Needs a Better Title
Like Do We Have This One? and How Did We Miss This One?, one of the Trope Workshop Stock Phrases. Common when you know you've got a trope, can describe it fairly well, and even have a few examples at hand. But you just can't come up with a title that can describe what you're talking about while also being snappy and memorable. Or worse, the one you are thinking of is just terrible.
So you slap "Needs A Better Title" on the top and let the Wiki Magic take care of it.
A useful resource to get A Better Title is the Naming a Trope page. If it got launched with a crappy title, you can also take it to the Trope Workshop and ask for help.
Never attempt to rename an existing trope without bringing it up for discussion, even if it has "Needs A Better Title" at the top; it will be quickly reverted — see Everything You Wanted to Know About Changing Titles. And remember that Redirects Are Free.
Compare Needs a Better Description.