PJ Katie's Farm

An obscure Canadian children's television program that aired on YTV in the 1990s. The premise was quite simple, a farm with talking plasticine animals going on all sorts of adventures... except that the budget was so low that many aspects of the show became absurd, campy or outright bizarre. The nonexistent budget meant that the only people on set were the cameraman and the eponymous PJ Katie. No attempts were made to hide the fact that all the plasticine animals were moved around by hand on screen, and that PJ Katie did all the voices of every character. All episodes were done in a single take, so when the plasticine animals were inevitably knocked over accidentally, the mishap had to be written in. The net effect was rather hilarious.
Seriously, Check this out..
- American Football: A good chunk of an episode is devoted to clarifying the differences between the different kinds of football.
- Author Avatar: For some reason, PJ Katie literally made a plasticine avatar of herself to interact with the animals. It was even called PJ Katie.
- Gasshole: Blue the horse.
- Is Pronounced Tro-PAY: Dippe the cat, pronounced DEE-PAY.
- Large Ham: PJ Katie, of course.
- No Budget: The main reason the show was so charming.
- No Fourth Wall
- Off-the-Shelf FX: All the props looked like they were made by PJ Katie herself or bought from the dollar store.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping
- Spin-Off: Started as a between-show segment as part of the standard "PJ" lineup on YTV.
- Talking Katie
- Talking To Herself
- Title Theme Tune: PJ KATIES FAAARRRRM PJ KATIES FAAARRRRRM *Headbang* (sung by PJ Katie with no musical accompaniment, at least originally)
- Up to Eleven: In one episode a flying saucer is replaced with a danish; during the credits you can see PJ Katie eating what was obviously meant to be her lunch behind the scrolling titles. This takes No Budget to new levels.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?
- Woman of a Thousand Voices: PJ Katie did all the voices of every character in the show.