PB&J Otter
PB&J Otter (1998-2000) was an American animated series created by Jim Jinkins of Doug fame. The show centralized on its three otter siblings, Peanut, Butter and Jelly, who lived with their parents on Lake Hoohaw, where everyone lives on a houseboat. Each show presented a problem which the otters would solve after doing the "Noodle Dance". The show lasted for three seasons on Playhouse Disney.
Tropes used in PB&J Otter include:
- Acrophobic Bird: Flick can fly, he's just afraid of heights. He eventually gets over this in order to grant the wish of a new friend during the Hoohaw Hoo.
- All Just a Dream: "Leave it to Munchy" in the third season of the program.
- Or Was It a Dream?: The penultimate scene of Mayor Jeff just departing in the submarine in Munchy's dream, in real life in the episode sets off the aforementioned Mind Screw.
- Catch Phrase: "Oodelay!"
- Peanut: "I'll use my noodle, but I'm not dancing." *starts dancing*
- Christmas Special: Though as is often the case with shows like this, they called it something else-- "Hoohaw Hoo" in this case.
- Collector of the Strange: Mayor Jeff collects toilet seat covers and seems a tad too obsessed with them.
- Deadpan Snarker: Connie Crane. She's aware her husband, Cap'n, is an idiot at times, and just has fun with it.
- Edible Theme Naming: The first name of the titular characters.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: With a fair bit of regularity, particularly if the story itself was mainly humorous in nature
- Fantasy Helmet Enforcement
- Forgiveness: Seen in the story "Forgive Me Not" in which Jelly learns to forgive her best friend Pinch for ripping her cape
- Friendly Tickle Torture: "Butter's First Check-Up" has various characters getting tickled throughout as part of a game.
- Furry Confusion: Flick is a talking, anthropomorphic duck but there are plenty of non-sentient birds on the series.
- Halloween Episode: Yep.
- Idea Bulb: Always seen at the end of a "Noodle Dance" when a character gets an idea.
- Kangaroo Court: In "Kid Court," one was held to determine whether Peanut or Jelly would get to watch their favorite TV show, with Pinch as the judge. She ruled that their arguing was annoying her so much that she was throwing them both in jail until they could learn how to work out their problems civilly.
- Name and Name: Sort of.
- Neat Freak: The raccoons.
- Not-So-Innocent Whistle: Seen in "It's a Bird, It's a Plane... It's an Elephant?" Scootch gives one after Flick shoots him a dirty look for mocking him.
- The Power of Friendship: Rather frequently.
- Rich Bitch: Literally with the female members of the Snooty family, who all happen to be poodles.
- Security Blanket: Butter had her "bankie."
- Spoof Aesop: Seen at the end of "Special Delivery" and possibly other stories as well
- Stock Aesops: Any number not already mentioned, including "All that glitters is not gold," "Follow your dreams," "Don't be shy," "The grass is always greener on the other side..." and more.
- That Cloud Looks Like...: Peanut and Jelly in the opening of "It's a Bird, It's a Plane... It's an Elephant?" and the basis of the song "Imaginings."
- That Reminds Me of a Song: At least twice an episode (one episode is divided into two story segments), often more. Very Special Episodes may have up to 8 songs within a half-hour span. This is a very musical show.
- Theme Naming: Peanut, Butter and Jelly. Beyond that, the theme breaks down.
- Title Theme Tune: Well, not the whole title, but "PB&J" is repeated a number of times.
- Trope 2000: Ootsie and Bootsies' toys are often named in this manner. Additionally, they sometimes say that they have "Version 2000" of something and that it's "twice as good as version 1000."
- Very Special Episode: Three in season 2, three in season 3. Easily distinguishable in that it is a half-hour episode and has up to 4 times more songs than regular episodes.
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