R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series/Nightmare Fuel

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Listen, someone had to start this page eventually, might as well start while we're ahead.

  • The god-damn intro! (Don't click if you're scared)
  • The entirety of "Catching Cold". The entire episode is Does This Remind You of Anything? taken to disturbing levels. The ice-cream makes you thinkn of drug addiction and the kid even expressed some symptoms of withdrawal: he stole his father's money, got rid of all his friends and that FRICKING insane final scene. Creepy as Hell! The young boy that mail man was talking about? He was the creepy old fat guy. He was trapped in the truck for over thirty years, waiting for someone as obsessed with ice cream as he was to take his place since the ice-cream truck "needs a soul" in order to survive. Imagine putting up with that demented ice-cream jingle for over thirty years.
  • In Alien Candy, the main character has one of his pinky toes bitten off and the ending is a rather nightmarish I Ate What?
  • In "Afraid of Clowns", GODDANG CLOWNS!!!
    • How about the dream scene where the clown cuts off his freaking hand!?
    • And the end, in which the boy's family reveals that they're clowns and the whole circus act is his rite of passage into becoming a man. Usually in stories like "Vampire Breath," the kid accepts the fact and likes that he'll be a vampire when he hits puberty, but in this story, the boy is scared of the fact that he and his family are demon clowns.
  • How about Scary Mary? Mary in the mirror, the masks, The Faceless Girls and Scary Mary's face were all TERRIFYING. There's also something very disturbing about being so obsessed with beauty that you're oblivious to burning to death.
  • That... thing growing from under the main character's fingernail in Creature Feature.
  • Lights Out: There's a boy who doesn't believe in ghosts so he and his two friends are off to investigate this creepy place. The kicker the non-believer is stuck repeating 'lights out, lights out' and this is all broadcast to some more people online, who think everything that happened in the video was staged...
    • The ghostly doctor in that Haunted Hospital. It turns out he operated on the patients for violating curfew - a practice that continues even after they had all died. One of the kids sums it up best, "If they're afraid of him and they're dead, shouldn't we be really afraid?" The reason why the non-believer is left repeating "Lights out" is because the doctor caught him and operated on him! We never see what exactly was done to him and he keeps repeating the TitleDrop.
  • "Bad Feng Shui" Poor Jessica, and the snake in the old closet, which possessed her mother when she didn't study or tidy her room right. And the snake-lady has long talons and tries to smash Jessica's family photos. That's not the worst of it: it tried to go after Jessica's friends too, and clawed a huge hole though the bedroom door which Jessica barricaded with a closet.
  • At the end of "Brush With Madness" it's revealed that the entire episode was a comic written by an eccentric comic book artist named Allan Miller who was upset over having an obsessive fan, so he decided to get rid of him -- and the fan's friend who didn't do anything to Allan Miller and even tried to convince her comic book geek friend to return the brushes by having them sliced up by a hooded villain and putting his work through a paper shredder.
  • "Sick": The idea of a little boy trapped with an unseen Eldritch Abomination, and the government being willing to sacrifice him and gas his whole house just to kill it. And the final scene where the boy wakes up and thinks it was All Just a Dream... Until the morning-news show hosts come back suddenly on TV (again) and tell him that- NO, this is not a dream and the government really is going to EXPLODE his house and everyone in it. Before hearing a huge Flatline note! If you don't get it, well...
  • "Mascot", which has Willie trying to get rid of the school's old mascot Big Yellow, and somewhere down the line wonders who's under the costume. There's no one under the costume, because the costume is alive and eats Willie. It also appears that the people either don't die or at least aren't digested immediately after they're eaten.
  • "Scarecrow" has the most fucked up ending EVER, in which a scarecrow -- who turns out to be the man who sold the scarecrow to Jenny and her brother -- rids the world of everyone and everything in the world, except for Jenny's brother. The scarecrow man tells Jenny's brother that he was spared so that way he can join him in watching the world come to an end. In the original ending, the brother sets fire to the scarecrow and walks away. In an alternate ending, the brother is turned into a scarecrow.
    • To make it creepier? No background music.
  • "The Perfect Brother" Matt and Josh are brothers, very nice brothers -- but Matt seems too perfect and their parents are always complaining about their grades. Josh sees Matt's legs 'taken away' by the facility as he's a non-functioning robot. He escapes from the robot facility and the staff take a protesting Josh home to his own parents. It soon turns out that Josh is the only human in their family and that his friend was fake. It isn't long before Josh's robotic parents declare him defective and 'just an experiment' as they toss him in a crate (presumably headed to the same facility). Run credits. Brrr.

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