< On Her Majesty's Secret Service

On Her Majesty's Secret Service/Funny

  • This never happened to the other fellow.
  • The janitor's whistling of Goldfinger
  • Looks like that mook in the hotel room threw the fight!
  • Same mook is applauding the bride and groom at the end!
  • Moneypenny, what would I do without you?
  • GASP! Fancy meeting you here, Fräulein! (whack to the head afterwards)
  • Bond scheduling an encounter with a different girl every hour. That's how he got caught.
  • Ruby gazing and giggling when Bond dropped his kilt in her room.

It's true!

  • "Sir Hillary" feeling a slight...stiffness...in the neck at the table.
  • "Sir Hillary" describing to Fräulein Bunt what her name stands for.
  • I got the gadgets and I know how to use them
  • I know what he's allergic to...
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