< Neopian Times Writers' Forum

Neopian Times Writers' Forum/Mafia Roleplay

NTWF Mafia was a play-by-post game based on the party game Mafia, played on the NTWF, or Neopian Times Writer's Forum. Each player was assigned the role of either a mafioso or a townsperson (plus a few more specific roles within the latter category). The Mafia would kill one townsperson each night, and during the day, the townspeople would choose a suspect in the murders to lynch.

The game was played out through a roleplay, in which each player crafted a distinct character and interacted with each other. The setting was the small country town of Netwaffle, which had recently been plagued by crime, and now murder. Most citizens were aware of the Mafia lurking in the shadows...but things were getting worse and worse, and they finally decided that they had to do something about it. Meanwhile, the Mafia were planning...who knows what?

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Tropes used in NTWF Mafia include:
  • Ax Crazy: At least some of the Mafia. This really comes out into the open with Terra and Luna after they're executed.
    • Completely the opposite for Mr. Amati who only wanted a kingdom for his cat.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The Mafia was killed, along with most of the town. But Netwaffle becomes a tourist magnet thanks to their ghost population.
  • Dead Person Conversation: Nearly everyone who's killed comes back as a ghost, so this happens several times throughout the roleplay.
  • Disposable Sex Worker: Not really a sex worker per say but Hunty the Floozy was the first (unofficial) victim of the mafia.
  • Distant Finale: The last round, which takes place six months after the previous one.
  • Dwindling Party: The main characters, excluding Candy and Icon were all either lynched or murdered, up until Drake, the last Mafia member, was killed... And then the last mains were killed.
  • Expy: Nelly, of Mrs. Lovett.
  • Fortune Teller: Madame Ginz.
    • Phony Psychic: She seems to be this at first, but then her predictions start getting eerily accurate...
  • Ghost Shipping: Meowington/Ariana once Ariana was killed by the mafia.
    • Also, Robyn/Icon (Robyn was killed by the mafia very early on, while Icon committed suicide at the end of the game.)
  • Ghost Town: By the end of the game Netwaffle becomes this. Literally.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: If you eat at Nelly's bakery...
  • It Got Worse
  • Kill'Em All: Icon and Candy are the only two survivors out of the main players...until the final round, which takes place six months later, in which a car crashes into Candy and Icon commits suicide. Though they do come back as ghosts, so it's not as bad as it sounds.
  • Jacob Marley Apparel: This seems to hold true for the ghosts of Netwaffle. Terra even finds out that she still has a ghostly version of the knife she had hidden when she died. She takes advantage of this.
  • Knife Nut: Most of the Mafia.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Candy casually reveals that Mayor Porpington is her father.
  • Mayor Pain: Mayor Porpington. He locks the entire town in the civic center...including the Mafia. Oops. He gets hanged for his trouble.
  • The Men in Black: The GSIS, or Greater Splatterboard Investigation Squad. They end up being a bit less effective than MIB-types usually are.
  • Properly Paranoid: Esther Rickshaw, the town librarian. She goes to extreme measures to hide from the Mafia, who are, obviously, not an imagined threat at all.
  • Rich Idiot With No Day Job: Celes Teal. Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense by day, guardian angel by night!
  • Upper Class Twit: Joseph which made him the second person to get lynched.

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