: [to Greed's gang] There's only one thing I'm afraid of.
Martel: What?
Alphonse: Here it comes.
[Izumi breaks in, dragging an unconscious gang member.]
Izumi: Hi, please excuse me.
Gang member: Hey... who're you?
[Izumi throws unconscious gang member at Al]
Izumi: Why the hell did you get kidnapped?!
Alphonse: Sorrrrrrrrry!
Gang member: Hey you! Don't pretend we're not here!
Thug from Hell's Nest: Who the hell are you?

"If you open a book and read about a big family with 7 children and a housewife, a husband who is the one who earns the money and yet this family barely comes around on top of it in a society which is very old-fashioning then you are assuming that woman, that female isn't a perfect example of feminism or even close to be an example of the perfect equal wife to her husband. What thought is involved there? To show a family but certainly not to show the most feministic character."
Whether something is considered "feminist" or not really depends on how it's read. Take Terminator 2 for example, on the one hand you have a strong willed badass female protagonist who uses guns and does pull-ups and has dimensions and all sorts of fun stuff. On the other hand, her primary motivation is her son, and he is the second coming, not her. Some people don't like that. Mulan also has this girl who's smart, dimensional, learning stuff, being a warrior and out duding the dudes. But on the other hand, again, her whole motivation is her father. Some people don't like that. Also she chooses marriage over being on the emperor's council... whatever, it's implied.
Part of feminism is that you don't have preconceived notions about a person simply because of how they dress, how society might look at a girl or a woman in a mini-skirt and think to themselves, "they must be a slut," when in reality they could just really like mini-skirts.
Linkara from this discussion of Wonder Woman's new costume.
"Come on now, darling. Don't cry. Only boy superheroes are allowed to cry."
Wonderella the elder to Wonderita, The Non-Adventures of Wonderella

"Yeah, Peach definitely looks like she'll be more comfortable throwing a tea party than a touchdown pass, but to suggest that this makes her inherently weak strikes me as a backward sliding argument at best. After all, if you're gonna broadly declare that a character's girlishness is somehow a weak trait in and of itself, regardless of context or the tone and personality of the character, don't you run the risk of sending young women the equally negative message that the only way for a woman to be strong is for her to be a man?"

"The few "good" women I know, are those that act like men. Friends, sister, they're all really kind and nice women... but they all act like guys. Women that act like women, are usually bitches...".
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