Pokemon: The 'Bridged Series

Narrator: This is Ass Ketchup, and he's--
Ash: It's Ash Ketchum!
Narrator: This is Ass Face, a two-dimensional character who likes tying his shoes, wearing gloves, and inserting foreign objects into Pokémon.

This series, often shortened as P:TBS, prides itself in using humor that defies many of the Tropes typically seen in Pokémon parodies and other Abridged Series. As of April 2012, there are fifteen episodes and various extras, including redubs and songs performed by the characters. xJerry64x and Nowacking co-write, whilst 1KidsEntertainment does the video stuff, and between the three of them they handle all the voicing as well (1Kids: Ash, Pikachu, James; Nowacking: Misty, Jessie; Jerry: Brock, Meowth, The Narrator).

Not to be mistaken for Box of Danger's Pokémon the Abridged Series.

Tropes used in Pokemon: The 'Bridged Series include:

Jessie: You know what this hole reminds me of? Our relationship. It's dark, uncomfortable, lifeless, and Meowth is here.

  • Black Comedy Rape: Outside of Brock, Office Jenny is a pedophile. In episode 2, Office Jenny gives Ash a roofie and has her way with him for 2 weeks.
  • Brick Joke: "Purple" as a verb. From Episode 7:

Ash: "And you can't even purple because you're ugly and you're stupid and you're bad! That's right: you can't even purple!"

    • Then later, in episode 9:

Misty: "But you're wearing blue!"
Ash: "It's a light purple, which, incidentally, you cannot do."
Misty: "Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it a thing! I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Ash: "Neither do I!"

Pikachu: Watch it bleed! It's entertaining!

  • Cute Is Evil: You think you're familiar with the adorable Clefairy? Well in this series, they intend to sacrifice humans, as well as dismember them.
  • Dude, He's Like, In a Coma: A Photo Montage in Episode 2 reveals that Officer Jenny took a barely conscious Ash on...quite a few "adventures" around the world.
  • Dumb Blonde: Misty's sister, Sisty
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: The only person to so far legitimately befriend Brock, Barbara, has a really bad case of this. So does Bulbasaur. However, it's more like "Elber Fubb Sybdrobe."
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Played straight in episode 7 at the expense of Misty. Subverted in episode 12 when all four main characters seem to be laughing, but in reality, only Ash, Brock, and Pikachu are laughing while Misty is actually crying because she's distraught that Ash has gotten away with setting the Celedon Gym on fire, and was in fact rewarded with his fourth gym badge for doing nothing but watch everyone else put it out.
  • Forgetful Jones: Professor Oak
  • Guttural Growler: Brock, whenever he starts talking about Breeding takes this almost to the level of a Death Metal vocalist.
  • I Am Not Weasel: Ash decides his Caterpie looks like a Mewtwo and nicknames it as such, despite Caterpie's protests.
  • I Love the Dead: In The Stinger of episode 8, Brock revealed that he was with a family for a Thanksgiving dinner, where he hosed down the family's collection of Vulpix; however, at the dead of night, he "killed the Vulpix, made love to the carcasses, before I buried them in the back yard. Breeding!"
  • Karma Houdini: Ash. All the time. He never earns any of the awards he receives, and he continues to get away with leaving destruction in his path. Only Misty finds something wrong with this.
  • Larynx Dissonance: Any time 1Kids, Jerry, and practically every other voice actor who isn't Nowacking plays a female character.
  • Lost in Transmission: A Running Gag involves Oak saying "By the way, I f*cked your--", only to be cut off by an explosion.
  • Most Annoying Sound: In-universe, Misty finds Barbara to be this. Out-of-universe, everyone finds Barbara to be this.
  • Not as You Know Them: Ash is utterly retarded, Misty loves Fire Pokemon (which was worked into her new backstory, with her being disowned by her family) and Brock is...yeah.
  • The Other Darrin: Misty was originally played by xJerry64x, but was quickly replaced by Nowacking in the second episode. Handwaved as an illness called "falsettosis". Also played around with at the end of episode 3, where several different voices "audition" for the voice of Pikachu, including a self-destructing Dalek!
  • Parental Abandonment: All three protagonists have been disowned by their parent(s) at some point during or prior to the series: Ash (on his birthday, no less) so he wouldn't dip into his mom's savings account, Misty because her love for Fire-type Pokemon was seen as a disgrace to her family of Water-type trainers, and Brock for sullying his family name with his unhealthy obsession with breeding. In defense of Brock's father, Brock deserved it.
  • Pokémon-Speak: Played straight in some cases, averted in others. Pikachu, for one, is the series's most prevalent aversion to this trope; he speaks perfect English and has conversations with other characters.
  • Rapid-Fire Comedy
  • Remember the New Guy?: Brock is first shown traveling with the others in episode 5 without even showing how or why he's with them. Subverted in that Ash has absolutely no idea who he is at the time, and doesn't even notice him until they start talking to each other.
  • Sanity Slippage: Misty, the more time she spends with Ash and Brock. Episodes 14 and 15 (despite the latter being All Just a Dream) imply that Brock is doing it on purpose to ensure she doesn't steal his friendship with Ash.
  • The Stinger: Episode 10 has, like, five. Episode 15 has four.
  • Talking to Himself: 1Kids plays both Ash and Pikachu. Otherwise the voices are largely distributed evenly.
  • Take That: Against Ray William Johnson and others.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Ash.

Misty: "Were you in the water?"
Ash: "I'm not gonna lie, I was trying to hide from you. But then I remembered that I am not a fish."

    • Misty gets in on the act too. Their battle in Episode 7 goes like this:

Ash: "Go, Butterfree!" (His butterfly deploys)
Misty: "Go, Staryu!" (Her starfish deploys)
Ash: "My Butterfree can swim ten times better than your Staryu!"
Misty: "Well my Staryu can fly a gillion times better than your Butterfree!"
Ash: "Butterfree, use Dive!"
Misty: (flapping her arms) "Staryu, Fly!!"
Staryu: *tips into the water and drowns*
Butterfree: *falls into the water and drowns*

  • Tsundere: Misty, though her swings between tsuntsun and deredere are even less predictable than in the original show.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Oak, after Pikachu nuked Pallet Town. Lampshaded by Ash.

Ash: He'll be back in the next episode due to continuity errors.

  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Ash and Pikachu firmly fall into Type 1. Pikachu has no qualms about electrocuting or setting up traps meant for Ash, but Ash still considers Pikachu his buddy. Then again, Ash thinks nothing of getting his Pikachu replaced in episode 10.
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