Neglected Mario Characters

Neglected Mario Characters is a webcomic made by Jay Resop about, well, Neglected Mario Characters. It may be the first sprited webcomic ever. It also has a handful of original characters and often talks about non-Mario characters. It has a very random, twisted sense of humor and is really worth checking out if you're a gamer.

The comic (which is no longer maintained by Jay Resop) is slowly coming to an end, along with the site that hosts it. You can check out the site here. The new owner, Metal Man, claims to be finished with updating the site for good (according to an email.)

Has a little "president" system going. The first one was Bill the Extra Guy, then Captain Churro, than Metal Man himself, and now... a poker machine?

Tropes used in Neglected Mario Characters include:
  • Adventure Duo: Bill and Fred.
  • Affably Evil: Dr. Donez, who is "good-evil", not "bad-evil".
  • Ambiguously Gay: Pretty much everyone now and then.
  • Anti-Hero: Fred.
  • Ax Crazy: Fred.
  • Battle Royale: One of the staples of the site for a while was NC Character Death Match. This would take two rather obscure Nintendo characters and have them battle to the death for our pleasure.
  • Berserk Button: Harming Bill makes Fred go into a Berserker Rage.
  • Big Bad: One for each story arc. Darth Butch in "The Evil Luigi" story, Bowser in "Mushroom Wars", Mario Dark Fahlz in "Mario Busters", Jay Reesop in "Bill and Fred's Quazi Mediocre Adventure" and many more.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Pretty much every single attack in the series.
  • Catch Phrase: "Al Gore?"
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Captain Churro.
  • Crossover: With Super Smash Stadium twice.
    • And a fellow named Codie Kitties site, sort of.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Deathly Deathray of Deathly Deathness!
  • Distaff Counterpart: Jill the Extra Gal for Bill the Extra Guy.
  • Man Behind the Man: Dark Fahlz in "Mario Busters".
  • Mad Doctor: Dr. Donez
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Silence. I mean, Steve.
  • Orphaned Series: Several of the stories Jay started were not finished for several years, until a new author appeared and finished them. The most notorious was the NC/SSS Crossover Mach 2, which was left unfinished on the second to last chapter for over 5 years before being concluded in early 2011.
  • Pokémon-Speak: The Eco-Weenies.
  • Product Placement: The site is currently absolutely plastered with ads for a poker-playing website. Presumably, they were put in place so that the site could stay up despite Jay's absence.
  • Rage Against the Author: Bill and Fred start off one of the storylines with murdering Jay.
  • The Ditz: Mario is not held in high regard.
  • Schedule Slip: As Jay grew up and eventually left for college, he updated the site less and less. He hasn't updated himself in about six years. No one seems to know what became of him. But dedicated fans took up the torch to continue making comics for the website in his style, so as to keep themselves and any possible newcomers entertained. I don't think there's ever been a situation like that before.
  • Sprite Comic: The Ur Example, dating to 1998.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: The reason Jay Reesop and Jay Respo hate Donez is because when they were young, Donez stole Reesop's shoe.
  • Xtreme Kool Letterz: Short comics are called "Comix", and Fred is a "Spanyard".
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