< Nicktoons Tales
Nicktoons Tales/Characters
Behold! The Loads and Loads of Characters of Nicktoons Tales. Please note that for your convenience this page has been split into categories.
Main Trio
- Bishonen: As Keii-D.S., not surprisingly.
- Blood From the Mouth
- Butt Monkey: Happens more often than you think.
- Hidden Depths: How in the world did A.D.S. came to be?
- My God, What Have I Done?: Keii-D.S. did this upon killing Shino.
- Really One Hundred and Ten Years Old
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: So, darn, much.
- Rubber Hose Limbs: Consistently.
- Standard Bleeding Spots: One in the forehead, lesser known locations are on the right elbow and on his lower abdomen.
- Awesome Backpack
- Kill It with Water: Yep. Water still harms him.
- Little Green Man
- Took a Level In Kindness: After he took over the world, he gave it up, and became nicer after all that. All that before this series.
Timmy Turner
- Alliterative Name
- Attention Whore: Timmy really wants people to acknowledge him the way they do to A.D.S.
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey: If it's not happening to A.D.S., then it's happening to Timmy.
- Real Men Wear Pink
Notable Nicktoons Supporting Cast
Jenny Wakeman
- Action Girl: Depending on the episode.
- Damsel in Distress: Again, depending on the episode. Then again, this happens more often, which overlaps with...
- FemBot
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Big Eater: Especially evident in the Fat GIR-bert episode.
- Keet
- Talkative Loon
SpongeBob SquarePants
- Demoted to Extra: If his lack of appearances or importance in the stories are anything to go by...
Natsume Hyuuga
- All There in the Manual: It has been said that Natsume is one of A.D.S.' oldest friends.
- Playing with Fire: Of course.
- Green Eyes
- Stalker with a Crush: On A.D.S.
- Super Strength: Was revealed to have it during her fight with Vexus.
- Evil Counterpart: To A.D.S.
- Screwy Squirrel
- Tsurime Eyes: Taken Up to Eleven.
- Evil Counterpart: To ZIM.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Evil Counterpart: To Timmy.
- Plot Hole: How did Nega-Timmy become a seperate entity from Timmy? Not that people seem to mind.
Queen Vexus
- Determinator: Would always come back and do the same ol' routine of kidnapping Jenny. Also, no matter how many times she was put down by A.D.S., she would go back to doing evil again.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Hellish Pupils
- Tsurime Eyes
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