< Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven/WMG

Danny and Rusty really are telepathic.

Cause yeah. Those two able to communicate without actually speaking can only be explained by something supernatural.

  • The whole thing is actually just a master plan to get more people with superpowers together. Many of them are unaware of their powers, especially Linus, who has the potential to become the strongest of them all, if he'd just get his head out of his (incredibly sexy) ass.
    • So then, what are their powers? Livingston has technopathy, I guess.
    • I'll have a shot:
      • Danny/Rusty: Telepathy, supernatural persuasion.
      • Basher: Innate pyrotechnic ability; Possible latent pyrokinesis.
      • Reuben: Survivability/long life.
      • Turk and Virgil: They see into the future a la Next, making them superb drivers, and also able to guess each other's "Twenty Questions" answer.
      • Livingston: Technopathy from being an android, manufactured as an experiment by...Dell.
      • Frank: Can change records at will, i.e he can change his name on legal documents, or wipe out any record of debt. This makes him acceptable to hire by anyone.
      • Yen: Super acrobatic skills, obviously.
      • Saul: Can make pacifists out of madmen. I mean, how the hell has he not been killed by people yet?
      • Linus: Fingersmith; can steal anything from right under your nose.
        • Which was inherited from his father. His mother's powers are closer in line with Dannyrusty's (Dusty's?), supernatural persuasion. And yes, that was intended to be a portmanteau name.
      • Roman's also a technopath, though more of a natural one than an experimental one like Livingston. Maybe he had worked on Livingston before going rogue. The question now becomes: Is Greco one as well?
      • Francois Toulour (the Night fox), while not in the group, is also a powered individual who has managed to avoid notice and so avoid being pulled into the group. Specifically, he has luck powers. However instead of working by making him super lucky, they work by allowing him to redistribute his luck around so he can make himself incredibly unlucky later on. He expends a great deal of luck to get past the lasers in the second film (which was frankly, ridiculous). This is the reason Ocean and co. manage to hijack the heist: the nature of his power results in everything going bad right afterwards.
        • But the big twist was the Ocean gang already stole the MacGuffin on the train. Though if your theory holds water, in this case it'd be his bad luck kicks in after he stole that thing from that hikkomori shut-in's house.
        • Alternately, his luck is only supernaturally good when he can maintain his concentration. The headphones might have been some sort of artificial power aid, or maybe just noise blocking earbuds to help him focus.
          • I thought he was using the beat to time his movements.

Danny and Rusty set Basher up to get caught in the first film.

In the first film, Basher is in on a robbery gone wrong. Someone comments that it seemed to be a booby trap, to which Rusty, undercover as an ATF agent, remarks that booby traps "aren't his style". Danny and Rusty set him up because they needed him for the Benedict job.

  • This would explain why Rusty knew exactly when and where to find Basher - it's kind of suspicious he showed up exactly after that heist went south.
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