< Non Sequitur Scene

Non Sequitur Scene/Web Comics

Web Comics have their share of Non Sequitur Scenes, too. Dada Comics have many more of these per capita, so they won't be listed here.

  • A troper-Made comic ends its first chapter. Very literal.
  • The appearances of the Halloween Monster in The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob.
    • Later no longer applies, as it becomes a tradition to use this monster every halloween, making it a running gag instead.
  • Heroes Of Lesser Earth, on this page, Martin has swapped out his permanent flying ability for Animate Dead. It's played just once for laughs here, and he never uses it again.
  • The random death metal comic from Questionable Content found here, drawn to commemorate the 666th strip.
  • The strip featuring Fruit Pie the Sorcerer in Order of the Stick.
  • This strip early on in Penny Arcade where Tycho is a giant turnip in a sweater. No comment is made about this, and it never happens again.
    • In the book collection this strip appears in (Attack of the Bacon Robots!), Tycho explains that Gabe threatened to draw him this way until he bought a Dreamcast.
  • "Surprise Ending" indeed: "Je suis de retour!"
  • Between the end of Chapter 2 and the start of Chapter 3, Everyday Heroes has a filler of... pictures of mermaids and dragons drawn by the author's grandkids.
  • During the end of Act 4 in Homestuck, The complete destruction of two planets is interrupted by a video game... with singing Squiddles???
    • Probably no longer a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment - about an act and a half later the singing Squiddles show up again, and it's explained that they're a manifestation of some sort of Elder Gods, supposedly offering the protagonists a dream-state separate from the rapidly-Crapsackifying Derse and Prospit. Our heroes don't seem to be too thrilled about this.
    • Later, Andrew Hussie, being manipul8ed by Vriska, participates in a Neverending Story shout out by riding Falcor (who has rapidly cycling pool ball eyes for some tangentially plot-related reason), who then barfs on some bullies.
      • Strangely enough, this BLAM is actually a Brick Joke - the bullies were mentioned earlier, in a similar fourth-wall breaking interlude.
    • And then it has Andrew Hussie mourning over the death of a character from Hook. Which resulted in the largest "THIS IS STUPID" yet.
  • In a comic that is otherwise a fairly ordinary retelling of Final Fantasy VI, we get to the boss batle with the two magitek knights in the Figaro desert. One of them appears to be... Cecil?
  • Tragic Deaths has one in the first story arc. It's even lampshaded by Petalklunk.
  • In Our Little Adventure, Julie sang about the glory which is Megaman in order to prove herself and get the pendant. This didn't work well, though she got the pendant anyway due to a much more efficient look through her thoughts.
  • Another literal invocation from Regular Guy .
  • In one strip of Darths and Droids (done on April Fools Day, that context can get lost when reading the entire series), during the Attack of the Clones sequence, Padme "dies" in the desert. The scene then abruptly shifts to screencaps of the scene from The Princess Bride where the Grandson argues with Grandpa over Westley's death (only now they're arguing about Padme's). To make it even more confusing, Grandpa has the yellow speech balloons that indicates he's the GM, while the Grandson has the white speech balloons of a roleplayer. And the Grandson even calls him "Grandpa". (Is the GM a grandfather?!) Keep in mind, this strip is supposed to be about a bunch of players at a Tabletop RPG.
  • This was an unfortunate result of Dan of El Goonish Shive declaring that he's bringing silly back. One of the first tries involved Sarah calling for the Demonic Duck for absolutely no logical reason, leading to a bizarre exchange, that ends with the duck jumping out of the car, and the conversation picking up from exactly the same spot it left off, wasting a whole page, plus two panels on basically nothing.
  • Drowtales had a random dwarf dressed as Santa Claus with "Merry Christmas Elven Bastards" carved into his cannon. Besides being a rather bizarre fourth-wall breaking moment outside of a chibi page (where such things usually occur), he never shows up again after this page. Word of God is that it was a joke since the page was published around Christmas.
  • The Mulberry comic "Jack the Ripper" has Jack's attempts to download illegal patches invoke the presence of some cartoon all-stars hoping to talk him out of it. Mulberry squishes the characters before they can actually go find Jack, and she never tells anyone that she met them.
    • Word of God says this scene was originally part of a Brick Joke, with different characters coming later to lecture Jack, but the second scene would have disrupted the flow.
  • To celebrate the 1500th strip of The Whiteboard, a big can-can line appears out of nowhere on Red's paintball field with most of the main cast, leaving behind some debris in the last panel along with a very confused Pirta.
  • Sonichu has the Family Guy "skitch".
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