< Neopian Times Writers' Forum
Neopian Times Writers' Forum/YMMV
On the main forum
- Non Sequitur Scene: Pretty much anything JH said that was generally ignored. Hayati is also known for these, turning other people into jello, which often forgotten about. However, Goron hasn't ignored it, and uses it for his fursona.
- Complete Monster: Fang of the Dead likes to write these - this especially shows through with his take on Lord Kass, who's best described as "the most evil aspects of Scar, Shan Yu, Frollo and Lord Shen mixed together."
- The rest of his Rogues Gallery consists of some new villains and canon baddies from Neopets, although some of them don't qualify for this trope - we'll just list all of the ones that qualify here for convenience's sake:
- General Attilus: Basically an expy of Shan Yu and Tai Lung, this Grey Kougra is a cold, emotionless military commander of a barbarian horde that hates the people of Shenkuu. Also, he's Miraja's father.
- Galem Darkhand: Another one of his interpretations on a canon Neopets villain, Galem is The Brute; he's got a few traits of geniusBruiser, but he's still more about brutality than brains. He's purely motivated by profit, of course.
- Dr. Sloth: The first Big Bad on Neo, he plays him as an Affably Evil Magnificent Bastard - he's evil, but he's so genteel while doing so! He's a borderline example, if anything.
- Razul: The demonic emperor of Qasla is just as much of a Complete Monster as he was on the site. However, there's an added layer of A God Am I - he's a Large Ham wannabe god.
- Mr. Krawley: The evil Krawk behind the Tale of Woe is the only one who's truly in it For the Evulz; there's no Freudian Excuse for his actions, nor is he a sociopath like Kass - he likes to ruin lives for lulz.
- The rest of his Rogues Gallery consists of some new villains and canon baddies from Neopets, although some of them don't qualify for this trope - we'll just list all of the ones that qualify here for convenience's sake:
- Crazy Awesome: Oh so many members...
- Cry for the Devil: Fang's take on Captain Scarblade and Xandra.
- Captain Scarblade: The pirate who attacked Maraqua is made into a Cry for the Devil type villain - instead of attacking Maraqua For the Evulz, he's trying to avenge his deceased lover, Merra. She died because the people of Maraqua were too afraid of The Drenched to let him save her. He's aware he's crossed the Moral Event Horizon and regrets it - he knows he's evil, and hates himself for it.
- Xandra: Although she was an insane Knight Templar, Fang was inspired by his best friend Saeryena to make her a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds - she's genuinely insane, but that's because she was abducted by Drakara and raised horrifically to be a Tyke Bomb. An ongoing theme of any story involving Xandra is Sirocco trying to defuse her with The Power of Love. She doesn't escape being a Karma Houdini after she's unpetrified - she's placed under house arrest until her psychosis can be cured, but she's showing progress, mainly because she genuinely loves Sirocco. DEFINITELY not the borderline Complete Monster she was on the site.
- Memetic Badass: Hunty and Stal.
- Memetic Mutation: "Epic Equipment - Please Do Not Use."
- Pink Fluffy Roll'd!
- The Icy Taco's ilikemybikeplz.
- Not Dan!
- Draw Kiyoshi in a dress!
- Shipping: Attack of the shippers, PFA, Candy, and Kat to name a few.
- The Ship Yard: They're everywhere.
- Too Funny to Be Evil: Fang's take on Hubrid Nox, The late Chia warlock, is played as a Laughably Evil expy of the French Taunter. He has no redeeming aspects otherwise, though.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Well, it's just one member's individual case - Fang really dislikes the Faeries on Neopets being portrayed as (mostly) the Big Goods - he likes to write them as The Fair Folk - the goodest ones view common Neopets like we would a beloved pet; the neutral ones (most of them) are vain and shallow creatures, caring mostly for their own selves; and the evil ones range from being Fantastic Racists towards "inferior" Neopets to just ruining the lives of Neopets For the Evulz.
Guild Wars
- Black Hole Sue: Deconstructed with Kassandra Amethyst Moonbeam.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The Underdeep, which is basically an alternate plane of existence that turn a person's most intense fears into reality.
- Romantic Plot Tumor: We love this in Guild Wars. And regular Guild RPs. Hunty/Fraze forever! <333
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