Potion Master's Corner

Potion Master's Corner is a series of Harry Potter-themed Web Videos created by Joe Moses, in which he (as Professor Snape) interviews various members of Team Starkid. He doesn't ask many serious questions...

The videos can be found here.

Tropes used in Potion Master's Corner include:
  • Alter Ego Acting: When interviewing Joe Walker (Voldemort/Umbridge) he let's it slip:

Snape: My guest, Mister Jimmy Walker.
Joe: Joe.
Snape: No, I'm playing Snape.

NJSM: No, that's just the URL.
Snape: You're a URL...

  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Never gets anyone's name right (at least not the first time).
  • Product Placement: Played With in Joey Richter's interview. Snape is in a good mood because he had cookies for breakfast.

Joey: You mean like Cookie Crisp?
Snape: No, I actually had cookies for breakfast.

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