Phantom's Secret Diary
Phantom's Secret Diary is a Danny Phantom fanfic; it is a Yaoi, Slice of Life story that premiered to little affair that was written by TV Troper Anthiens, aka Anthiena. Danny, now in college, relates his life through a diary that didn't actually start that way.
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Tropes used in Phantom's Secret Diary include:
- A Day in The Life: Well, duh.
- Author Appeal: Um... yeah. About that...
- Bawdy Song: "Barnacle Bill", which is a real life song written in the 17th Century.
- Berserk Button: Don't mention the Twelfth Night party debut to Danny, just don't.
- Black Comedy Rape: Invoked/hinted at. Danny's debut at the Twelfth Night party-there's a rule about any ghost showing up alone "honoring" any who ask.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Jazz on Danny's crush.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Invoked with Vlad but Skulker actually cheats.
- City of Adventure: Amity Park and the college Danny goes to.
- Continuity Drift: Used to make better sense of the canon timeline, which is understandable.
- Dame Not Appearing In This Fic: Danielle.
- Depraved Bisexual: Spectra and most likely Phantom.
- Did Not Get the Girl: Sam and Danny broke up ages ago, as did him and Valerie for unspecified reasons.
- Drunken Song: As done by Vlad, Skulker, Spectra and Psyche, only Spectra is a lot less drunk. Psyche and Vlad on the other hand are completely trashed.
- Double Entendre: A few times.
- Drinking Contest: A yearly one between Vlad and Skulker. Vlad always loses-probably because Skulker cheats.
- Emotion Bomb: Psyche is a walking version of this.
- Exty Years From Now: The years in which PSD take place are obscured, being referred to as Year 0 on.
- Fan Disservice: The first chapter was originally intended as a Take That against Pitch Pearl, which is portrayed as terribly awkward.
- Fan Service: The reason for this fic.
- Flanderization: Jazz, who is shown as manipulative, but played for laughs.
- For Science!: Why Jazz has/stole Danny's high school diaries.
- Freud Was Right: Mocked.
- The Ghost: Phantom, ironically.
- Hand Wave: A few times.
- I Do Not Own: Every chapter so far. Also proclaims that the creator wouldn't like the fan fic, which is true enough.
- In Vino Veritas: Danny, who is quite a friendly drunk and Vlad, who goes between dancing on tables and being paranoid. Danny prefers the table dancing, but not for the reason you're thinking.
- Ironic Episode Title: Phantom's Secret Diary is actually written while Fenton as opposed to that other Phantom.
- Karma Houdini: Vlad. Somewhat justified: "...let's get real here: what jail is going to hold a person who can walk through walls, let alone all the other things a hybrid can do?"
- Kissing Under the Influence: Danny asked Ghost Writer out on a date while drunk. Also, Psyche and Spectra, which Danny notes would never happen when she's sober.
- Lampshading: A few times. The story has several potshots aimed at Danny Phantom fandom.
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls
- Non-Indicative First Episode: The first chapter is pretty much porn. Believe it or not, it was censored/abridged.
- Noodle Incident: Invoked in Danny's first Twelfth Night party but somewhat averted, as it just about states what happened, but leaves out who asked.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: The original description of the story claims that Clockwork gave the diary to the writer.
- Put on a Bus: Danielle, who Danny has very little contact with.
- Screw Yourself: Opening chapter, which Danny denies ever happening ever after.
- Shrug of God: A few times.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Sort of. Danny distracted Spectra once by feeling her up and she slapped him for it, though she was rather flattered.
- Stalker with a Crush: Spectra. She does this to mess with Danny, who is Squick'ed and Psyche.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: According to Jazz, anyway.
- Those Two Guys: Invoked with Vlad and Skulker, who are friends in this fic.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: Danny is now 23, going on 24. There is significance to that.
- The Un-Reveal: How Spectra and Psyche know each other, Danny's new boyfriend (at first) and his first crush's identity.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Danny and Jazz go to different colleges in the same state, but what state is never discussed. Also Amity Park, which is stated to be on the west coast, but not what exact region. This was done to preempt an Unpleasable Fanbase.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Jazz, who begs for details on Danny's boyfriends.
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