< Queen's Blade

Queen's Blade/YMMV

  • Adaptational Villainy/ Adaptational Badass: The Mobile Suit Blade doujin turns up many heroines and villains more heroic (or evil) than the original series they came from. The best examples are Leina and Melona: While in MS Blade she's more hot-blooded than her original role in the series, Melona, on the other hand, is more evil and creepier, to the grade she outright kills a GM girl who tried to fight against her. (instead of Leina in the original TV series). Leina kicked Melona's ass with a combination of both Dragon Tail and the Trans-Am.
  • Badass Decay -- Nanael, who first beat up three major demons single-handedly, but suddenly can't stand up against even one.
    • Justified. Her powers are tied to the amount of holy milk she has left, and she had spilled a fair amount before the fight, and lost enough during that she couldn't use her telepathic sword.
  • Bile Fascination -- Many critics on the internet blasted this as not merely the worst new anime of the season, but perhaps of all time. Many decided to follow it of some hideous combination of morbid curiosity and horrified fascination.
    • Of course they are missing the point, and there is some truly epic animation in a few battle scenes. See also Growing the Beard below.
    • The hatedom becomes bigger when the U.S BD release of Record of Lodoss War was canceled in favor of QB.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny (Leina eats a toadstool that really doesn't agree with her, and has an absolutely hilarious scene where she throws up)
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming -- See Tear Jerker below.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse -- Considering the sheer number of hentai pictures based on Cattleya and Rana to the extent that one might not even know there's a legit series and that she has a relatively small role.
    • Also Shizuka.
    • And Airi in season 2.
  • Growing the Beard -- Despite the Fan Service overload the story unfolds in a rather interesting direction.
  • Ho Yay: So many to list.
    • Leina appears to have a weak spot for Risty, enough to go to great lengths to find her.
    • Menance, despite all the crap Anarista put her on, she still mourns over her betrayal.
    • Airi kisses and gropes both Nowa and Leina.
      • She uses the kiss to suck out their life force but still has a thing for girls.
    • Alleyne possibly had a past with Echidna, who teases her and calls her an "old virgin" like a cheeky ex-lover.
    • Elina clearly has a thing for Leina. She also has feelings for their elder sister, Claudette, in Hide & Seek.
    • Claudette apparently wants Elina for herself, and expresses jealousy over Elina fighting to be with Leina instead.
    • Irma, formerly, towards Echidna.
    • Echidna may have a thing for Leina, Alleyne and Irma.
      • All but confirmed in Leina's case, though it's heavily implied a lot of it is done because it amused her.
      • Confirmed, via flashback, in Irma's case, which shows they once had a relationship.
      • In fact, the only characters that are canonically straight are Nanael, Cattleya (since she's already married, and with a son to boot) and Aldra in Rebellion.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Nanael, sure she can come off as racist toward the human race, has a really bad ego and won't hesitate to leave people in need behind, you can't help but feel something for her especially when you find out in episode 7 that she's ostracized by the other angels for not being able to fit in with them because of her wings (and her attitude which was probably developed from being isolated and only having one friend). Besides, her personality is justified given that the majority of angels have the same view as her and come off as hypocritical in comparison.
  • Jobber - Nyx, Melpha and in less degree Irma (both in the anime series, gamebooks and the Spiral Chaos games) are the weakest characters both in and out-story and (excluding Irma) they never won a match in canon. In Melpha's case this is justified since she's nun and not much for a fighter and Nyx's Funikura could be a really dangerous opponent.. if his master wasn't such a wimp.
  • Porn with Plot: What begins with the transparent excuse plot common to Panty Fighters develops into something more.
    • Excuse Plot: The original gamebooks only had a very basic plot for all the characters, subverted later with the anime and manga adaptations that expand the plot even more. This could be an improvement over the original American Lost Worlds gamebooks, who didn't had any kind of plot at all.
  • Too Cool to Live: Shizuka,
  • Tear Jerker - Delicious and well served Elvish-beach-fanservice though OVA 2 may be, hats off to the directors for being able to hold off the Ecchi for three entire minutes to deliver a genuinely emotional and heartwarming farewell between Nowa and her teacher/adoptive-mother Alleyne.
    • Episode 4 when Claudette lets go of Leina's hand.
  • Unpopular Popular Character - While Nanael is widely considered by many characters to be an annoyance, the fans seem to think otherwise.
  • Villain Decay - when Airi gets a Morality Pet. It turns lethal for her when she's unable to feed before facing Aldra because of Rana.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: GONG's official YouTube uploads of the show are only rated TV-PG, except for the third episode which somehow managed to get rated TV-Y!
  • The Woobie - As a child, Nyx was abused and humiliated by Elina. In fact, her reason for entering Queen's Blade is partly to get revenge.
    • Ivan was an orphan who grew up in the streets until Claudette saved him. Despite his tough childhood, he still puts on a cheerful smile.
    • Tomoe has her friend slaughter in front of her, is forced to kill her friend who deosn't get revived and she gets cursed and loses her eyesight.
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